Hey anons

Hey anons,

i've been trying to get an ex boyfriend to talk to me and haven't been getting any luck.

Any suggestions?


Probably hates you depending on the reason you broke up. Either that or he just doesn't want to interact with you because he'd rather move on.

Sure, post your tits with a timestamp then we'll do business accordingly

Until further notice, go fuck yourself

you're probably not worth talking to 2bh

I've got exes I talk to and exes I don't. sucks you're in the latter.

probably doesn't wanna get close to you because you hurt him badly and if he's like me he's gonna hate you so that way he won't catch feels for you, leave him alone, he doesn't want you back and you both should move on because if he's like me he will snap and unload his thoughts on you and it won't be pretty

well, he hasn't blocked me yet, and it's been a few years. But I guess I can believe he'd rather move on.

Well... okay. So... I'll have to process that and what that means for me.

I mean, i'd really like him to unload anything onto me at all. I don't want to be something unpleasant for him to deal with, but something about how he feels would be especially valuable to me.

im bottom reply, trust you wouldn't want him to since it's probably negative, and now that you messaged him, you maybe in his mind now he has to fight to not like you or cave in which would happen to me honestly but just leave him be and move on, he did

I feel like the whole "move on" thing isn't really applicable for me.... I've moved on from boyfriends since him but I feel like my situation with him is a little exceptional.

I mean, there's gotta be something I can do.

There's a good chance he hasn't moved on. Keep trying user. Have you tried nudes?

I've been in your shoes but it's late and don't feel like talking about it but I know where you're coming from and can relate but talk to other guys for the time being because you lost this one

as a guy here there's a girl I used to talk to and if she kept pressing on I know I'd give in eventually because I'm a lonely fuck but it would be suicide on my knowing what'd I'd be getting into, knowing this will just repeat, and overall a bad idea so for the guys sake just leave him alone to prevent him from being hurt again

Like, out of the blue nudes?
Our relationship has had a very primal nature in the past, maybe that would be well received.... hm! Maybe.

have I really lost him if he hasn't blocked me yet?

haha I mean okay but
let's pretend that "moving on" isn't an option for me.
Let's pretend i'm mister meeseeks from rick and morty.

If you're a chick, and he's a guy - speaking as a guy who sees a needy, clingy cunt who likely ruined the relationship because of her bullshit...
He's moved on and doesn't think about you anymore.



I'm last replies

no the girl I was referring to I'm still friends with on facebook (reasons I'd rather not disclose because I'd be called an asshole and such) but I don't block people I'll delete, but not block but if moving on is not an option then stay where you are and get nowhere I did that for awhile it sucks then I moved on and forgot about that girl I used to care so much about and I now I couldn't give a fuck about her

Only laughably stupid children have ever blocked anyone.

Adults can ignore people without hiding behind an electronic tool that prevents them from knowing someone tried to contact them.

that's not entirely accurate, that might be projecting, I feel.

He has confessed before that he misses me sometimes- I have reason to believe that the weight of our relationship was mutual.

my ex came back a month ago to catch up. I agreed because I never fully moved on. She's currently making my life a living hell, she tells me she still has feelings, and even said she'd like to get married, but any time i want to talk about what the fuck we're doing, she changes the subject. I hate it and I hate her and now that shes back it's impossible to move on because I keep thinking 'what if'

moral of the story: if he hasn't moved on fully, he'd be making the right choice by ignoring you

Leave him alone. Dont be a bitch

Why did you break up? This is really important.

I have an ex that had a very "primal" relationship with me. I mean it was downright dirty. She was crazy, though. Molested as a kid and ended up borderline.

But god damn was the sex good. If your relationship was anything like this, leave him alone. It would absolutely torture me if my ex sent me nudes and tried to get in touch with me again. Kinda glad she moved on. I could see it ruining my currently very happy life just for a chance at that primal ridiculous sex.

Or he's just bullshitting and texting you because he knows you'll spaz out and do something stupid
Politeness =/= interest

I had a girl be like this before
give up, please. No guy worth time enjoys this. The guys that do are assholes. if he won't respond, leave it alone.

>not looking for another opportunity to trash talk you
Reminds me of some piece of shit I used to know lol

oh.. fuck. Okay well right now I'm thinking a lot about being married. Thanks for the advice, i'm not sure if he has completely moved on or not. But user here leads me to believe he may have. Not sure, though.

Well we broke up because I cheated on him, more or less. That's how he feels.

He was in south america for six months doing some kind of criminal profiling work shit, and I got a crush on a boy (highschool) and he found out I had a crush on another boy and when he came back things were kind of awkward- I was really distant and neglectful.

