Sup Forums what do you do if your girlfriend says she's pregnant?

Sup Forums what do you do if your girlfriend says she's pregnant?

Wonder just when and how I got a girlfriend.

When did my hand grow a vag?!

Falcon Punch

Since my gf is probably pregnant I'm going to laugh at her.

Haduken to the gut

Ask her if it'll blend.


the only way is murder

Congratulate her and Tyrone


Vitamin C overdose. Causes miscarriage and diarrhea (which is the same thing, really).

You gotta be careful to avoid 'rose hips.' They specifically add that to vitamin C supplements to prevent this.

This right here

i check'em

tell her you're pregnant.

turn 360 degrees and walk away

Crash while you're driving. Nothing fatal. Just bad enough to fuck shit up

Wonder how I got a gf, and then got her pregnant.

I can't wait to tell my parents I'm not a disappointment.

It's for you, user

This is false. Evidence doesn't support vitamin C causing miscarriage.

kill myself
this is literally a myth. brainlets.


found the newfag

Pack your shit and leave

Time to get married.

Can anyone here, with a straight face, disagree that the world would be a much better place tomorrow if, tonight, every nigger on earth dropped dead?

Are you nigger? Run

Are you white? Take responsibility, raise a family, see your grandkids, live a meaningful life. But fuck you white honkey and your white priveleges.

You really want to kill Morgan Freeman? YOU MONSTER!!!

Every. Single. One.

well then fuck you, buddy

Fuck you niggershit

I'm not your buddy, pal