Any medfags know what this is? It's all on my chest and around my neck to. Feels rough/bumpy. How do I get rid of it?

Any medfags know what this is? It's all on my chest and around my neck to. Feels rough/bumpy. How do I get rid of it?


I hate to break it to you, user, you've got full-body herpes. It'll be highly infectious to anyone who even touches you for the next few weeks. Scarring will probably leave you irrecognizable. Good luck, man.

Well frankly it LOOKS like goosebumps, but I'm gonna assume that's not what it is. If it's been there awhile, it's probably eczema. Especially if it's itchy. However it can still be eczema if it isn't itchy. It's extremely common and easily treatable. Just walk into any pharmacy and ask where to find eczema cream and there should be plenty of over-the-counter options. Not to worry, OP.

>scarring will leave you unrecognizeable

That's spallpox you faggot


It doesn't itch but sometimes when it's hot out my back, neck, chest and hair itches like hell, though I don't have it on my back or in my hair

Sorry, don't have tits

that's cancer. my dad had the same thing and died about 2 months later.

hair follicles?

Serious question;

Are you overweight or obese?


Bump for medfags


goosebumps OP

just stop listening to that badass song you love so much and they will go away

Keratosis Pilaris?

Usually you can't get rid of it entirely but there's creams that help and sunlight does too, for some people.

medfag here i graduated from johns hopkins. that is cancer op. i'm sorry. i just treated a patient with this. it first appears on the skin and death happens within 3 months. it is called advanced skin cell adinomic carcinoma. i'm sorry.

Neither. Am half Mexican though

you have diabetes

I probably am a borderline diabetic actually

Not a girl tho

get some lotion and there you go problem solved, also book an appointment for a doctor if you havent already

I'll try it but I doubt it'll work

Put a jumper on, you're cold.

>advanced skin cell adinomic carcinoma
This guy is out of his mind. Squamous cell carcinoma starts out as what looks like a pimple, not small bumps.
You're probably just itchy because you sweat when it's hot out. I'm sticking with my assumption that it's eczema. Definitely nothing serious so don't think you're going to die.

We'll thank god but sometimes it itches without me sweating, don't know if that leads to more conclusions though

It was like 104° today dude

what is your specialty? i am assistant director of the advanced carcinoma investigative facility at my hospital at harvard, 12 years board certified in thoracic and skin medicine, and have over 1000 hours treating patients with this disease? you do what pop pimples on your face and ass? leave the medical advice to the experts newfag.

op i'm sorry but it is true yo have cancer. godspeed to the afterlife. we don't have the medicine to treat that form of cancer yet.