T-Tea time!

T-Tea time!
I h-hope you're having a wonderful night, A-user.
C-Come chat, vent, and d-don't be afraid to tell me what's on your mind!
N-No need to suffer in silence!

Other urls found in this thread:



I've way to much to say on the subject for a comment box, particularly when you've indicated you want to keep post length to a minimum.

most succinctly Alice is a manipulative, self centered liar.She knows just what to say to disarm criticism. She knows just what to say to get the crowd on her side and drown out the nay Sayers. She knows just how to play upon your feelings and pluck every little string to dance you like her puppet, entirely for her own ego.

I've countless stories about her. countless warning signs of what type of person she is that I ignored. For that matter my heart still belonged to her until I read the bit about 'blackmailing' her into a relationship. I'll say it, even if no one else will.

If you're within her clutches, run. run as fast and as far as you can. Don't turn around, don't look back, don't let her get her strings around you.

Gray, I know you've posted your tombstone, but I'd like to talk to you. I think, being rivals, we are the only ones who can really understand each other. If you need to vent, if you're curious, if you even just pity me, we need to talk.

Alice is pretty good at ERP , but if you have real problems you need help with, do not go to Alice for help.

what kind of tea do others drink

why the big eyes





Sixty niggers where's the waifu thread



there's not a soul on Sup Forums who can help me with my problems, user. but that doesn't mean i can't vent about them and recieve a nonjudgmental response.


I-I prefer Earl Grey and j-jasmine.
I'm j-just so happy to see you, t-that's why!






Magneto please try a bit harder, this isnt even worth spamming, come on

god's speed user


Wow, this level of bullshit is pretty extreme, even for a person in a fake thread.

Let's break this down.

>manipulative self centered liar
Alright. Where's your evidence, given how much money she has given away, all the time she's given away, and the fact tons of people can attest to this?

>she knows just what to say to disarm criticism
So? Sounds like good people skills. That's not a crime

>entirely for her own ego
[citation needed]

>I've countless stories
Yet not a firm grasp of english

>blackmailing into a relationship

>run as fast as you can
See, it's this sort of sensationalist bullshit I don't get. Tell me what she actually did. Provide evidence for your claims.

Or they are as worthless as dirt.

I'm g-glad you can speak so highly o-of me! I hope everyone here f-feels comfortable!


Flag/b/ro back at work

real alice>


I don't like tea.
But I'll sip on a freezing cold vodka martini, and chat with you.

>money given away



Alice detected, Nice try psychopath

yep she paid for my groceries, she paid for other peoples surgery, all sorts of shit. the fact she has a joke patreon doesn't mean shit you idiot



art thief


Alice samefag detected

i think thats alice



Not real Alice. It always "stutters" on the word

Name calling rather than actually providing evidence? Oh I see. You don't actually care to understand or debate. It's your way or the high way.

That's far more manipulative than anything Alice has done.

The forced stuttering act gets tiresome.


j-join t-the c-circle j-jerk a-anonymous

No it isn't, just ask in her chat.


Check the posters count.


F-fake Alice can c-confirm

people are really mad about someone pretending to be an anime girl for other people's entertainment over the internet


receipts please
I have provided my proof, can you not provide yours? I doubt a verified NEET living in a shithole as such could afford such luxuries themself.

how can one man be so butthurt
did you try to make her your egf and she rebuked you?



You will be exposed you psycho slut. We're coming for you

This is not a real Alice thread, therefore it's wasted effort

Neca eos omnes, deus suos agnoscet!

You're getting rekt, who'd you steal art from?




You haven't provided any proof at all. That's not proof, it isn't even evidence. As well, what the fuck is with that assertion that Alice is a NEET or lives in a shit hole?

You are just making shit up right now.



I'm not Alice, but again, what are you going to expose anyone of? Are you going to actually provide a compelling argument or just....jerk off?


You don't even know what theft means.




>not proof
Sure, explain. She lied about having permission, yet the artist is a fluent japanese speaker and has never initiated contact with her. Explain how that's not evidence. Explain how she;s not ILLEGALLY using copyrighted art that isn't hers for monetary gain through advertisement and self posting. I'll wait until I get an answer that isn't vague and pulled out of your ass.


anime girls make people mad as fuck holy shit


thieves gonna thief

where were you when you realized Fake Alice and "Art Thief" spammer are the same person





going to delete this one too?

Art theft is pathetic. Can pay for "surgery" but can't cough up $50 for shitty art? Seems legit.



The funniest part is that Alice never even used that picture to begin with, it was the same dude that started a fake thread with that picture as the Op. Comedy gold.



Where were you when Alice claimed to have written proof from a native japanese speaker about having permission to post art?


i love those 2 pic sadly you fucked it all


everyone has pretty much realized that Alice is just another dancing peace of crap.
the only few of her acolytes still care to cater to her over-inflated fragile ego.
misserable trash caring to their misserable leader.

top kek
patreon is so garbo that they'll probably act on it anyway
