The earth is flat. Prove me wrong

The earth is flat. Prove me wrong.

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Walk off the edge then you dumb fuck.

The earth is round, prove me wrong.

we are living in a simulation
prove me wrong

The edge is where we live, all of us, all the time. People trying to convince themselves otherwise is just an exercise in self-deception.

The horizon always appears perfectly flat 360 degrees around the observer regardless of altitude. All amateur balloon, rocket, plane and drone footage show a completely flat horizon over 20+ miles high. Only NASA and other government “space agencies” show curvature in their fake CGI photos/videos.

It is .
> Eric Dubay
> respect
> Your videos are real stuff

adam sandler moovies are masterpieces prove me wrong

then you would also say Lolocaust is also true.

That's not how it works dumbfuck

The earth is big, prove me wrong.

Eric Dubay, you really on Sup Forums.

Not compared to this diiiiick

My problem is this, why the motivation for the mass deception? If it's obvious why hide it from the world? So the big globe industry can sell globes? Why not just sell models of the flat earth?

Round, flat, who gives a shit. Riddle me this, what would be the point in the government faking the Earth's roundness? If it truly was flat, I'd be sorely disappointed at the sheer amount of money wasted teaching and deceiving everyone that it's flat.


We asked for proof, not nonsensical lies.

Surveyors, engineers and architects are never required to factor the supposed curvature of the Earth into their projects. Canals, railways, bridges and tunnels for example are always cut and laid horizontally, often over hundreds of miles without any allowance for curvature.

>common sense

How about I call you a faggot

>The Earth is flat
>Not square

Way to dodge answering the question:
Why lie about it being flat?
Even if it *were* flat, and even if these engineers didn't have to calculate curvature, tell me what the point is in keeping that secret at such a great financial cost?

Look retard, the horizon does not "always appear flat regardless of altitude".

You are lying, pure and simple. And there's so much proof that world is round, but you refuse to look at it sensibly.

The answer to "Prove the world isn't flat" isn't possible to answer. Because flat Earthers straight up refuse to accept the fucking evidence presented to them.

Every single flat Earth argument is pure nonsense, with absolutely no basis in science. It's that simple.

makes it easier to decisive you in other ways. Back too sleep.

Except they do have to account for curvature.


>because I say so
The horizon always rises to the eye level of the observer as altitude is gained, so you never have to look down to see it. If Earth were in fact a globe, no matter how large, as you ascended the horizon would stay fixed and the observer / camera would have to tilt looking down further and further to see it.



Or what? Prove you wrong, or fucking what, you useless shithead? I don't require your approval or input on any aspect. You're functionally a potted plant to me, except those aren't a net drain on society.
Or fucking what, bitch?

I wouldn't dare

>Horizon always rises to eye level despite altitude gained

So I guess the Earth expands its edges depending on the human who's got the most altitude? I didn't realize the planet was capable of such sentient trickery. I really do believe it's impossible to ever see more space than Earth.

Meet me somewhere. bring any artillery you need.

So cool how the water spills over the edges, I guess our oceans will disappear one day and collect at the bottom of the cone.

Check the map settings lel

The natural physics of water is to find and maintain its level. If Earth were a giant sphere tilted, wobbling and hurdling through infinite space then truly flat, consistently level surfaces would not exist here. But since Earth is in fact an extended flat plane, this fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with experience and common sense.

You can prove the earth is round in your backyard with a fucking stick and sunlight and a stopwatch if you know basic math

Prove yourself right, the burden of proof is yours

Holy shit you're dumb. Based on what you're saying, the Earth is still round, but we're living on the interior of the surface instead of the exterior.

The argument about architecture and engineering comes from the idea that for most building projects no compensation is needed. That much is true, because the Earth is big enough that the distances involved are small so any compensation would be negligent.
However, in certain big projects compensation is indeed required. Long bridges for example.
The supports on a bridge which spans long enough have to be build wider apart at the top of the supports, because they have to maintain a perpendicular angle to the ground.
It's rare, but certain very big projects like the Danyang–Kunshan bridge absolutely have to account for the roundness of the globe.

Sources: I'm a quantity surveyor and someone who's done their research properly.

Are other planets flat? Or are they all somehow impossibly synchronized in showing us their flat surfaces? Or are other planets faked by the government to trick us?

if the earth was flat how could we have proven it was hollow?


>common sense
>burden of proof

If the earth was flat it would be night time and day time at the same time for everybody in the world no matter what country

>because I say so

here is
the earth is not flat, it is more a cone.

