8values thread

8values thread
post your results
>pic related, its mine

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>libertarian communism
how does that work?


Not all communism is Stalinism, user


i still stand unanswered; explain how you can be libertarian and communist at the same time

Communism-No hierarchies
Libertarian- No concentration of power
That's what I roll by at least, I can guarantee you use different definitions, which is where my first response comes in.

my nigga

how is this enforced tho?
communism disregards human interest and thats why it fails and requires a large state to enforce, which kills the libertarian argument.

>Libertarianism: limited state intervention
>Communism: all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
How will the "communism" part be enforced?

It's not enforced, that's just the thing. Communism, despite the last few decades doesn't automatically equal police state.

eliminated hierarchies with public ownership of industry. the bottom left quadrant of the political compass. taken to the extreme, anarcho-communism.

I'm btw
The whole wage system that exists in capitalism plus a literal interpretation of Marx doesn't really fit what I believe to be honest, its just a label, after all.

define: "public ownership"
how is this stable without a heavy handed central power enforcing it?

easy, the people who use it, decide how its used, who gets it etc.
It's the whole corporate structuring that "steals labor" that doesn't really sit with me.

it does require people to want the system. in a less extreme version than anarchocommunism, things like hospitals and power plants are operated by the government for the good of all. enforcement wouldn't really be needed besides stuff like police to prevent armed takeover of the power plants and shit

steals labor? you mean the labor thats done under an agreed contract between the worker and the owner?



so how do such industries start and promulgate?
if a few people start an industry, and more people work at it if it becomes successful.. do they have less say, even tho they started it from the beginning with their own capital? because that hardly sounds fair.

Socialism doesn't really see it as an agreement between the owner/worker, but rather that of worker/society, that you either accept that your labor is stolen, or you starve to death.

No, they decide who works there, and if they need managers, they can vote on who they want, and even then, haggle with the managers for the managers wages, rather than the decision being top-down.

oh theres the nazi

why would a few people need to amass large amounts of capital to start an enterprise? you're still thinking capitalism get you brain outside that box.

how exactly is the labor "stolen"?


>fundamentalism is national socialism
off yourself you fucking retard

dey durk ur durbs!!!!

so the money just comes out of thin air?
you start a company with nothing? really??? what economics is this?
math is math dude.

surplus value, as more money is moved up the hierarchy, the people at the bottom get less and less.
It's an efficient machine, sure, but labor exists independently of capital, but not the other way around.

what incentive is there for anyone to start anything then?
if i get the same as everyone else, even tho i bust my ass to get it going.. why bother?

anarchy user, learn politics

Because you get to decide who you share it with, and if you want a bigger cut, your organization can vote on it. Obviously if you're pulling you're weight, you're going to get more. If you aren't, and your fellow workers get greedy and lazy, their organization will fail.
This is where a lot of communists would say I'm not a communist, but I believe socialism can exist WITH market forces, rather than a needs/gift economy.



Average intelligent score

We need to socialize as much as possible before the majority of jobs are more profitable using automation. If not the common man is fucked.



That's the scary part of the future, if this level of rampant capitalism continues, then the rich won't even need the poor anymore.

>not knowing how to screencap


What does it mean?



Unless universal income is put in place they won't even have a market and we'll all go down. It'll either be the modern equivalent of sharecropping or a communist uprising.


I don't really agree with UBI, or any welfare for that matter, as a weird-sort of socialist.

it means you believe in Social Liberlism. Ie you probably voted Sanders

That was fun thanks op! Back to masturbating

Until now it's been a waste of money save for single parents as supplementary income. It'll be a necessity when the majority of the public doesn't have jobs


Fashy goy here.

I wanna say its time to start with the socialism, but it has a horrible stigma, the capitalists are in control, most socialists are embarrassing humans, and most workers still think it means they have to share their toothbrushes. It's depressing, and its often what leads to radicalization.



What a try hard

>78% traditional

>not having over 40% for market

Just leave my shit alone and iam good.

Questions were pretty vague on their implications. Had I had specific examples it would probably be higher

Apparently I'm a pretty solid centrist, with a very slight favoring of nation over world (slightly right) and progress over tradition (slightly left).

... So yeah, strong Centrist.

Oh no boy you're getting your shit destroyed.


72% in M A R K E T?????

You're a degenerate.

post it

>no conviction
>pushover beta male

Gouvernment can do exactly one thing : fuck shit up beyond repair.

My man

You're on, commie-boy.



It's a pleasure to meet you fine sirs.

What up my needs-case-by-case-assessment-to-accurately-evaluate-the-best-approach centrists?

I hope ill live to see the day people abandon gouvernments and actually try to live in a free society without someone deciding over their heads.
Whenever i speak to people about democracy they believe they are able to make better decisions than the people around them. Why put someone above you then? Just decide for yourselfs.



One that made me hesitate was "Should taxes be increased on the rich to provide for the poor?"

I think taxes should be increased on the rich, but not specifically to provide for the poor. Rather, to support poorly funded federal programs that I personally value, like nature conservation.

While I trust my particular circle, I don't necessarily trust someone else's particular circle. In a self-governing system, the system with the most power (people, technology, tactics) has authority. In an overhead system, my circle might not be able to rise above others, but the circle that I actively distrust can't have authority over mine even if they have the means to overpower me.

I just did a google search of socialism libertarian and I found out it meant left libertarian, WHICH also includes anarchism.

Which I'm already fully aware of. Cool.

This quiz thing is accurate. Bash the fash I smash female ass!

Yeah the questions and wording were shit

>I smash female ass!



>85% capitalism

Holy shit, how many times were you dropped on your head as a child?


literal fucking trash

trump pls go

trump pls go

not enough

This is what I actually got.

I usually get centrist results, but went pretty NatSoc on this one (for me)

Are you the Pope?





I don't have a pic but this is extremely close to my results

>this entire thread is full of cancer

Not a communist so i seem fine.


>81.7% progress
>61.2% world