Please explain how this is racist

Please explain how this is racist

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It's not, just a badass car, rebel flag and all, good show rtoo tbh bought it on every and I've probably watched every episode three times.

The loser flag on the roof is the only shitty thing about it.

its white washed history so I guess white people don't mind it

No. If you can't understand why people relate that symbol to racism I am not going to waste my time trying to explain it to you. Thank you have a nice day. Now go call somebody a nigger because it's part of your history

the flag and the name

even with the re adaption with jessica simpson
there is a scene where they ride into black neighborhood and niggers get mad haha

It isn't. There was nothing racist about moonshine running.

because black people.

It isn't. It's just plain retarded.

Same. I'm still upset the reruns got taken off TV.

That movie was terrible. Maybe as an original story it wouldn't have been as bad, but it was just Jackass with a Dukes of Hazzard skin.


>I am not going to waste my time trying to explain it to you.
The new generation, ladies and gentlemen. He won't 'waste' his time with actual information and facts, but he will tell you that he's amazing and everyone else is shit. This species will be dead within a decade.

I'm a niganon and this was my first dream car. To this day I still want one and I couldn't give less of a shit about the flag on the roof either.

Checked and appreciated, nigger. :)

me negro

Robert E. Lee was a confederate general, the car is called the general lee. there is a confederate battle flag on the top. all support of confederate iconography can be considered racist, because they were racists.

Lee wasn't even that much for slavery.

doesn't matter. it's not about the individuals, it's about the teams they played for.

What have those Duke boys gotten themselves into this time?

Flags are not inherently racist. It all comes down to perception and while some may see the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbol or racism, I see it on equal footing as pic related.
A flag carried by men who believed they were fighting an oppressive government and trying to form their own country. It's neither good or bad, it just is. The same applies to any flag and you can find someone offended by any flag.
In the context of the show it's a rebel flag. On the car of a family constantly fighting corruption.

Found the nigger.

So why aren't the founding fathers being witch hunted? Why isn't the constitution being scrapped and why aren't white people being prosecuted for the crimes of their ancestors?

>Flags are not inherently racist

you're right, they have to be repeatedly associated with racists. just like the nazi and confederate battle flags.

I give it until March or so... Helter Skelter, motherfucker.

That's what will come next and is already starting. Someone in Chicago torched a statue of Lincoln. You know, "The Great Emancipator"?
This nonsense either stops now or it continues until every reminder of American history is destroyed (And when the Left tells you "You can still read about history in your books", they mean books written to fit their view)

because those people didn't lose a war about the ownership of a race of people.

Doeant bubba watson own the general Lee now? He wears a half million Richard Mille while golfing, how the fuck can he be rassis

That could be said about any flag and who are you to deny their legitimacy?
I'm not going to say racists do not use those flags, but I will say they are not only used by racists.

Even something nearly universally despised like the Nazi flag has a positive meaning to some. Such as those in Eastern Europe who had Nazi Germany as a powerful ally and supplier that helped them maintain their independence from the Soviet Union. Estonia, Latvia, and Finland to name a few.

Why the fuck would you pay that much for a watch? Does it tell the time better than a dollar store electronic watch? No. Does a nice watch make women cream their pants? Of course not. What a fucking waste.

Youre a triggered nigger faggot. The three Double-Gs

Come shine my shoes since it's part of your history, boy.

>BLACK tires
>BLACK window tint
>BLACK leather seats
>BLACK oil
it is basically black face with a car

>who are you to deny their legitimacy?

Who are you to lend it? People who see the nazi flag as a positive symbol are either nazis or nazi sympathizers. If that's a concept you have trouble with I really don't think you could offer a nonbiased argument on whether or not the confederate flag is racist.

Fun with Flags!

It's not racist......... Liberal are RETARDED

But user he has a feeling, and that means that everything anyone else feels means less than nothing.


cause they were always racing in it

You're the one to act like every single Nazi or sympathizer is a criminal who has personally committed atrocities.
If that's your view then you also take the same view when it comes to Confederate flag, the American flag, and every other flag throughout of all history that has had someone represented by it do something unsavory.
Being offended by symbols, and demanding their destruction and banning, is one of the most childish things one can do. It's also something that has no clear endpoint because someone will always find something to be offended by.

because they won. Had they lost there would be no constitution, they would have been tried for treason and drawn & quartered.
Winners write history.

Its red while it should be orange

BOOM! 10/10 thread over.


same car different year/model

Yep and though he said he was painting it I hope that fucker stuck it in a barn and bought a dupe.

>Hear the Northern thunders mutter, Northern flags in South winds flutter!
>To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!


Which part is false?


>This species will be dead within a decade.
I wish I shared your optimism.


>You're the one to act like every single Nazi or sympathizer is a criminal who has personally committed atrocities. Yadda yadda muh flags, triggered, destroying muh rich culture!

Definitely never drew those conclusions, said those things, or support those responses. I'm only stating the facts that both the confederate and nazi flags have been so closely related to racist groups (both during the times of their original use and after) that they are now symbols of that racism. That's pretty indisputable.


