Rekt thread

rekt thread

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is that a cultural thing? why do they not understand how lifts work?

Retardation knows no borders.

Why is it dead?

>implying Asians don't have a special kind of autism and spacial awareness deficiency.

Did he hit the brakes or something?


A dog fucked it bro.

What's up with asains and elevators?

Is it true that in China it's better off to kill someone if you injure them in a car accident? Like the payout is less than if you let them live?

In some cases places. Its a joke.


Yep, one bowl of rice difference

holy shit lol


Why is that guy doing that?

I don't know but I'm convinced Asians have an inherent spectrum disorder. There's too much evidence.

It has comedic timing and everything lmao



Best one yet



must just be a common way to kill yourself over there

anyone have the vid of 2 black guys beating up a small white dude? then his friend picking him up by his ankle and dragging him off?
here is a type of rekt



story to lunch guy?


armoured vehicles inside were lashed down broke loose and ruptured hydraulic lines making the plane dive


Yes, you have to maintain them for the rest of their lives. If you kill them you just pay for the funeral



It's fucked




Is this a typical high school in usa?






If elevators could think:

>door opens up nice and slow, like...
>"gentlemen, you may step in now"
>they come crashing through the ceiling
>"wait, you're not supposed to come in THAT way!"


shieeet anymore like this?


haha holy shit! he did so well too!


once an user said that some asians are like hillbillies and don't understand how elevators work, so they force open the doors and fall down to death

The fuck is happening

thing hits a power line and electrocutes them


Gif good webm shit


So whaddaya think? Duckface dogs or dogface ducks? Eggs or live?

Large metal (conductive) frame/scaffolding meet power lines (electricity). I'm too lazy, so do the math yourselves.


I dunno dude, it looks a lot like nerve gas to me. Check out this test video, the behavior looks really similar??


yea thats like not chese pizza dumbass

There was litteraly nothing they could fucking do


Looks like the crash from Knowing.

don't know if want

and there goes some good poon


I'd actually tip her well for doing this

natural selection at its best

>it looks a lot like nerve gas to me.

You don't know much then

It's literally a scaffold being pushed into a power line. One died


Hahaha reminds me of the days I used to work at subway.

Me and my Co worker would always blow snot rockets in the sauce before putting them in the container squeezing thing haha.

Blowing snot rockets in the sweet onion sauce or light mayo was the best.
I would get off making a sandwich for a hot bitch knowing she is ingesting my snot.

What's the story on this?

Definetly electrocuted, the current contracts their muscle this is why the seem so stiff and still grip the frame, also haven't you noticed they start burning after getting fried a while.

Happens all the time

the nigger way to solve the problems

The story is that some bitch put a hotdog up her cootch and served it to some poor bastard.

>haven't you noticed they start burning after getting fried a while.
isn't nerve gas like mustard gas tho? it burns a lot and shit?

Agreed, that's 20% right there

>implying there was a problem in the first place

>Horay for Public Education.


why did they out of the blue decide to take a nap?

Run puppy haha



She is attractive though...that is what is strange about this...only ugly people do this shit

most intense game of frogger


Dis guy groping tits

How the fuck do you know she's attractive from a 120p CCTV grainy footage

As a young child I've always wanted this bitch to choke on my cock and watch her wide ass jump on my dick
