ISIS training footage, 1452, colorized

ISIS training footage, 1452, colorized

did you just post a twitter templated meme on Sup Forums. get the fuck off of my fucking board

How do you downvote on here?

edit: thanks for the gold kind strange!

Obligatory thanks for the gold!

Eddit: typo

xD, you sir take the cake! for funniest man on the internet!

Have an Upboat

This is worse than animal rekt threads

My sincere gratitude goes to you, too! Updoots your way!

I want to show you something. Meet me at Starbucks. Here's a pic of me so you can recognize me. :D

LMFAOO i fucking hate you why are you so good at larping a redditor??? got something to tell me user????

go back to fit fagget

You should feel bad for causing more cancer than dropping bombs on Hiroshima

N-no.. What do you mean?

I'm just yanking your chain! ! Take this updoot again :D

edit: sorry about the two exclamation marks, my little cat walked across my keyboard :^) heres a pic. enjoy!
edit2: wow you guys really enjoyed my Mittens!

What the fuck? saged



Kill yourself

fucking idiot redditor angry we're appropriating his culture die irl

This one has an ipad. he must be "progressive"




y no 1 talk 2 me :c