People still believe towers "collapsed" that day and werent exploded

>people still believe towers "collapsed" that day and werent exploded


some witnesses say they saw explosions at the base!....but nobody talks about that

Yes people are not retarded like you are.

Wow you are retarded

the towers are actually still there

Yes what this guy said

the towers are in tower heaven

Jews are putting drugs in your water they make you think the towers aren't there but they're actually there!!!!

>Time To Open Your Eyes

Only smart people like me can see the towers, I'm here to help you all!

This thread might die very soon so ask me any questions and I'll do my best to answer them before it's too late.

Art is an explosion

My brother "Tom" he worked over in those towers and he told me nothing short of an Asteroid from Mars could bring those babies down. Tom is gone now from our lives, he fell asleep while smoking and his house caught on fire. The fire didn't kill him he got out of the house okay but he was so high he ran into the street and was hit by a garbage truck. I miss Tom but I can tell you this had to be an inside job.

But i always thought it was a giant will smith who've done it.
The internet lied to me?

>people still believe the earth is a "globe" and not a circular chunk of land floating through space

and the titanic was unsinkable but it sunk, your point?

They did collapse. Fact. Granted the primary support beams were cut with thermite. But trying to explain this to you, who obviously didnt take the time to do your research before forming an opinion and then basing judgement on others who are just as clueless as you, seems kinda pointless. Carry on faggots

Belief in conspiracy theories is correlated with below-average intelligence.

amusing story, user. gj.

Thermitic reactions formed when the elemental aluminum airframes of the planes melted after the fire had been burning unabated for hours.

belief in jewish is correlated with puppet level 9000 intelligence, jewcuck.
Fuck outta here, this is Sup Forums not your fb/twitter/jewforum




>Thermitic reactions formed

in ruler straight angled sheer lines?

You conspiracy theorists should get over it and just live a happy life of not giving a fuck. You fill your head with useless misinformation overwriting memories that were useful. I look back at myself when I was obsessed with it and I regret wasting my life on this autistic shit. You will too - unless you're a retarded Trump supporter though, who will stay like this for life stuck in a delusional conspiracy world.

Exploded? You mean blown up with high explosives? Let's examine the footage. Doesn't look like high explosives to me. You have backdraft, but not the effects of high explosives. It's low explosives, as in get fuel. Lots of it weakening the spine of the building. They built the buildings to be flexible so that they wouldn't fall if an earthquake hit. This became a vulnerability. Unfortunately not every building in the surrounding area was built this way, so the collapse of the twin towers damaged surrounding buildings causing one to fall. It was all worst case scenario.

>get fuel

it pooled on the floors and in exposure to oxygen got hot enough to cause the failure of main supports. The shear lines happened during the collapse and are mostly just coincidental. Or from the shitty steel the mafia used when they built the place. 30 floors of building falling 10 feet is basically a stupidly huge amount of force.

The real question to ask is "who knew about the AQ plot but just watched while it happened?"

The answer to that is the US government.

Belief in over reported and poorly executed research studies with laughable sample sizes is also correlated with below average intelligence.

Sup Forums was never originally an alt right cesspool. It wasn't until the site became mainstream and flooded with newfag middle American trailer park shit stains like yourself that made you beleive it is.

Possibly, at the very least mossad, as they have been the only ones to consistently get people inside AQ.

The US government had every piece of evidence they needed already tagged and collected but may just be so dumb as to be unable to connect the dots.

Sure the Moon landings were faked. The fact remains the Two Towers were hit by planes, there were many witnesses, it was televised live, both towers came down as the result of impact. There is one conspiracy theory that caught my eye, assuming it was an inside job. The Towers needed pulling down, and a demolition job would cost a bomb, and the impact concept killed two birds with one stone, as it allowed the US to goto war with the beardy types.


the top "section" was disintegrating as it was falling and the downward force would have been met with a equal upward force. what was left of the "section" on top should have came to a rest and the bottom section should have been remained but the inner core was also disintegrated


There was a report of Intel passed from the Israeli government to the British to the US. Bush ignored it. Then he blamed the intelligence community.

explosions at the base wouldnt collapse the tower the way it does, it didnt collapse at the bottom

wheres all the debris?

wheres all the steel and concrete?

how did it all get turned to dust?

what happened to the core?

why did WTC 7 fall?

how massive pieces of steel be thrown laterally hundred of feet?

Considering our FBI can't even crack an iphone i think they are the latter.

>planes hit near top of building
>people hear and are blown apart by explosions at the bottom

i'm in englanf and a friend of mine told me his grandpa or uncle (i forget which) was working there and was told to take the day off with no explanation. Think he might of been a freemason or something? Who knows. Pretty obvious it was an inside job to me, wasn't it Larry Silverstein who got like billions from the insurance?

The bombs just so happen to detonate exactly where the planes crashed.

What amazing fucking planning!



he actually took an insurance for such attacks

but isnt that money fraudulent? the building wasnt destroyed from the planes infact the building was designed to be able to take multiple impacts from planes and remain standing.

yeah he made sure to insure it against terrorist attacks just before the attacks. the interviews with him show what the truth is, he doesn't try hard to hide, even kind of jokes sacastically

he also made the decision to "pull" WTC 7

how isnt he in prison?

i could tell you things. the world works and is run in ways that'd make you too depressed to want to live. ignorance is bliss. it's okay for those on the 'in' but otherwise we are slaves to immortals, and always have been. such is civilisation. people act like it's something new, like things were once fair in life... nothing new under the sun

You're all dipshits for arguing about any of this when the real question you should be asking are about nature's harmonic time cube. What can you expect from oneist educated evil dummies?

mass x velocity

what mass? its being blown up from the top down and the biggest chunks are falling at near free fall through the centre

nice missinformation lol

drumpf!!!! xD