Why do they have to fucking ruin everything...

Why do they have to fucking ruin everything, what the heck was wrong with the original and why do they all have to be black?

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Because jews and blacks have no real culture of their own. So they have to steal and deface the cultures of people are better than them out of petty jealousy and envious rage

The same reason you don't want it "Ruined". The characters have to be white for you to "Watch" it.

and checked

Because "blacks feel misrepresented by the amount of whites on TV and the light skins who aren't real niggas". It's more so that people think your race shapes you in any way other than physically. Fuck that, man. Every black person I know acts differently because they're just people. Why do so many people want all black remakes of movies? IT HAS NO EFFECT ON THE MOVIE OTHER THAN YOU SEE MORE BLACKS. It's the same lines force fed to you by these people who weren't good enough to be casted in the original so they cry "racism!"

Stephan King never liked Kuberick's adaptation. Let that sink in.

We should make all white remakes of blacks stuff.

if we were in another political climate, we could think "hey cool, it's a revival of blacksloitation movies from the 70's"
ah, what could have been...

we should make white remakes of black shit

Why do blacks deserve more than 13% of the representation on TV when they are 13% of the US population?

ruined? this is gonna be funny as shit.



Please tell me it is being written and directed by Tyler Perry

lol the irony oh dear

>edris elba
seems fake to me

nigger. dont get mad about stuff you dont have to consume.
moves are on offer. dont go to the theater if it doesnt look like you are going to have a good time.


Why are you mad?

i'll be dissappointed if the only nigger in the real shining isn't a white guy

No one is going to watch it.

if only i could only perceive the things in life i wanted to perceive

Da Schilling (2020)

What a dumb cunt OP is. How would a second movie adaptation ruin a movie that already exists? You are so stupid. Simply don't watch it. Jeez, Your mom shouldn't have fucked her brother and had you.

kubrick was a jew...

top post

i wish that wasn't exactly how it is

Dubs of truth! Witness!


way to mudwash a caucasian classic. This is cultural appropriation!

white racists, it's real, look into it, faggot.

Why the fuck do you care?

do this on you tube and link it for the win. fresh prince, moehsa, chapelle show, wayens brothers.

Fake News Network


>Take classic movie
>Replace cast with all black people for no other reason than because white people were in the first one
Yeah, nothing fishy going on here at all. They should remake every classic movie over and over with every combination of race/gender so nobody will have their feelings hurts. Also Ghostbusters already proved that remakes like that don't work and nobody wants to see them.

If you don't like it don't watch it. Vote with your wallet. They're making it because obviously there's a market for it. They're not going to spend millions making a movie if they don't think they can make money from it. Stop crying about everything. It's not a political movement. It's about profit. It's about the single motivation that makes everything happen in a capitalist society. It's not specifically done to hurt your little feelings. But when they're banking millions of dollars they don't give a shit about your feelings. And why should they?

why not create something original for a change?

i highly doubt that progressive pandering will be enough to make this movie not bomb

Kind of like what theyre doing to the Dark Tower. Totally fucking the cannon of the entire story line

This movie was so bad Jackie Chan had to go into hiding. True story.

It's spelled Stephen. Let that sink in.

I wouldn't mind a more realistic version of Roots with the negros being sold to the black muslim countries. Although the small problem with that could be that muslims castrated their male slaves, so there would be no real family to make a series about. they could explain it though as being a more spiritual thing then genetic. Would be interesting to watch for sure.

Thats bullshit, I read ad article today of an actor turning down a role in the new hellboy movie because he is white and the charactor in the comics is half asian. The article goes on about how roles in hollywood are being "whitewashed" but the opposite is actually what is going on.

Because black culture is funny, scary, and more sexual than white culture. Why wouldn't Jews want to steal it and sell it?

I disagree, I think there's a lot they could do-- subtly changing lines, dialect, etc-- to highlight the social issues the movie centers around in relation to black culture. The entire story is about alcoholism and domestic abuse, sparked by a dude sort of trying to overcome his vices to provide for his family.

This too. Yo, bet this black remake follows the book better than the original movie.

Trips don't lie, we can only hope, but it'd be a great touch.

so they're putting a bunch of shines in the shining. that's funny

(US) a black person (from shoeshiner).

Too many autistic people in this thread actually thing is is real.

>mfw remakes are cash grabs for the literally retarded, so you'd think the people in this thread would be happy.

Who the shit cares? He sold the film rights. He put the check in the bank. It's widely regarded as one of the best scary movies. People need to dream up a new story.