That boy never liked me back, so we never did anything- but still, I would have if I could, obviously.

There's a whole lot to our relationship. Perhaps it would actually be very valuable to you if you knew what it all was.

Wait, so.... He's an asshole, or he's not?

Well it was in reference to him standing me up a few times.
We only knew each other over the internet and were dating for a year or so when I was 15,
we kept making plans for him to drive out to meet me and each time something bad happened and I got really impatient with him.

A year ago when he started messaging me because he missed me, I would throw that shit back on him.

why is this such a big fucking deal if it has been a few years and he hasnt said shit?

If your ex boyfriend is a criminal profiler he's probably profiled the shit out of you and realized you're not worth being with.

On the other side, you should understand there is a reason you had a crush on this other guy - even if nothing happened. It's a pretty big sign that you weren't happy with your ex bf. It sounds like you're the one who needs to move on.

I had the same experience. Dated a girl for 4.5 years and the unhappiness creeped up real slow, never even noticed I was unhappy until one day I met a girl, got a crush on her, and realized how much happier I was spending time with her. Told my GF, we inevitably broke up a few months later, and nothing EVER happened with the girl I liked - even tho she liked me back. Never "cheated" in the sense.

Hindsight is 20/20. I was super unhappy and the relationship never would have lasted. I think you need to realize your ex bf isn't the guy for you, and that's the reason your crush happened in the first place.

here's my suggestion... You can't avoid suffering if you choose to live a truly full life. Whatever circumstances lead you and your ex to be on the terms you aren't now aren't arbitrary. There's a perfectly good reason you aren't together and deep down you know this also.

Separating lovers is like drowning a human, the individual in question will do anything possible to get that last breath of oxygen. Cherish the memories with that person instead of creating ones where you're chasing them.

soon all will be left is vultures picking at a carcass that was your relationship.......move on

Seemed like you fucked up and hurt him, thats on you. He prob aint trying to talk to you again and bring up past shit. More than half these posts are saying leave him alone so wtf you waiting on here? leave his ass alone.

> I cheated on him, more or less
Of course he doesn't want anything to do with you, that is very hard to forgive. If I was him I would be very angry and hurt from that. Also:
>Once a cheater, always a cheater

And I see you are from WA. Same here.

I'll tell you the same thing I'd tell a guy that's hung up on an old girlfriend: move on. If they don't want to talk to you that's their choice.

Half a century aged oldfuck here
>I was really distant and neglectful
That's the core of the issue.
Also: men don't just want to talk to females for the sake of it.
If and when they do, it's because they think they have a chance in that pussy of yours.
Pro tip:
Think deep and hard if you really want him back for good, for the foreseeable future. (Take 48 hours to do so!)
If no, leave him alone.
If yes, write an extensive LETTER, explaining and apologizing to him.
If he still feels for you, he will respond. It may take a few days before he does. Don't pester him continuously.
If he hasn't responded after a week or two, it's totally over and you need to let him go and move on

When a boy acts like this, it's not ghosting. Ghosting is something females do almost exclusively.

He still hasn't moved on.

Assuming you can see your actions objectively and you really weren't a cunt and he's just mad...

Realize that state of affairs means he's deep in and there's nothing you can say to him.

For the time being, I know it sounds painful, but...he's clearly invested, he just doesn't want to be hurt and so, he ignores it.

I'd say that he'll even block you, at some point, but...

One day, he'll come back, atleast to talk.

This happens almost always, from what I saw.

Take a pic of your tits and send him, wait for reply. Bonus if you show us but not neccisary. I had an ex that i gnored, till she sent me nudes. She sent me a few before i replied. Coildnt take it anymore. Try it

Well he HAS said some stuff, he started missing me last year.

He's kind of a big deal, it's a lot to explain as to why. It would be one real big psycho analysis of me and my childhood or something.

>"If he's a criminal profiler, he has probably profiled you and realized all the reasons you're a bad girlfriend"

criminal psychology doesn't really work like that, I don't think...

That's a really good point, though. but we clicked really really well, the only thing that upset me was never physically meeting him.

Okay... I'll consider that, and think it through. Thank you.

What is "ghosting", though? I thought it was just ignoring somebody?

You're fucking desperate, you never wanna sound desperate and keep sending messages with no replies from him. You wanna show that you have a life and that should attracts him.

>criminal psychology doesn't really work like that, I don't think...
Same basic concepts. The cost/benefit analysis of relationships is a fairly elementary concept.
Also, criminal profilers often have to profile domestic abusers, sooo...

