This is to all the virgins here

This is to all the virgins here.

I'm gonna be 100% honest with you okay. You're all a bunch of creeps. I hate to break it to you but if you're over 20 years old and you've never had a girlfriend it's probably your fault. Face it there's no hope. Contrary to what you losers think the world is actually a pretty fair place. If you're a virgin it's probably your own fault. You're probably some kind of school shooter, creep, rapist, weirdo, pedophile, stalker, or repressed cereal killer and all the girls can sense it. Girls can sense these things man. They can see the red flags. Just look in a mirror lol. No girls wants a loser. They'd rather smoke weed with an alpha like me who can take care of them. You're being screwed out of that normal human experience and no one cares. Go kill yourself. No one will cry or miss you. You probably won't even get an obituary. Go cry. You're creepy, you make women feel uncomfortable, do the world a favor okay.

tl;dr You're screwed. No amount of intelligence, dedication, or hard work can salvage it. You'll never even land a fat ugly chick. It's called genetics which you don't have. I'd tell you to just have confidence but how can you be confident when you're fucking ugly.

What actual behaviour does this refer to?

> A beta who just got megacucked tries to feel better about himself by pretending other people are virgins because they aren't "as good as he (the cuck) is" because "at least he had a GF (before she never slept with him and fucked someone else instead)".

That tl;dr is too long to be a tl;dr.

why did u bited?! thread was almost 404'd fkin idiots

Virgin or not, I would honestly prefer to by myself. Relationships nowadays, at least to women, has become more of a status thing. Men break their backs for the women they love but as soon as a woman sees a more successful or higher status male (there will always be a bigger fish) its encoded in her DNA to monkeybranch to him instead. For what is this all for exactly? As a man I'll never fucking know, because my brain doesn't make decisions based on emotion. It bases it on logic. And the only logical thing left to do is live for yourself, alone but not lonely. Develop your skills, develop character. Save your money.

I'd rather be somebody than somebody's

>I hate to break it to you but if you're over 20 years old and you've never had a girlfriend it's probably your fault. Face it there's no hope.

>tfw I got a gf at age 25 and lost my v card at the same age
>tfw in a good stable relationship for the past 2.5 years

There is hope.

that's why I'm into traps

how you did it, senpai?

Why are you telling me things i already know?

Me and this girl have similar interests/hobbies and she followed me first on flickr (yes, the photo site). We met up and became friends, she moved away for a couple years, came back to my city and we started hanging out again, went on a 2 day road trip and she hopped into my bed one morning and the rest is history.

you faggots are really shit at making non-obvious bait

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

Same fag?

Sick one Chad I bet you're a virgin too



Cereal killer



Why's the alpha man pic of a teenage tier trash bag?

Weak troll but whatever.

I stayed out of the dating pool until college. Really anything before then is doomed to fail and is much more likely just a bullshit game.

I had girls that were interested but I was smart enough to notice they were the same ones that had cheated on the boyfriends before them.

It's not some race. You will get there when you get there. Those that pretend there is some urgency lived a life of complete insecurity until they rushed into getting their dick wet. Pitty these people for their dependence of social approval.

Okay then

sauce on ops pic

>Alpha like me
>Posts a wall of text on Sup Forums

>the world is actually a pretty fair place.
well duhh, hell sucks for everyone.