Wrong, this is shitty...

Dat 35 star American flag tho ...

By that logic all cultures should be annihilated.

All of it, especially the fail of trying to compare a far right republican rebel to a far left democrat based liberal muslim



Maybe that's because the media insisted on showing only those sides of the debate they agreed with and tried to censor the other.
The removal of flags and monuments because they were deemed racist (with little discussion), the cancellation of the show in the OP simply because it used the flag in a neutral manner. Hard to engage in discourse when one side has already decided the issue for everyone and will try to block out anyone who disagrees from being heard.
But since you insist on going by mob rule, enjoy watching as the idiocy spreads. More monuments being taken down, more symbols being deemed racist. Those hateful groups will always have their ideas and find new visual identifiers. Your approach to it doesn't solve the problem at heart and just settles for an "out of sight, out of mind" approach. It solves nothing.

all cultures that lost their wars like a bunch of pussies.


Libtards and niggers got butthurt about the flag on the top of the vehicle, labeled it "racist" and since you know us white devils are to blame for everything, it got taken off the air.

Shut the fuck up, liberal cuck bitch. I hope you get your fucking wig split next time you get mouthy with someone.

>unintelligible trollspeak not even related to anything I just posted.

Okay, I get it, super well played.


And what is part of your history?

That statue was already weathered and destroyed

Yes that's shitty too, please drop the retarded false dichotomy.


because he parked like a nigger

But if they take off the flags they will all get blacked.

>the media
please be more specific

I will drop the difference when the difference is realized, and its not false what you see is what you get...

Actually those spots were reserved for the car

They do not care, all they care is he was white...

>unintelligible trollspeak
Which part do you not understand? You said since nearly everyone associates a flag with something
>both the confederate and nazi flags have been so closely related to racist group... that they are now symbols of that racism
that is the only association they have and nothing more.
You even acknowledged some see them differently, but act is if they are wrong because they are on the other side of an issue and in the minority.
With that line of thinking then eventually the American flag will be seen a hate symbol. Either when people take offense to the things the US has done throughout its history or when a hate group decides to use that as their banner.

And please don't insult everyone ITT by using an image from that terrible Death Note adaptation.

because the confederacy wouldnt bow for the jews. that is racist

No they only fought war, won it, then claimed all Men were created equal under God, while still owning slaves.

Apparently some do not know what a liberal white woman is, and a republican rebel white woman is. Hint they are different people...

You mean like the liberal news bows for the muslims

I seent it
It didn't even have a nose

CNN, Buzzfeed, Salon, MSNBC. To name a few.
All ran articles how the "Confederate flag" was some kind of evil symbol that stood for slavery and racism. They're the ones that called anyone flying it uneducated about the history of it, trying to shame those people and make everyone see their view on the issue.
Those agencies are the ones that created panels of numerous people who had the same exact thoughts before even talking and then "debated" to form a consensus that the belief they all held was correct. Shocker.
Their viewers are the ones who petitioned to remove every showing of the flag they could, including an old TV show they most likely never watched.
Liberals refuse to hear any dissenting opinion and will try to silence it. When only their side of things is heard, it's hard to argue against.

Just CGI the fucking roof orange and show the reruns again

Okay so they won against Britain, how does that change the fact they were also the first slave owners in the new United States of America? George Washington's great estate Mount Vernon was entirely built and run by slaves, it can be argued much of (old) DC was built by slaves and many other places.

It's probably a good thing leftists have such a shit knowledge of history or else they'd be fucking livid at the conditions the country was founded on and would be calling for the burning of the Constitution and dissolution of the country to start anew.

The confederacy is much like if McGregor was still talking shit.

No. How about you accept media from the past as it is made and view it with the context it was created in?
Stop trying to retroactively censor the past.

will we ever date again?

is she the one?

I loved it as a kid, but I have to admit Dukes of Hazzard was a terrible show.

Children use those roads.

So many Charger parts just scattered around everywhere, no telling how many CNH 320 license plates are just lying all over the place

Boss Hog made the jews look bad, so it's racist

You guys got a participation trophy for coming in 2nd place. I can see why you are upset about the removal of the Robert E Lee statue.

It's hokey but still fun. I was watching them on TV occasionally up until they were banned. Still love the car though.

The amount of cars they destroyed is insane and I'm not just talking about the Chargers.


>i should be punished for something my 4-5 generations up grandparents did to your 4-5 generations up grandparents

Neither one of us were there, so why should we be punished for shit we didn't specifically do?

This is the dumbest Leftist meme about the whole thing. One which should be answered with questions of when will the destruction of monuments to Indians and the Vietnam War begin. Since apparently "losers don't get monuments".
Second dumbest is calling American GIs in WW2 "The original Anti-Fascists"

Are all your type so void of conviction and pride? Having to look to the past and label others who did heroic deeds as your own?

soooo many Monacos and Furys

It's racist because it's cool and represents the freedom we all deserve, to be a fool who buys this kind of shit.

Is this girl too young to be camming?