Ghosting specifically requires you to already be dating.

Idk user

Ghosting does reffer to ignoring somebody, yes.

But, I'd argue it's quite different when boys do it. Women ghost because they're uninterested, you'll never see a woman ignore you because she liked you too much or she feels unworthy or whatever, they'll always ghost because they know they can get men whenever they want.

Where-as men, they ghost due to pain, when a boy ignores you, you know he cares about you and that you hurt him.

So, I wouldn't say he's thinking about you or what-not, but you do cross his mind every now and then.

From reading what you did, well, he was right, just because you didn't do anything, doesn't mean he didn't knew you would've, if given the opportunity, so, he's put you in the well of "scum of the earth" with "I like her" and there-in the turnmoil.

I saw it and I felt it myself. A girl that was really cute and a kind soul, but stupid and a trash human being. Not saying you are, but in his eyes, you might be.

So, when you're faced with this dilemma, you do what you think is best: nothing.

I'd say...give it time and keep trying.

This --> Also, you never met him in person?

Honestly, I'm starting to think that it's more likely you took it more seriously than he did. He probably just moved on to find a real girlfriend and is too busy working and living life to bother with your message or whatever.

I don't think you can accurately say you "clicked" when you never met. People can be very different online, you'd never know. Why would it be worth his time to talk to a girl who he chatted online with but never met up with, and then she liked some other guy, so he moved on? It sounds like an exercise in needless drama.

OP, why not find a guy in person and just move on? Do you work, or have a busy lifestyle? If not, I think you need to occupy your time.

I know, I know. I need to look like i'm independent, active, and really happy- and i'm really valuable and want to share active happiness with him.

But I just don't have a life right now, and i'm not REALLY happy without him. Perhaps wait a little bit when I get back into stuff I like, have a bit of a life, and then try to look my best?

I'm basically a neet right now... I'm a mild 7.5-8/10 girl neet, and that's really all I have going for me hahaha. That and the premise in his mind of what we had.

Oh, right. Cost/benefit stuff
You're right. Okay, maybe. I have considered that he knew a lot more about me than I did, back in the day- when he was taking psychology in college.

As with everyone in this case: You're just bored, honestly. Had you gone outside more and met new people, had a job or something to occupy your time, you would've forgotten.

All I'm saying is that, regardless of how you'll rationalize it, you'll just want him as a play and then you'll break up pretty soon, once better days come.

He probably smells this too.

If any girl included the statement 'legit' in a message to me, I'd probably ignore them too.

Fucking kids.


I am absolutely convinced that he was well-involved with me, and was at least devastated when we didn't really work out.

But the picture you're painting sounds like it could be a very realistic possibility. I have especially considered that he is just too busy with work and living life, he has explicitly told me before when we were a thing again "I'm just in a meeting" "work" etc etc.

It's kind of hard to move on, I have been trying to find a guy in person, though. And I am in a bit of a low, honestly. I have found a guy since him, for about a month, I took him pretty deeply.

I just feel like god made me for this specific male. I wanted to serve him like we wanted for the rest of my life and stuff- and I'm not really sure what to do with my self now.

Hm, that is a good point. I'm in a bit of a low activity state right now, though i'm in the higher-end of the low state, haha. I'm a neet but i'm doing emotionally well lately and getting into things. But still a neet.

You're pathetic, leave the guy alone he's better off without you.

Shut the fuck up.

She has every right to talk to the guy, if the guy hasn't said anything, she's not morally, socially or legally bound to stop.

As long as she doesn't spam him, it should be seen as simply "oh well, I guess she's trying".

Yea, she's desperate, but that doesn't matter, it's the guy's decision what he wants to do.

So it's your fault for being a skank

Send him this

White knight faggotry.

Did I rustle the dildo in your ass too hard, neck beard?

wait this is entirely online?

You sir defend her with Honor oh great knight!


once a cheater always a cheater user. The guy would be better off removing gay ass op from his life. Be a bro and help this poor guy move on with his life, fuck.

How old are you OP?

Also, nice trips

If you really like him find out where he lives just show up at his door. Lol. Start sucking his dick. Then cook him dinner. And have sex again. Men are simply creatures.

roll for initiative

sick trips, would it be possible for us to talk? I'm trying to do some online bullshittery with a girl too and I'm not quite sure what's going through her mind right now.

dont get how we've come this far. its real simple

Spamming your ex is never going to get you anywhere other than being labeled a crazy person

But I want to help you cause I'm still hung up of my ex gf
So answer me this
Why do you want to talk to him

smart guy, full NO CONTACT. If this isn't proof enough for you fags that this works than you deserve to die virgins.

