



good group nigger




post moar pl0x XDD

Probably my favorite jewbook group minus the lurkers






Check the news for San Fransisco tomorrow



Every YLYL thread is fucking cancer.

Why aren't we all in this cuckbook group?

No bananas, no trannies, no niggers.





Unironically a group that reminds me of old ylyl threads on Sup Forums. Quality keks provided.



Obviously fake, everyone knows Australia has no guns.




Already joined



I don't know why I lost to this.

What superpowers did he get?


he turned asian

Infertility, lasting pains, and birth deformities in the next 3 generations(even though he's infertile).

I'm in that group



you need to lurk



contribute some keks then, faggot

is this the catfish guy i heard so much about LMAO hes already alegend in tX


is it just me or are these threads main purpose to serve as self gratifying for OP because they have no originality and that these threads gain so much traction that one can't help but post in them with their "funniest image/ gif" that they them self have gleaned from other threads... when i see these threads i also see that dickhead in the other lane in traffic who saw my turn signal come on and immediately jumps on the accelerator so that they can retain the lane for them self...is all of humanity so self serving?

Shit group full of edgy tryhards







Is this girl too young to be camming? cam-x.com






i think youre projecting RRRREEEAAAALLLLLYYYY hard







This is the Japan we need



Kek this thread

so we're stealing from reddit now huh
















This place is fucking gay





he was a faggot though. read a fucking book.

I'd buy it, provided they did some under coating.

Is the pc bullshit really to the point where this would offend someone? Jesus

He was asexual.


a surprising amount of us are in this group, actually

Reminds me of that suicide noose where it is sunny and happy on the other side.

Nukes are obviously not as bad as people say they are.