Well if Jamie Foxx's black Annie is any indication of its success I don't think there's anything to worry about

Imagine the chimping out by niggers if a black movie like the color purple was remade with all white people


Does the original still exists? Yes. STFU


Cause the free market and American freedom ya pansy ass America hating unpatriotic fuck.


i guarantee you those lenses don't have any magnification

>Stephan King never liked Kuberick's adaptation.

Everybody else did.

>all black
So, everyone dies in the first kill scene?

Will Callahan be played by a white guy then

TO BE FAIR, remakes are a horrible concept in general. "Stephen King Remake" is practically its own genre now, and an all-white remake would be a piece of shit too.

It wont have any effect on rhe original. There is absolutley no way in hell any modern director can match the cinematography of the original. It can only fail spectacularly be it a white, black, mexican or asian remake. Jamie Foxx is no Jack Nicholson.

>Because black culture is funny, scary, and more sexual than white culture.

Black culture is not even a thing - unless you count near baby talk english or rappers that sound like broken records on repeat.

So silly. The reason why is because identity politics are all the rage among neo-liberals today.

What matters is what victim group you belong to, not what you do.

Not the blacks fault, it's the executives who want to make their movies more 'diverse' even though it just ruins movies.

Elvis did that for you white boy

because they need reason to reboot it
the movie is fine by it self
so there is no point for proper reboot
but turn the cast in to black ppl
and movie like that is low budged that in the end will be sure profit


Black music is the foundation of most american music and heavily influences even the most hillbilly of american music. American culture IS black culture.

And I bet the dude that gets the axe to the chest will be WHITE

>no source link
>spells actor's name wrong

Trolling newfags is so easy these days.

...and Eminem, and SRV, and on and on.

Appropriating black culture isn't new

Real talk aggrieved fag boy. Why do you even care about something clearly not made or meant for you in any way shape or form? Are you really just being a lil immature whining as if everything in the world was a sort of zero sum game and just cause some blackeys are being pandered to you feel upset about that you are not getting something instead of them or something?

like shit son just ignore it and let it fail instead of actively bitching about it like a punk as weak bitch. Seriously fuck is the problem of something you can just fully ignore and that will not affect you in any sort of way?

,,, Unless of course you are the type of pathetic faggot that must actively seek shit to be upset about as if that anger or victim complex it fill or agitates gives you a sort of recreational anger you need to sustain your shitty as fag self or something.

Find me some black influences in Philip Glass' work.

Cute. See. There's a difference between widening a casting to be more inclusive and throwing an SJW hail Mary you hope connects. See Ghostbusters or Get Out. Telling the same story with slightly different colored, but equally talented people pisses no one off. Recasting every big black celebrity, regardless of talent or typical typecasting, will make everyone hate the inevitable abomination.
Want to take another swing, big boy?

wise words


What a thoughtful rebuttal, you candy-ass roodypoo. Show me a single point I made that is illogical and maybe then you can swing your nifty Autism maymay my way.

Yeah because the original"The Shining" director was Jewish so that's why, wait what was your point again?

You mean like "We wuz kangz"?

fake and gay, but still pisses me the fuck off

not even the same guy, you just type like a sperg. have this.

I capitalize and punctuate and am a native speaker of English, but I'm the one typing like a sperg. In comparison to you...? Ok, then, guy. Whatever you say.


>Edris Elba
Yeah OP, this is totally real.

I'm worried about the 50+ unique posters who actually thought that it was real. They're either mongs, newfags, or both.

Nah, man. Bored at work. I've been here far too long to be rustled by much. I'm not even sure if I have jimmies anymore...

Pretty much.

because now they can argue that if you don't go to see it you're racist. if you don't like the movie, you're racist. if you don't think this is a good idea, you're racist.

this'll be ghostbusters 2016 all over again.

A regular remake of The Shining would bomb
An all black remake is going to kill it faster than a prom night abortion

>jews have no real culture of their own
t. brainlet

if it was real maybe


Here's.... Jamal!

>i was born a black woman
where's her thousand dollar surgery to switch races to one that fits her crazy brain?


If it makes the niggers happy, and shuts them up even a little bit, I'm all for it.

that's because Stephen King is a fucking faggot. Kubrick wasn't going to let that limp wristed faggot try and dictate how his movie was made. that's why he made their VW bug yellow instead of red and Kubrick also made the car that got in the wreck when the black dude was otw to the hotel in the snow a red VW bug. fuck Stephen King

That is still obviously a nigger. See the facial structure? Looks like an ape, almost.