What do you think about the hurricane flooding in Texas?

What do you think about the hurricane flooding in Texas?

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It got very damp all of a sudden.

They're expecting a few more feet of dampness tonight and tomorrow morning

Very coincidental organization of weather to destroy Houston.

It's god punishing Texas for supporting trump.

That's what happens man. Texas floods. New Orleans you're up next again.


houstonfag reporting in. safe and sound here. others ain't doing so well.

pic related

I've been to Texas twice, it fucking sucks down there. Good riddance.

So the liberals 1) suddenly believe in God now and 2) are not so tolerant bleeding hearts anymore

You sound like a real gem, did your daddy rape you until you were a teenager or did he stop before that?

FUCK YOU! Ya'll liberals need to get back to work and be productive. All ya'll doing is complaining. Shut your mouth and do something useful.

No one hates you for being liberal. You're hated because you're a group of spoiled, whiny, self-important brats that throw a hissy fit that would impress an autistic 2-year old when things don't go your way.

Niggers in greenspoint are shooting at the rescue boats. The rescuers had to pull out and leave people stranded on rooftops.

I believe what this image is telling you is sure we will help you but we want you to realize how stupid you are

as for the whole God stuff if you're religious you believe in God if you're not religious you don't

religious views and political party are not the same thing

this is bullshit. don't believe him...even with his trips

false flag it was the jews

I'm tired of his whiny selfish liberals wanting to pay more taxes and help people

Sure, NOW you talk about God. You people are so stunningly full of shit, and yet you continue to wonder why no one takes you seriously.

my friend why do liberals complain
probably because they're trying to warn you about an imminent disaster happening if you do not change your ways
like say the possibility of natural disaster

it's gon be gud fishin when that there Trump gits him ol behind in a hurry own down to the waterline.

About time, it was taking god an awful long time to finally get rid of that shithole.


Xe (not a typo, it's a newspeak pronoun for all liberals) isn't allowed to respond to anyone with kindness or mercy because xe is enlightened and anyone who voted for Trump deserves to die in a flood.

Good job liberals, you're all awesome human beings. And you accuse the conservatives of being hateful

I believe that was an impression of being a Republican
don't you know how every time a natural disaster hit somebody says blame the gays

can't you see just another form of irony

>praising the flood

you're a fake christian

fuk texas, they want too secede, right?

Oh Fuck! You people are retarded!

when did this nigga ever claim to be christian

Fuck yeah! Away from the liberals fag if that's what it takes!

I'm not a christian at all, but someone had to do something to get rid of that """god"""forsaken place

look fam I know you don't like being proven wrong
but you got admit liberals have been talking about hurricanes since day one

Yet another bunch of red neck cunts who cry socialism whenever money is spent on other people but whom inevitably beg for government money when they're in need.

Houston has been destroyed not a year since it's lesbian mayor pushed a transgender agenda.
Sounds Biblical.

you're a faggot. :)

im here in texas and have relatives in houston who did not evacuate. rainfail is not general over houston. urban sprawl is huge here, so a lot of people are doing fine and a lot of people are virtually under the fuckng water.

i already have some plans to go volunteer in a relief effort, as i did during katrina and rita

its pretty unprecedented levels of flooding. I just saw a pic of I10 (have driven it many times) and it seemed to be nearly 10-15 feet below water. damage to oil refineries and more will likely be billions

>pay taxes
ha ha ha
good one

Okay, you clearly did not read (or at least comprehend) what I wrote, so allow me to try again. The basic principles of being liberal are NOT why they're hated. There are good ideas on both sides of the political spectrum, but all this tearing down of statues, blocking freeways, finger pointing, calling anyone that disagrees with you names, being offended and triggered by the stupidest of things, and for what? Has any good whatsoever come from these actions?

first hostage scene reported

you fags should stop arguing. texas isnt a religious monolith like u dipshits seem to think, texas is just another california or florida. fuck ton of people from everywhere all in one place just trying to get along

The lotters is bad

Who said we beg for government money? Liberals just need to stay out of Texas!

They'll be shoot on sight, so be careful.

It's very true that's my neighborhood and I can tell you there are some idiots here who are doing such things right now are city is underwater already we lost over 15 people from last night till today it is a very sad day and I'm loseing everything I've worked so hard for...

Houston last month...

Liberals: ha ha ha, fuck them rednecks


Its coming back to Houston tonight, the river west of the city is supposed to go up about 59 feet

not at all a shoop

How do you still have power?

They need to be shoot, they lotters!

It's great ! Fuck America !

