Hobby Thread

Hobby Thread

Post your hobbies anons, I make all kinds of alcohol and jams. I like being crafty. Show everyone your craft and how you make the world a better place.

>Pic is of my "Black Berry Sweet Mead" ABV is around 15%-16%.

This is what it looked like when I bottled it.

This was another one I made, it was an apple cyser mead. It's exceedingly smooth now that it's a year old.

I used to make beer in college. It made me quite popular.

This is some of my homemade strawberry jam I made a while back ago. I think I was able to make about 11 jars.

I build model ships.

Pic is stock photo. I'm too lazy to take pictures right now.

I'm actually in college now and making mead has made me pretty popular as well.

I mostly play WW2 FPS games - currently I've been playing a lot of Day of Infamy which is pretty much Insurgency, very good game. Before that was Red Orchestra which was also great.

Besides that I play soccer and have recently been into Chess but I'm shit at Chess currently

You build things and you're not proud enough to show pictures of it? Feels bad man.

I just really love brewing alcohol. I bottle my batches in 750ml bottles.

They're downstairs and I'm too lazy to go down there. I'm comfortable in my new chair. Feels good man.

I considered dabbling in spirits. I've made beer and wine and wanted to see if I could make liquor.

I might do it some day, just a gallon or two. Nothing major.

There is 12 bottles in each box. I've been brewing them for a while now.

private investigator.

Helping a family with closure with the death of their daughter.

She went missing and was found dead. Tracking down her friends and places she lived at to find out where she had been

Good luck on your investigation Detective Conan

Doesnt look like your putting enough pressure down when your cork it user. What are you using?

At that time I was using a hammer. I didn't have a corker at the time.

I like to rebuild engines.
There's just something about taking something that's old and dirty and possibly broken and cleaning it up and fixing it and making it like new again that pleases me.
Also, it's a pretty decent way to make money.

Pic related, I just rebuilt that engine in April.

Well from one mazer to another, your batch looks really clear, especially that blackberry. Did you have any problems with the berries swelling? I ended up having to set up a blow off valve my first time using blackberry because i did not leave enough head.

Fly tying and fishing.

I rack my mead a lot before I actually bottle them. Usually around 3 times, I basically used a small fish net to get all the black berries out. It took forever but that batch was one of my favorites.

How do you get good at it? I've always wanted to get into more automotive especially rebuilding engines and more or less the whole reboring and cleaning them up
Is buying a Japanese shitbox with a 4 banger a good way to start off?

I trained under a luthier for 6 years in Spain. Learned how to make classical and flamenco guitars alongside other stringed instruments such as lutes. These days, I primarily just masturbate.

Hunter and fisherman, occasionally play mtg and board games, and competitive melee when I have time.

i lift weight in hope of some day either competing or having a side job as a person trainer with just a couple of clients

Well, I've been doing it for many years. I went to vocational school in high school for automotive, and worked in a few auto shops after that, then I went to college and got an associate's degree in automotive technologies, but the only thing you really need to get good at it is some basic knowledge and practice. And shop manuals. They'll help you out more than anything.
As for getting started, any car you want to work on is good. Engines are all pretty much the same. They all operate the same way, and they all contain the same basic parts, so what applies to one engine will generally apply to most any engine.

My first batch was apple blackberry. It had sort of an burnt orange tint to it and smell liked kerosene when i bottled it, i swear i racked it 6 times because i worried about sediment. That was 12 years back and I finished off the last bottle back in april. Keep at it user.

Popping 50 xanax at a time xDD im a stupid, worthless cunt. Tell me how much of a piece of shit I am


you just making hootch or are you distilling?

whats the differnce between blackbeery mead and wine?

Music is my hobby. I like to discover new music, bands, genres, whatever.
I also play piano, so I listen to mostly classical, but also the whole spectrum of rock and metal.

Paint graffiti. Put up stickers.

It's just mead so I'm not distilling.