
not fbi bread

I'm a right wing, white, heterosexual man that likes to LARP on Sup Forums as a gay hispanic member of antifa

>be 13
>'cousin' 14 comes to live with us
>feeling each other up at night
>gets heavy one night and she pulls my cock out and blows me deluxe
>next night she pins me down and fucks me raw and I cum inside her
>freak out thinking she'll be pregnant coz im a dumb kid
>ask a friend, friend tells my parents
>'cousin' goes to live somwehre else
>never knew if she was pregnant, probably couldn't even blow loads back then
>years later mum tells me she was a family friend and not an actual blood relative
>slightly less hot thinking about it now

lol good work


everyone must be in bed


I finally convinced my gf to suck me off instead of sex some nights. Mostly because sex is boring me and I can only cum if I think of my friends.

I fap to a family members fb pics way to often

post some so i can fap to her too

Too risky

I preyed on the insecurity of some ballet girls and to get them in bed with me when I was studying dance a few years ago.

then gtfo and go to bed.

Gonna fap first

When I was teenager, I always thought, that when I'll be adult, I'll be happier. Today I turn 20, and I'm feeling kinda depressed and not sure what I want to do.

I showered with a really cute 9yo girl earlier today


I hunt for used diapers in bathrooms and take them home to play with.

Im dating a uggo who I want to break up with. Tempted to get some sex vids before I dump her

How did you start dating?\

i watched two 11yo's soap each other in the bath and les it on periscope, they washed each other and blew my load twice for them

furries at the hilton by any chance?

>shit hit the fan in life
>moved to a shit hole town where I know no one
>met her cause I was bored
>just wound up dating and fucking
>not bad to hang out with
>has a decent job, house, car, ect
>but just bored around her any more minus the fact Im not the attracted top her

I hope I too can work this out. I love my girlfriend and all but after a few thousand fucks you really get bored with the same person.

Tell us more, I can imagine they were bendy as fuck. Did they wear their slutty little ballerina skirts?

Nope. Been into it long before that furry shit. I'm talking used baby diapers too. From baby change rooms. Taken diaper genie sausages from dumpsters/neighbors' garbage too.

How uggo are we talking here?

Feel like sharing a pic or something?

>Did they wear their slutty little ballerina skirts?
Nah wasn't really into that, although fucking one while she's doing penché was pretty magical.

i wasn't saying this seriously, iwas talking about furaffinity, but oh well, you do you

when i was 15-16, I gave oral sex to a 9yo girl quite a few times.

What did she think of it??

Did she cum??

When I was in my thirties I gave and received oral from a 10 year old girl... she really enjoyed sucking me off.

what did you think of it?

Shes a fatty too

The fistful time I are her out she was really vocal about it and grabbed my head and held it tight to her twat...

When I was 15, I had a 10-year-old "gf". She was jealous of her older sister and latched onto me.

What's funny is, I knew it was wrong, but I never really considered that I was a kid too. At the time, I felt like I was much much older, but I really wasn't. I hid it like it was something to be totally ashamed of.

I was in heaven! She tasted sweet and nice. I loved her sucking on my cock!!

she loved it

not the 1st couple times but i made her cum pretty much every time after then. i tried to also finger her a couple times but it made her uncomfortable so i didnt try it again.

>I beat a badger to death with a shovel once.
>I've fucked my cousin
>I've stolen 6 cars
>I've sold drugs and moonshine
>in high school I got a girl drunk to the point where she passed out and then fucked her in the bathroom while pretending she was trowing up
>I blew a big hole in my neighbors truck with my 10 gauge when he wasn't home
>my mom used to shower with me until I turned 14
>literally jacked off onto her leg once
>I lived in a trailer for 8 years
I am literally the living stereotype of a hillbilly.

why do you lie in the internet user?

Because he's jerking off

At least you live more than some people.

Yeah, when I started fingering my 10-year-old, she indicated for me to stop. She was a virgin. But instead I kept it up moving my finger so as to not press on her cherry. In no time she was over it and didn't hurt any more.

>this shit gives me a fucking boner


Sounds like the perfect life if you ask me.

>>I've stolen 6 cars

Sold them for scrap and parts. My uncle runs a scrapyard.

Are you Trevor Philips?

it didnt hurt for my girl, just not ready to take that step. she liked rim jobs though

I live together with two girls in a flat. Both are a little younger than me (early 20s).
Although being in a relationship i always wished to fuck one of them.
We have a good relationship and enter our rooms as we want. I usually go to smoke on her balcony and she often sits on my bed to study even if I'm not at home..
Being an notorious exhibitionist i once got hooked up with the idea of 'flashing' her 'accidentally ' (both being I a relationship made this the only way of her seeing me, without destroying anything else )
I often take naps after work and i usually leave my door open a little so she comes looking for me after a while...
I decided it could be fun to set up a camera pointing at my door to catch the reaction to her seeing me half naked with a boner in my pants... the videos... her reactions (she comes back quite often to catch glimpses ) make up my best faps in the last weeks!

>>my mom used to shower with me until I turned 14
>>literally jacked off onto her leg once
We would make great friends you and I

I almost raped and murdered a prostitute once. I needed to get off, was flat broke, and was suicidal as fuck. Had a knife in my pocket and a hammer up my coat sleeve. Went into the bathroom to psyche myself up. When I came out she was lying on the bed with legs spread open and nothing on. I fucked her and ran. She didn't ask for the money up front and it saved her life. Here's a pic from he first time I fucked her (which was why she let her guard down).

Had someone already done things with her?

Never rimed my girl, but enjoyed some great anal until she could take me in her twat. Fucked her tight littl e ass so deeply that I could feel the sphincter between her rectum and her large colon stroking my couch head and shaft... hot!!