They didn't pray enough and the homo-brain waves were blocking out the miracles from Jesus so this terrible thing happened obviously.


toping the charts in Texas right now.


niggers loot
this was written in a language niggers would understand

Huge floods in India with millions affected yet once again the media only has news of fucking Americans most of us in the world don't give a fuck about you and Houston. Climate change deniers the whole bunch whilst contributing more co2 to the world than the rest. You get what you deserve, hope y'all drown fucking idiots

I'm actually running off my cell phone

damn bro

yeah i heard all the water is gonna runoff through the rivers around houston. did you see the picture of the sinkhole in rosenburg? (I think it was rosenburg or egypt), literally the size of a sixteen wheeler, all the way around, random hole in the middle of the street

imagine ur just driving along, evacuating and then the earth just caves in and ur in an undewater cavern

no thoughts, it's natural events and also the wrath of God probably

Die in a flood, you sisterfucking pencildick.



You're contributing CO2, why don't you go kys and save the rest of us?

>blame the gays
I'm a conservative, but that's exactly the kind of bullshit thinking that's wrecking this country.


As I was typeing

I think it is funny the news is filled with WHITE PEOPLE SAVING BLACKS....


>I bet some nigs rob some of the rescuers.

Stay safe Sup Forumsro

Texas can suck my dick. Everyone I've ever met from Texas is an idiotic bible thumping asshole. Where's your God now assholes?!

Picture related, that asshole is from Texas.

I see a lot of people leaving and not coming back in the future

Shits insane

You niggers are already begging for the government to come unfuck your retarded asses, because you're illiterate and couldn't comprehend an evacuation order. I hope everyone leaves you pieces of shit to drown in your own filth.

>Fuck Texas.

Go suck on a black cock you sick cuck!

Yes there is free WiFi through xfinity for our entire city and surrounding areas until the whole thing is over,,,,, this was when it first started in just a couple of hours


So inclusive

That's the original. Or, here's a novel idea, you could prove me wrong.

Bitch doesn't know how many niggers are going to be the losing side of this flood. Sounds like she hates black people more than the average Texan

Hey, why don't you go pay more lip service to the free market while Donnie ratchets up the protectionist horseshit,

Ty man we are trying there's not much we can do at this point but hope for the best

>change my ways
come at me bro

I'm a republican, you nigger. A real one, like your friend's daddy used to have.

We're trying to do something about it, Trump refused to sign the Paris agreement despite it being modeled in the USAs interests. The USA produces more CO2 than all of the EU and yet we are the fuckers making efforts to reduce, even China has committed itself to reducing CO2, the states are selfish stupid fucktwads that are going to feel the heat with global warming. Houston you ain't seen nothing yet

>Climate change

Idiotic to even bring this up. It's as if people signed on to your climate crusade yesterday or even 20 years ago, somehow this storm wouldn't have happened. Climate change is a slow process. It's so slow that you won't notice it is happening. The only people who will notice it are people who look at data trends over the course of centuries. You're not going to wake up one morning and the oceans have risen 20 feet and are boiling. It isn't going to cause individual weather events, it's going to cause an overall climate shift over large spans of time. Pointing to a single weather event is as your "see, told ya so" is idiotic. This was a hurricane like many others that came before it. The difference here is that due to the countless variables involved in weather, this storm happened to form at a time when the conditions were right for it to stall out once it hit land, and now possible move back out to sea, recharge, and move back in. If you think "muh climate change" has anything to do with that you are dumb beyond words. And the fact that you hope people drown because they don't sign on to your team's rallying cry means that not only are you dumb, but you're a dumb asshole as well. Enjoy.

Worst part is: all the privileged white idiots evacuated. There was no support for the poor and minorities. Trump is letting them drown so Texas stays a red state. He also exploited the situation by setting up checkpoints to stop undocumented immigrants from getting to safety.

>inb4 poltards

dickinson is so fucked. they issued a mandatory evacuation after its already flooded

Stupid as stupid is, it is happening right before your eyes and you still in denial haha

If Texas wasn't full of such sinful garbage maybe God wouldn't throw shit their way. He doesn't kill you for no reason.


All these events were foretold by the master. Heed the warnings next time, heathens!

>voting for Trump

you're a fake christian

Our federal dollars will be needed to help legal residents..not illegal ones. They shouldn't be here in the first place and if they weren't would not be affected. It is there own fault.

let the free market help. no government handouts

Your parent must be proud of you! You're a fucking retard!

Look at all those dumbfucks desperate for victim status. The 60s generation and before had actually struggles. They had to fight and die for the freedoms that these idiot millenials were born into. I think there's some guilt and remorse there, but mostly they just want to be able to say they are oppressed. It's like those mothers who poison their own children because they crave the sympathy.

517 off 45

what makes you think i voted for trump?

Most stupid thing I've read in 2017


No I'm just saying if you're that concerned about climate change and want to make everyone else feel bad about making CO2 (which is actually plant food, Idk how that's a bad thing) you could always just go get physician-assisted suicide or something so that you're not generating greenhouse gasses anymore.

Or you could just shut the fuck up and stop being an uneducated faggot

Don't worry, we do.

I don't really care. America is my least favorite country and Texas is definitely my least favorite state. Everything's bigger in Texas they say, so I hope it whipes outa lot of niggers.