Why are Antifa such dumb,useless,jobless, bums who contribute nothing to society and civilization at all...

Why are Antifa such dumb,useless,jobless, bums who contribute nothing to society and civilization at all? How are you not ashamed to be part of this filthy movement that hates our values and freedom?

u mad?

They probably lacked a father figure growing up KEK

Why does this scum even exists?

>How are you not ashamed to be part of this filthy movement that hates our values and freedom?
Because they're getting paid. It's BLM or annoymous or any of those other funded groups

So did I, but I'm not antifa and I will never be.

They aren't useless or dumb, nothing like that.
They are misguided though, and because of that they have a use.
They are being used by certain people with an agenda, and they are political stooges who will do what they want done, and will take the fall for their actions.
They also serve as a reminder to the general public who are not extremists for the left or the right the dangers of political fanaticism.
Eventually the current administration will likely add BLM and Antifa to the current lists of domestic terrorist organizations - and the people behind those movements will drop them and keep the key players, and just reform a new group with "new" political goal eventually.
It's been done before, it'll happen again.

I don't know which worse.. these cucks or the fact that OP and the alt-right seem scared/sexually aroused of/by them.

Why does Antifa scum think that the real Communists from old Soviet Union would ever accept their faggotry? Old Left was not supporter of trannies, fags drug addicts and other socially degenerate trash that forms most of modern Antifa. Are they aware of that?

So....you're Pro-Fascist?
When did America's retards reach such prominence?

Trumptard confirmes

The anti-fa are new brown shirts. When liberal hitler takes over they'll get liquidated like the brown shirts were.

Fuck off normie

You don't belong here

I know this is bait, but this line of thinking pisses me off so much. The alt-right are a bunch of wankers but antifa are just a bunch of straight up cunts.

I never met ONE Antifa person that had a real job.No surprise they support taxation so much,without OUR money they would actually had to work

Yes and we hate kikes. Communism must be crushed by force.

No, just like Hitler would have rounded up and shot or gassed all of those "Nazis" carrying around the flags as undesireables or gypsies - they would not meet the true Nazi standards of Aryan ubermensch.
Both sides are either ignorant or retarded - they'd both be killed by the real deal if they were alive today.

If you're not politically left of Nazis ...then protip - you're a nazi.


>claims Antifa (anti-facists) hate american values and freedom. Clearly unaware of what American values are, thinks they are the right to fuck your sister and lynch africans.


>thinks antiflag is antifa

>thinks "annoymous" is a funded group, posted unironically on Sup Forums. this person may in fact have down syndrome.

>Eventually the current administration will likely add BLM and Antifa to the current lists of domestic terrorist organizations

Well, Trump's administration might be braindead enough to do that, but only a nazi sympathiser would think along those lines.

If you're not sure, you're just as stupid as the rest of this thread. This portrayal of Antifa is not even remotely accurate. Go out there and stand up to them on the street, or are you scared of getting beaten to a pulp? They're just cucks right, surely the master race should be able to take them on?

>thinks antifa uphold the values of "real communists", has anything to do with communism / soviets, yes this person is that stupid.

>"trannies, fags drug addicts and other socially degenerate trash"

LOL where are you getting that from, Breitbart or Infowars? Or some other inbred-run rag? Go out and stand up to Antifa on the street with your inbred friends (probably all your own family), get the absolute shit kicked out of you, dumb inbred cunt.

If you disagree with anything I have said, you're either an inbred, Nazi or brain damaged.

Your moms calling.
Your ramen is ready

Spotted the braindead racist being used like the good little bitch he is.
How's it going pawn boy?

Seems that the "If you're not with us, you're against us." mentality has created this entire shitstorm

I'm more pissed off that he looks better in girls' clothing than I do despite all my hard work.

The important thing to remember about /b vociferous Nazi population...is that they never actually leave their house.

kek. Almost got me. But too simple. Shuold have explained yourself a bit to lend credence to your words.

We'll, you're a guy. Stop dressing as a woman and that won't happen.

they're funded dumbass


>says Nazi a thousand times
jesus christ. kill yourself

Of you find it difficult to denounce Nazis because you don't want to be associated with "The Left"...then you need to grow up, or go back to hiding under your mothers skirt

On one side we have your typical Sup Forums idiot, on the other side a well educated gender fluid man. He is not only taking care of himself but he is helping his community.

My eyes are opened. Thank you user.

>give no proof, only media stereotypes
Well, I certainly believe you and have changed my mind.

Hey, no problem. Glad I could help.

Uh ... yeah .... opposing facism is clearly opposing freedom?

"The Left", or at least antifa consists of a bunch of children. And no, I don't want to be associated with them

Don't waste your time. People who frequent Sup Forums are braindead anyways.