>Failing to understand gravity this hard

this song proves muslims are all terrorists

Yes because I say so.
And I'm more intelligent than you are. Get used to it.

sun is like a spotlight

Earth is not flat, Earth is thicc

Another favorite “proof” of ball-Earthers is the appearance from an observer on shore of ships’ hulls being obfuscated by the water and disappearing from view when sailing away towards the horizon. Their claim is that ships’ hulls disappear before their mast-heads because the ship is beginning its declination around the convex curvature of the ball-Earth. Once again, however, their hasty conclusion is drawn from a faulty premise, namely that only on a ball-Earth could this phenomenon occur. The fact of the matter is that the Law of Perspective on plane surfaces dictates and necessitates the exact same occurrence. For example a girl wearing a dress walking away towards the horizon will appear to sink into the Earth the farther away she walks. Her feet will disappear from view first and the distance between the ground and the bottom of her dress will gradually diminish until after about half a mile it seems like her dress is touching the ground as she walks on invisible legs. Such is the case on plane surfaces, the lowest parts of objects receding from a given point of observation necessarily disappear before the highest.

damn didnt see that coming

The earth is round. Prove me wrong.

Neither did Earth
You know
Since it never fucking happened

>thinks gravity exists

Ummmmm, have you ever seen a globe.

I think you need to get your eyes checked then, because your science is so fucking wrong it's hard to believe anyone would think this way.

The natural physics of water is to find and maintain its level. If Earth were a giant sphere tilted, wobbling and hurdling through infinite space then truly flat, consistently level surfaces would not exist here. But since Earth is in fact an extended flat plane, this fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with experience and common sense.

I don't really understand why would they pretend the earth was round then?if it was flat, they'd say. I don't see a reason to lie and say its round.

Oy vey

Again, learn what gravity does, how it works and how it effects water.

Jews aren't real. Prove me right.

>The earth is flat. Prove me wrong.

Fuck off, retard.


If the Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning Eastwards over 1000mph, this should somewhere somehow be seen, heard, felt or measured by someone, yet no one in history has ever experienced this alleged Eastward motion; meanwhile, however, we can hear, feel and experimentally measure even the slightest Westward breeze.

Back too sleep



bout to get them quads

>Go to ocean watch ship fall over the horizon.
Oh no they fell off the world.
If the ship disappeared because of a slope and not that the earth is spherical why is the water not flowing down the slope?

those quads are waitin for me fam

sorry man but imma get them


Fuck all yall, the quads are mine


It magically reappears with a zoom camera. back too sleep.

give me dubs at least

please explain o wisest of high school students

You had me believing you were serious for a while there, but now you went a little too far.

Well baited, m8.


People claim that if the Earth were flat, with the Sun circling over and around us, we should be able to see the Sun from everywhere all over the Earth, and there should be daylight even at night-time. Since the Sun is NOT 93 million miles away but rather just a few thousand and shining down like a spotlight, once it has moved significantly far enough away from your location it becomes invisible beyond the horizon and daylight slowly fades until it completely disappears. If the Sun were 93 million miles away and the Earth a spinning ball, the transition from daylight to night would instead be almost instantaneous as you passed the terminator line.

Well first explain why all the world governments would want to cover it up.

kek when you see the panel arrays have rounded lines due to fisheye lens

not billions, just some millions and I can give you 100 times better CGI than that

Ball-believers often claim “gravity” magically and inexplicably drags the entire lower-atmosphere of the Earth in perfect synchronization up to some undetermined height where this progressively faster spinning atmosphere gives way to the non-spinning, non-gravitized, non-atmosphere of infinite vacuum space. Such non-sensical theories are debunked, however, by rain, fireworks, birds, bugs, clouds, smoke, planes and projectiles all of which would behave very differently if both the ball-Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning Eastwards at 1000mph.

I don't need to... has proven that the world is a sphere long time ago.

Guys, i did not believe in flat earth neither, BUT if you think about that how much the goverments lie and that you never saw esrth personally then its possible that the earth is flat.


If “gravity” is credited with being a force strong enough to hold the world’s oceans, buildings, people and atmosphere stuck to the surface of a rapidly spinning ball, then it is impossible for “gravity” to also simultaneously be weak enough to allow little birds, bugs, and planes to take-off and travel freely unabated in any direction.

How do flat earthers explain day and night?

Governments are not scientists.

Not that any of you brainlets could compete with me but the apparent retrograde motion of Mars definitively proves the Earth is a globe and the Sun is at the centre of our solar system. You can also see and plot it yourself with the naked eye, so no government coverup required.

>Not understanding how forces work this badly

On a flat Earth this would not happen.

right kid
good luck finding that object with any level of zoom once it passes the horizontal line of sight
go back to trolling you dad's fem-pp

let's be kids
i'll outlast you

It doesn't matter how well you prove it to them, they aren't going to listen. It's a complete waste of time.

If “gravity” is credited with being a force strong enough to curve the massive expanse of oceans around a globular Earth, it would be impossible for fish and other creatures to swim through such forcefully held water.926

>hur dur what are wings

Good lord is everyone this fucking dense there? Rapidly spinning? It turns once per day. Do that with any wheel or ball or whatever and see how much water flies off of that.
Not knowing the difference between linear speed and angular momentum.