Anyone with a big white cock want to tribute my ex Russian gf? I'll do tributes in return. I have nudes and videos

Anyone with a big white cock want to tribute my ex Russian gf? I'll do tributes in return. I have nudes and videos.

My Kik is mrbeachballs



where the hell did you find a Russian girlfriend?


do want




Nice pictures, but how does one become an ex Russian?


ha! this!
But in all seriousness, russia dosent allow dual citizenships, so if you did get a second one, you would lose your russian one, and thus becoming a "ex russian".

I got a big black cock to tribute her with.


She's racist



post op! c'mon.


I'll post nudes for a big dick on her face


Post some titties, OP. Let us know you're for real.

Good that'll get me off.


Fuckin nice

She's beautiful man don't do shit like that. Show the cute little commie some respect.

I don't have a printer or anything OP..I can do one tomorrow?


how does one become an ex-Russian?

Or did you mean your Russian Ex-Girlfriend?


>all these white micropeninses waiting for BWC to show up and get free nudes

I'm pretty aware of the magic of makeup, and I'm not attempting to call you out as lying cuz why would you... but These pics she's pretty hot, and
This pic she's stunning, but when we get to the
Nude one it doesn't even look like the same chick. Almost like they were taken five years apart or something.

Got any more to prove me wrong?


Got some huge tits I will give you that

Everything from the waist down is completely fucked up, it's like looking at a paraplegic.

wasted time / 10


wrote u on kik

Move to NY. They are literally everywhere



Why is she ex Russian?