Oh, you have nothing to worry about, hon.

Ha, The right are the children my friend, look what has trump done for you?

Occams Razor.
Simplicity is sometimes indicative.

If you are not politically left of Nazi's - then you are therefore more extreme right than the extreme right.
Everyone (except Nazis) is a leftist, when compared with Nazis.

Or, you're a 14 yo edge lord simply sharing Hitler memes .

I know which one you are

they're paid, just like YOU

>upset about the inaccuracies of the portrayal of antifa as being a bunch of cunts
>acts like a total fucking cunt

I'm not saying that the right are any better they can be even worse. But they are both retarded groups that the majority don't want anything to do with.

Does the fact that someone is paid CHANGE anything regarding the content of their argument?

If that is the only criticism you have - then you clearly have no counter for their political argument.
They've already beaten you

Why are alt-right such low intelligence, delusional edgelords? How are you not ashamed to be part of this cringy movement that hates the values and freedoms of your fellow Americans?

Being Anti Fascist is the default state.
If you're not anti fascist, then you are either a fascist enabler (good men doing nothing) or an active fascist.

This isn't hard - but technically it's math, so I can see why the right is failing

Anyone could name their group anything. Just because they're called anti-fascist doesn't mean they actually do anything to prevent the spread of fascism.

The way in which they do it is - I got no use for racists of any stripe.
You want to protest? Fine.
You want to get violent and violate other people's rights for your political ideologies - not fine.
If you are a violent political protestor - either side - you should be jailed when you cross that line, because just maybe you attempt this on an armed citizen who was not part of any rallies or protest and you end up shot, or you meet a bit of a trigger happy cop who thinks you're resisting arrest and kills you for it.
That's the danger you're putting yourself into, and if it happens no one but some of your own side and your family if you have one will care. The rest of the nation will go "hmm that's a shame, oh look, my sports team has a game next week" or "serves them right, damn, gonna be hot next week." That's how much rememberance you'll receive from the public for doing what you do right now.
This applies to both sides - violent left and violent right.
There is no place in our society for any of you.

Exactly, it seems that they aren't against using fascist techniques themselves.

You're frequenting Sup Forums - you're braindead too.

I saw said guy in ASDA Telford lol


Where have I heard this argument before?
>Nazi = Nationalist Socilaist = LEFTIST = the left are the true Nazis!!!! Double derp

Yes yes, keep the division and violence, the more you fat fucks argue the better. Good Goys!

I will be depositing 2 shekels into all of your bank accounts here shortly.

You clearly think that antifa arent fascists by them self :D


Oh you don't have a side now lol. You think trump has your back living in his trump tower while the middle class can barley afford medical insurance? I'm not trying to ding you but you need to see that conservatives are for the rich. Libreals fight for the little guy like you, we are trying to stop racism, we want a better life for ourselves and others.

That's not how Occam's razor works.
The simplest solution is most often the correct.
Since we know groups like Antifa and Alt Right are extremists and only a very small part of the population, Occam's razor shows us that if they are not Antifa then they are likely relative centrist compared to extremists - aka they have no political extremist viewpoints one way or another.
Try not to be stupid.

Oh yeah.
I remember that news story about the Antifa mowing down a bunch of protesters.

Those Antifa pics of them beating cops etc were shopped.
Because you know, when violence is so widespread amongst a group - you need to shop your photos because ...ermmm...because there are TOO many examples, you need to present a false one

I'm not even american, I agree with what you are saying its just that antifa is not the best representation that the left can get

Alt tight retards try to pretend Nazi germany was socialist because it's in the name, they're not very smart

If you think anyone in this world is fighting for your pathetic poor ass in this world, you're fucked, dude. Everyone is out for themselves.


It's funny that you think the left leaders are poor or middle class like you.
They're not - Clintons, Soros, etc. millionaires to billionaires.
Just like the top right - you're political tools, not favored serfs or pampered pets - you're expendable pawns.
Only way to win is to not play the game. Don't support anyone's extremism or violent ideologies.

Which is why the alt-reich use them as poster boys for "The Left", and yet cry endlessly that "the left" are demonising them as Nazis.

The alt-reich have simply co-opted the victim language and mentality of "The Left", because it was successful for making progress for leftist causes.
Whih makes the right twice as pathetic - Faking their victimisation AND crying about being victimised.
Pathetic individuals, claiming they're "superior"

They're gayer than a gay pride march

I'm poor lol, you must be rich. By all means if you make 1mil a year support trump. But you are just hurting your self if you make less.

>If you disagree with anything I have said, you're either an inbred, Nazi or brain damaged.