I participated in a gang rape in high school. 10+ guys on one drunk girl at a party.

We need details, come on man.

>be me
>at hotel for three nights, family vacation- Disneyland
>see cat next on wall, is a few feet high on the side I'm on and a fifty foot drop on the other- as it turned out
>Cat bro is asleep
>me being the autist I am decides to throw some chicken I had from lunch up to it
>hits cat bro on the fucking head
>he spurgs out and falls off the high end of the wall.
>Mfw I made a cat an hero in front of Micky Mouse and a bunch of small children

Nope, but she had watched her mom have sex and was hot to try it out too.

Did it die?

>using friend's computer
>find nudes his hot gf sent him
>send them to myself
>fap to them frequently, cum buckets
No regrets

The first(and last) time i decided to stick my dick through a glory hole i was expecting a bj from some random guy, instead someone sat on my dick. About a minute in i burst, checked that night for a stds but I'm clean.

In not really gay, i was just super horny and figured why not, it'll be an experience.

If he was a real friend he would have already given you them

Girl got drunk as shit, a few guys dragged her to a bedroom. Word spread around the party and I got in line. Was like the 7th guy to go. She was a 7/10 redhead, still pretty tight even after all that. Really awkward afterwards though. Stuck around for a bit to watch some of the guys after me, then bailed.

Said he became an hero, so yea my dude

I enjoy eating trap ass and letting them sit on my face.

Her mom was my sister, who I had fucked throughout her childhood and into her early twenties... my little sis had her when she was only 16... I figured the girl may have been mine.

Just checking. Cats have been known to survive higher falls.

>Really awkward afterwards though
You're a fuckin' joke

Even been in a gang bang? Tell me that shits not weird after you cum

>Was like the 7th guy to go
Where did everyone cum?

Well, apparently not when surprised/startled
Shit was traumatic to all else present, had to contain my keks

What happened to her after?

Was it a gang bang or a gang rape?

She did okay.

Most pulled out to cum on her stomach. Some had condoms.

Of course it was rape. Otherwise it's not really worthy of the thread is it?

I once snuck into a friends house to smoke his weed while he was at work. I'm stoned sitting at his computer and decide to peek his browsing history. It's nothing but gay emo twink videos of solo boys jo'ing or two boys kissing. This was circa 2008 I looked a lot like the guys he was looking at. Never mentioned it and stopped stealing weed from my friends

I bailed before they were done. Heard they cleaned her up a bit but no idea really.

>be me
>had a gf 2012, broken up in 8 months
>have a gf rn
>Get a B O N E R
>try having sex with the first one >precum.tiff
>get a B O N E R
>B O N E R begone.gif
>second gf, same story

speak english !!

>still living with parents
>family friend lost his house in a divorce
>him and his 15 year old daughter stayed with us for about two years
>daughter had a 6/10 face but a 13/10 ass
>both slept in the living room on different couches
>i would sneak in almost every night and feel up the daughter
>some nights i would pull down her pants and rub her ass
>one night i went too far
>pull down her pants
>pull down her underwear
>spread her cheaks
>implant face
>sit there for minute
>pull out and decided to put finger between the cheaks
>goes a bit deeper
>a bit more deeper
>touches her anus
>goes a bit more deeper
>beach the dam
>she shifts and rolls over my hand
>finger goes all the way in
>she jolts awake
>i rip my finger out and sprint through the darkness up the stairs into my room
>i have two brothers she might think it was one of them
>the next morning i find a not on my desk
>"if you wanted to, you could've asked"
>from that moment in we messed around like crazy
>she give me a handjob, bj, tit job
>is eat her out, finger her, rub dick between cheaks, eat her ass
>she'd sit on my face
>we'd shower together and mess around
>we would even do anal
>then, after about three months, they moved away
>I've had others since her
>but she was the best I've ever had

Paid my cousin (1st cousin, female, 16 years old) 100 Euro to give me a blowjob when I was 19.
Later paid her 200 for sex and got her pregnant.
She had an abortion and never talked to me again.
She's currently married with a woman.
>I turned a woman gay

>Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Why would you keep that a secret?

I meant like after the party when everyone was sobered up? Maybe you didn't know her.

Fooled around with my cousin in a bush behind my aunt's house. Eventually got it in when we were like 14 shit was cash. Sometimes at family parties go for "walks" and relive those memories. No one knows to this day

Yeah I had no idea who she was. Wouldn't have done that to someone I knew.

From my parents, and the family friend.
I told people we were banging, but not the fact that i would feel up a sleeping chick.

We meet every now and again and try to fool around.

Is this a retarded way of saying you're impotent?

>i would feel up a sleeping chick
Ah... yes, I can see how that part would be a bit em'bareass'ing. Carry on.

Any of you fellow degenerates know how to get away with a rape? I could use a good lay. (She doesn't have to live afterwards or anything)

During highschool i would capture frogs, Beatles, lizards, and other small creatures and put them in rigged lockers (lockers set up so you don't put in the combination), released them in class rooms, and my personally favorite, put them up in the ceiling tiles.

No one knew who was doing it and would call him/me the bug bandit, frog boy, lizard king, etc. Even now no one ever figured it out.

Drugs/enough alcohol that she's unconscious. Then make sure you clean her when you're done. It's easy as hell if you've got the balls.

>find a girg
>hit ger with brock
>falls over
>take off pants
>take of gorls pants
>put ur oeenger in her Virginia
>u rapped them gg

Statue of limitations is 7 years usually for rapes, murder is indefinite.

What was the feeling like in the room? Were everyone just standing there silent waiting for their turn?

You should go to your reunion(s) and do the same thing, put frogs in the punch bowl, bugs on or near the food ect.