No Contact is a man's most powerful tool.

Try not being a shit girl and focus on being a better version of yourself.

Quit being a bitch you fucking pussy. It's up to this guy to decide whether he wants to take this slut back or not, who the fuck are you trying to whiteknight? Autist

i'm 20 now.

okkay that works.

uh. sounds like a lot of effort for something that isn't worth it. Plus if I post contact info then I will get harassed or something.

Because he means a lot to me.

uh. Okay. I mean I have the same opinion you do- you sound like a MGTOW. I believe in mgtow as well.

ill post a a throwaway acc you can message, it's up to you and would be greatly appreciated

ay dub dubs

>because he means a lot to me
Give me a real answer
That's not why you want to talk to him

People that lie to themselves are the biggest fools on the planet

So why do you want to talk to him

To be friends
More than that?
Just to know what he's been doing
To know if he's over you

What's the reason

How many years have passed and why don't you fucking move on? Can't get anothef dick?

Once he responds to your bait you'll get that nice ego boost. That's all you want

okay but please let it be discord and not kik.


Okay. No, thank you. The slap in the face was really needed.

lol, I want to get with him and be 'his' like before and serve him forever and ever. Marry him, have his babies, blah blah blah. Fulfill all the stuff that I 'feel' god created me for. (Feel)

No, I have plenty of guys I can choose from.
Just he got me at a good time in my life before any guy had got to me before- and he left a mark in my head.

I don't think what i'm looking for is an "ego boost", though love is in the end... sort of about the other person making you feel special? I mean it's also sort of about caring about them, but it starts because you feel good.... or whatever... idk

gib tit

>Never met the guy in person
>Want to marry him and have children

Honestly OP who the fuck are you kidding? You just want attention from him.

A mark? Elaborate. You mean great chemistry?I'm surprised you haven't slept with someone already. Or maybe you did but regret it now

>Never met the guy in person

832? houston area code

He isn't because he doesn't love torturing you by responding just to tell you to give up. He just wants to move on, leave the guy be

i mean.. that's the point of love, chemically.

Oh, yeah i've had one IRL boyfriend since him, and we fucked 1000+ times.

He left a mark in my head as in, he meant a lot to me when I really needed him and now he serves as a model for what I want in a boyfriend because he was the first.

I see the thread is souring out now.

I'll wait for those contact details from that one guy then i'll leave.

was going to use my kik lmao, but daddy#6138
im a memer

What kind of retarded gold digging cunt are you? You want a ring and babies? Sounds like you want to chain him down and take his money. Do him a favor and kys

I got a feeling that once he caves in things will go sour.

You kids are nauseating anymore.

Jesus fucking Christ, you're pathetic.

here, I'm actually in a LTR currently. spun plates for a few years to feel what I liked. I guess I understand the MGTOW thing. Dudes just need to be aware of game, and the concepts surrounding it.

Doesn't help that 80% of the male population is emasculated and feed a bullshit of lies their entire life.

Anyways, move on, find a hobby, go be a better person.

Uh, no. I never wanted to chain him down and that's always been far from my agenda.

Your poor relationship/interpersonal skills doesn't mean that being an honest, subserviant wife in a pure marriage is "fucking women why don't they do anything for themselves #MGTOW #Ionlyfuckdudes"

You're literally whining and crying to an ace. I don't give a fuck, you're just proving the case that you're an obsessive cunt and hopefully he blocks you.

>that being an honest, subserviant [sic] wife in a pure marriage

Are you a fucking Bible beating puritan?

Thing is user, it's you who this "break up" has had an effect on. Not him. It's been said maybe a dozen times in this thread but you need to get over it. You've screwed the pooch and now you need to move forward.

He's your ex. That's it. I don't talk to my ex's

>Honest subserviant wife
The delusion

no, i'm logically an agnostic atheist. I just want to be owned like property. That was our thing. I come from a very conservative upbringing so the existence of god is more or less a 'feeling'.

this guy turned out to be fucking incommunicable and insane.

Well, that sounds believable. But he still misses me sometimes and comes back to me sometimes- so i'm inclined to believe I meant a lot to him too.

insane i am but the mission has been accomplished

by whose standards?

Not bad, user. Looks pretty sound.

That was your thing? Didn't you say you've never met the guy?


Leave him alone he doesn't want to talk you stupid cunt

Is that OP?

Yeah, he misses having easy pussy, not you.