I have nothing more to add. I wish you good luck on being mad user

Why are you against anti-fascism? Isn't fascism a bad thing? I feel like I'm missing something. What is the pro fascist argument?

this attitude is the fundamental breakdown of the social contract.
It's also simply not true.
The good far outnumber the bad. You may just be one of the bad, and so the good won't have much to do with you!

Oh here we go, look I'm not going to argue with you. Maybe one day you will see why when you have a family. You know obama, gave us free health care? Made housing affordable? Gave us tax breaks? What has trump done? Put us on the brink of war all while taking away free health care taxing soda pop and fighting against net nuterality.

But Benghazi emails!!!
She lost!
Get over it!

The same thing happened here in Australia, The center-left got into power and gave us free education, healthcare, etc. then the next conservative govt revoked it instantly. More money in the pockets of big business less in the average mans'.

fuck off communist

The only thing Antifa is contributing is spreading AIDS


Noted cunt


What if i tell you that antifa.blm,sjw's are driven by government agents to keep an agenda.

>Go out and stand up to Antifa on the street with your inbred friends (probably all your own family), get the absolute shit kicked out of you, dumb inbred cunt.
Don't forget to write your mom's phone number on your arm so the police will know who to call


antifa supports taxation
[citation needed]


Ok this is obviously bait but I ll give it a take. I dont think it has much to do with antifa but with the social produce of western capitalist societies whose'm'd'es main value is individualism and identity, be your self mantra, be whatever your money can buy you, change yourself all you want, but dont ever dare to organise a change in the capitalist society itself. This has to do with the crushing of every meaningful social movement like civil rights, wobblies, etc and the co opting of hippie individualistic-identity movements in the official neoliberal discourse. I m an anarchist btw in Greece and participate in some antifascist activities like neighborhood organising, solidarity to migrant workers brutalised by bosses, fighting nazi squads usually attacking students and youth with knives pretty much like jihadis etc, but these weird individuals with pink hair or whatever seem to be unwanting or unable of any positive social change -not to mention any actual revolution- but to draw attention to themselves, their changing identity, their special little individual oppression to make for the void capitalism offers nowadays.

Why are Alt-rights such dumb,useless,jobless, bums who contribute nothing to society and civilization at all? How are you not ashamed to be part of this filthy movement that hates our values and freedom?

Sup Forums was never good.

Note that IT WASN'T FOR FREE. It was paid by the taxes from your pockets anyway. Gov does not have their own money. Problem lies in avarage ppl that are NOT EDUCATED in managments of their money both when they are low and high on money.

Sup Forums was also never as bad as it is now

antifa are fasciscts them selfs...

Yes but it made the average person better off, rather than the money just going to the 1%0

Retard. There are issues with organising a SOCIETY which requires SOCIALISM...INDIVIDUALISM doesn't address those problems.

Capitalism has no plan for society other than "Let the free market reign!" (Which is a handy mantra for those in control of the markets) ... it doesn't care about the environment, about clean air, clean water, public health...PROFIT is king and the SHAREHOLDER is tyrant.
It takes organised SOCIALISM to get people to act in the wider interests of society (which they are inherently a part of) and by extension themselves.

Found the cuck
Isnt there a rally you should be getting run over at?

>other ppl don't care about my useless arse unless someone "organises"
nigga please.png

'murdering people i dont agree with is cool, but antifa are the real problem, im not a fascist'

This is the kind of shitty hack trolling Is expect from a twitter pleb.

Did you pasta this from Twitter?
Yeah you fucking did.
And if you didn't, then you are unoriginal as fuck.
Try having a thought that doesn't already exist as a meme

NOTHINGS IS FREE in this fucking world... Trump put you on the brink of a war? You are in a fucking war for almost two decades already u fuckibg dumbass! Your soldiers are fighting on middle east since 11 IX u faggot.


Ur just mad cuz hillary lost lol u butthurt pleb.

Ah, your country has no roads, street lights, police, firemen, garbage collection.

You just stay in the hovel you built for yourself , eat the food you grew yourself and drink your own piss. Am I right?

As a user of solemnly porn and porn only side of the web. And as much of fucks I've never given. All night I've seen, 'antifa', I can only assume is an acronym for some shit like 'americas newest trend in fucking america'. Remember how hyped you fucks got over fidgetspinners? Any of you fucks giving fucks are a bunch of dumb fucks. Trump saying both sides are to be blamed, shit may be the realest shit the guy has ever said. Any fuck giving a fuck to make a scene and protest deserve to be ran down with a car. Both sides of fucks willing to take time out of their day to day lives and protest, most those fucks take social media or internet too serious. The fact fucks have kept up with the kardashians for a decade solidifies the fact as to why shits so fucked

Legit made me rich.

Not even trollin

No I mad that Bernie lost you plebhurt butt