Calculus is too hard, Sup Forums

Calculus is too hard, Sup Forums.

Currently a Biology major.

17 picks my new one.

Womens Studies

How can be Calculus for Biologist be too hard? Get your shit together OP...

That basic calc shit right there, come on dude its not even that hard, if you are really taking a piss at it go to khan academy, or just actually read you overpriced textbox

I'm just not a math person. I nearly failed Trig lul

Major in Math

Endure, and in enduring grow strong.

Petroleum Engineering

gender studies


pic attached isnt even what i'm confused on. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that

buddy i can't even wrap my head around logarithms

Honors Mathematics



With an emphasis on real analysis

>>I'm just not a math person. I nearly failed Trig lul

sounds like biology is perfect for ya

Don't switch It's a waste of your time and money, just fucking stick with it you pussy.


international business


There's a reason I'm changing majors

Electrical Engineering



Come on dude log shit is not that hard I follow the 132 rule

1 3 2
1 3 2


Mechanical engineeringp



Liberal studies

Cocksucking in a dark alley


Women studies retolling

major in pure math


liberal arts

That's not too bad but then you get into exponential growth and decay and natural log and e and dbjenwksnfkrkekf




graduated from economics 3 years ago, almost failed from maths, but this example here is super easy I resolved it in my memory in like half a second...

Drop out

gender studies

I'm also a useless lazy n33t who's starting college this fall, 69 decides my major- no aspirations for the future will deliver. Pic related it was my first time on coke

reroll for these

Quit school, get on a fishing boat

Rolling for this

join military

Pure mathematics, with an emphasis on analysis

African American studies
Become the nigger you fear

African American Studies

Rerolling for Gender Studies

feminist studies



Physics Major!

Anime lifestyle

Git gud

Its not only that hard, its done right there. Can't follow the steps????

gender studies

Chinese kek


It's just a stock image from google lul

not even onto shit that hard yet, i can't even figure out logarithms or exponential growth/decay

algebraic geometry


Haha i won, have fun


Rolling for Chemistry

Prime candidate for a starving liberal arts major.

>is somehow in college
>can't do calculus as a bio major
>thinks changing majors will make the calculus go away

wow, talk about useless

chemical engineering
you can't escape math problems huehuehue

Hauskaa oppimista suomeksi

it will if he goes into not STEM

We don't have a major for Finnish, tried to see if we have nordic studies, still nothing. Keep rollin

Was hoping Sup Forums would roll me some liberal arts lol

rolling for fine arts

auto mechanic

Get tutoring. A good tutor to work over homework with you -- not just working problems, but teaching you how to conceptualize them correctly.

If you're failing calc currently, drop it now but keep auditing the class, and have your tutoring start already for next semester.

Roll for compiling


Well if you think the difference quotient is hard maybe you should try getting a teaching degree. High school teachers dont know that shit either


Drop out bitch.

Non-STEM majors at any decent institution have to take calculus at some point, dipshits.
You're basically admitting that your school is in the bottom tier of schools.

just learn limits it's not that hard nibba

kys if you cant do calc. rolling for astrophysics

yo fuck that projective curve shit

they do? I don't associate with trash so I wouldn't know

We'll make a man out of you--Electrical Engineering Honors Lets GOOOOOO. RIP your asshole OP

Easy af just remember for last line that h->0 the rest is just basic

is Suicide a major?


When I took trig last year I failed the first 2 exams, got a tutor and aced the next two, and then failed the final exam when the tutor stopped taking appointments.

Tutors are great and all but they can't make me understand math. All a tutor will do is get me through the classes so I'm in an even worse spot once I realize I'm now in a biology profession and I can't do long division.

Three of my siblings did this. I stayed in school. They're captains are dumb af, dont catch any fish this year, they broke. Two of them have fucked up knees



I go to OSU, so long as my major leads to a B.A. rather than a B.S. I don't have to take calc.

Aerospace Engineering

Who knows! Keep rolling and we'll find out. I'll let you guess what I'm on in this pic

nucular physics

Guys i need to pass Calculus 2 in 40 days. How do i not fuck up hard?
I kinda understand the concept but i need to take other courses too over the summer and it feels too much to focus on right now.

so youre dumb as hell and college isnt for you. quit before you get in too deep because itll only get harder. if you camt do trig, all hard sciences are too much for you. try psychology or anthropology. pussy