Hey Sup Forums no one i know is awake but im having a bad night. Sup

Hey Sup Forums no one i know is awake but im having a bad night. Sup

whats going on pal?

here! have a kitty face.

Same here man. What's up with you

I lost all my friends today.

You should set fire to the building next door.

dude what did you do? they found your cheese pizza?


Nah, my six buds went barhopping without me and crashed. The shittiest thing is, even if I knew death was unavoidable, I still would have fucking gone.

Not OP but a guy I had a bunch of mutual friends with got busted for CP today, feeling better amateurs.

Buuut I wasn't invited so fuck those faggots. They got to die happy and together.

After I lost my buddy to drunk driving, I no longer care when people drive drunk and die.
It is their funeral

I hear that Sup Forumsro..

sorry bro :(

I'm sorry to hear that man

It's all fine, thanks for the concern.

Yeah I mean I told him he could crash at my place(a short walk from the bar), and he wanted to drive home and I was like Fuck it dude you do you

He was either gonna learn from experience or become an example.

Continuing, I'm sorry that happened. You probably already know this, but you're not a fault.


Yeah I realize that now, after two stints in rehab.

no foolin?

Eh, talked about my ex for an hour with mutual friends, drank vodka, always fucks me up you know

No bullshit. Really were my only friends too. I was always an outlier though, thus why I wasn't invited.

Lonely user here as well downloading Facial Abuse videos

So many people acting like they started this

Feels thread?

Eclipse or some shit throwing us all off

Finished Part 2 of 3 on Part 3 now :)

Be strong OP

Sup user. got my room to myself for once, whats up dawg?

I'm so sorry OP, I lost my friends 2 years ago - saw them 10 minutes before they died.

you just get through it, you'll never get over it. It's important to carry on, no matter what.

It's worth it.

I'm very sorry to hear that. How did they die?

I'm OP btw, I'm just some user who saw this thread as an opportunity to vent.

I'm not OP* im retarded

My mum died suddenly. It was brutal man, saddest experience of my life. I didn't get along with my mother for a couple of years but last couple of years we spoke. I said see ya mum and i went to a concert and she went to a work party. She had a massive stroke in front of her friends and died the next day. It fucking sucks man. It still sucks. But i know she was getting depressed as she got older as well. Each day that goes by i feel like shes the lucky one more and more. I hope things brighten up soon.

Drunk driver killed them. Car accident.

You never think you'll be a statistic, it's really strange. Thanks for reaching out user

That sucks user :/ losing a parent is tough. It's nice that you two were on good terms though.

oh shit man, that's terrible

i remember that one too, saw it in a rekt thread

Np I'm sorry that happened. Stalin was kind of a shithead, but I think he was the one who said "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic." That shit seems so unlikely on paper.

I'm so sorry user, and you're right: only the dead know peace. That doesn't take away from the living, we need to press on.

Chin up - live the fuck out of this one

i'm fucking drunk as fuck ask me anything.

just alcohol?

What are you trying to forget, friend?

I walked offstage in front of a venue owner and many others for a local band's album release gig. Lost many, many friends all because I wanted change.

>Feels Good Man.ye

my brain just don' t let me enjoy life sober

My life is fantastic, self employed, just fucked my wife. Life is good. Sorry faggots. Grow a set of nuts, people die all the time.

Where are you downloading all this from?

That's some sage stuff user.

Life is incredibly subjective - it's really wild how there isn't any kind of mutual exclusivity when it comes to crazy and brilliance


Learn something about life

me again - that sounded gay, but my point stands

RadiosloppyHead sucks Sherman Klump's chocolate hole

Nah, I get it. There's a good reason crazy fucks always seem to be drawn to power. Pretty grounded motives.

Wanna go for a drive, user?