This guy fucked his sister at a techno party last week while on acid and i decided to give him to you. enjoy !

this guy fucked his sister at a techno party last week while on acid and i decided to give him to you. enjoy !

Other urls found in this thread:,21.2789536,3a,75y,249.95h,84.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skI7PM52qtbOF9ujEMF5BAQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

driver ID

i didn't think that was a problem in Romania?

I look forward to watching the video on Pornhub

sister, car they were screwing in

what you expect with a sticker called that handjob...

I would have fucked her, too, if she was my sister.

well he looks hot enough to fuck his sister

papers of the car they rented to get there

I'm not enjoying this one bit.
You're a snitch bitch. Leave Filip and his sister free to do whatever they want without your bitch snitching. I'll bet you're just jealous.

I 69'd my Dad at a rave, man.

where the fuck do you have techno parties in Romania ?

Wahrscheinlich hin und wieder in D tätig

Sex on acid is amazeballs

10/10 Would follow in pics footsteps

yeah, me too, guy is blameless, OP is a faggot dying of jealousy

fucking your sister is OK if she is smoking hot

case dismissed

I 42'd my uncle at a trance party!

A muscle shirt for this piece of dirt make the pussy go squirt.

god you're a faggot

"lol le Sup Forums this guy did a sex with sister"
I'd fuck my sister and I'd fuck my cousins as well
I've contemplated fucking my cousin with my sleep
Fucking your family members is perfectly okay

t. southern

more photos of hot sister pls op


Give me his facebook address or. Let's start blackmailing him :D

You post all his ID and expect us to do what? Kek

I don't fucking get it. You do have proof he did any just that accusation that he did and you want us to fuck with him. For all we know he fucked your sister and youre jealous that you didn't get too

working as security stewart at such events. how you idiot think i got his papers ?

Don't listen to the mad inbreed kiddies OP, we can fuck his social life really good. We both know that..let's make him commit something really funny eating shit on skype.

OP i don't know what you expect
maybe you thought we would be your personal army or some shit

but good on you filip, you had more sex than most of us


Cãtãlina Grigorie? Ayyy lmao

he does listen to techno. OP is on to something ! found his soundcloud account :D must dig dipper I wanna see him eat shit on skype

not expecting anything. just sharing theses inbreds info to this estonian metallurgy board for the lulz. i m out.

Again, proof fagot!
>I work security for these events
Right, go fuck yourself. You have nothing and you're just mad that you didn't get to fuck her.

We already know that gypsies are inbreed subhumans.

post pics of them fucking already

What did you expect?

>complaining about traditional Romanian mating practices

Lucky man!

This thread proves the decline of quality through the years.

You edgelords should kill yourselves.


Și care-i problema ta? Ce te doare pe tine


this, youre an ass.

I don't see the problem here. she's fit and the guy got laid. pussy is pussy

You faggots just complain. You can literally destroy someones life and you just stay on your asses complaining. You are a bunch of morons. A few years ago Sup Forums would profit from info like this.. and do it for the lolz.. right now only keyboard warriors and logs of shit

Looks like you suck at you own work mate, gtfo, not our fault if you live in that shitty place

lol I remember thinking Sup Forums was the shit when I found it when I was 13, but now it's full of 13 year olds. In hind sight, it always was.

Sup Forums was never good, get over yourself


>A few years ago Sup Forums would profit from info like this.. and do it for the lolz..
No, a few years ago Sup Forums would have spammed your thread with "NYPA"

arată a țigan

It's not going to be entertaining to harass some inbred slav for following his family tradition. You want to do it or just bitch?

Sup Forums was never anybody's personal army.

Now if someone figured out who OP was and fucked with him, that'd be proper.

"enjoy this guys personal info"
>"not expecting anything"

holy shit this threads fucking AIDS

>OP is a faggot that likes the girl
>Got rejected in the club
>Crying and almost suicidal he stumbles upon the car
>Car's shaking and screams can be heard
>Look over and saw the girl of his dreams
>See the brothers big cock splitting her moist tight pussy
>fist clamps
>posts in Sup Forums


we'll get there easily :D

do it faggot ! I really want more pictures of her


Never said b was good. It was always declining to begin with. However we didnt have massive trap threads, sjws, feminazis, lgbt boarda back then.

Posting all this personal shit online is quite harmful at least. People can get fucked up with identity theft n shit. Had it happened to a relative.

OP why are you so triggered by this lol? you jelly?

>not making sense

Doar de curiozitate... Se numeşte Ana-Maria nu?


I'm gonna send him a card with "congratulations on fucking your relations" on it.

zi taticule =)))))

>found Sup Forums at 13
>complains that Sup Forums has 13 year olds now
Do you listen to yourself talk

I had sex on mushrooms with my then gf at shambhala music festival. when I came, it literally looked like I was jizzing fireworks

> :D
You're in the wrong place, kiddo.

you should work on your reading comprehension. Some irony is intentional.

is not 9gag here ?

Simply put, it's not funny
It's not a morality issue, it's just boring
Hard concept to grasp?
Now if OP had pics of them in the act, them spamming his FB/other social media with those would be funny.
But this just sounds like some jealous foreveralone looking for revenge.
And you're a faggot for making me have to spell it out.


i'm gonna use this faggots id to buy shit from the dark web lul

>puts name into google
>clicks on first result

fuckin romanians

were on the same boat until you say do it or just bitch.

why would we do it? based on your logic so you and me are just bitching now


le funy pictures XD

o cunosti si tu ??? TopKek.jpg

problem is, maggots these days won't do shit because they don't know what to do or how to do it. It's summer .

Not your personal army! Sa te fut in gura de fraier imputit sper ca a futut si pe mata

mfw what you just did is very illegal in USA and EU

se vede ca esti banatean numa' la voi se fut frate cu sora si e normal tiganoi borat timisjegorean date-n mortii ma-tii de avortat prematur.

pune link de facebook sa o spamam sa vada toata lumea ce stricati sunt timisorenii astia leprosi

Find Grigorie Filip, than we can find OP than .. OP will get fucked in the ass.


Yes, yes. Let's fuck OP's life up. Come on Sup Forums, don't let me down again. This place used to actually do stuff besides posting trap threads.

Welp... can't find shit

I don't understand why people post photos of others information expecting us to do something
First, you have absolutely no proof that he had sex with his sister, your probably just some faggot that got cucked by him and your thinking we're going to raid him or something
Second, even if he did do it, I don't care
I don't give a shit if some third worlder boned a family member, it doesn't affect me

Go and pick someone's pocket or beat them with a hammer, whatever you subhuman gypsies do

this is most probably what has happened. Otherwise I don't see a reason for publishing all his personal documents. Seems like revenge to me

this guy fucked your mother at a techno party last week while stealing your wallets and i decided to give him to you. enjoy !,21.2789536,3a,75y,249.95h,84.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skI7PM52qtbOF9ujEMF5BAQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

100 points for this.

zi story de te n sloboz de fagariot obosit

fucking newfags, how do they work ?

LUL OP going to jail