Allright Sup Forums so i have been told i can act somewhat close to a psychopath in some situations...

Allright Sup Forums so i have been told i can act somewhat close to a psychopath in some situations. I went online to research and i did some psychopath test, got 85% and up on all 3 of them, just how reliable are these tests and is there a way to be sure?

nah, you are just a moron (doing online test is a proof).



Do you have emotions? If the answer is yes you are not a psychopath. Kill yourself just to be sure.

Seek professional advice, an online quiz is only the first step

Like what?

Emotions like what, feel sad, happy or angry?

I mean i did 3 and all was above 85% then there has to be something to it?

Even go to a doctor who can refer you to a therapist, I'm currently seeing a therapist right now and I'll tell you you find out a lot more about yourself than you think by talking about your feelings especially if at times you're acting like a psychopath and potentially causing hurt to your friends. Online quizzes are the first step and once you've done a few and get a high score on all its time to go to a professional and not pussy out if you're interested, self diagnosing is rather looked down upon

Yes. You may also have a learning disability.

Psychopathy, adhd, autism, tourettes etc are all jew inventions to make the white man a slave to the jew big pharma

How so?

Tbh i dont think i got the balls to do it

Because he asked if you have emotions and you needed fucking clarification, retard.

Then you'll never find the truth, another place you could look for pseudo professional advice are support groups. Look online, go to forums, chat rooms, call up, meet up etc. That way you'll know for sure and meet other people that are going through the same shit

Is that a bad thing?

The truth about me having a psycologial dissorder?

Of course, why else do you think these groups exist?

Idk im just confused af

Well when your friends notice it, there's an obvious reason to do something because it stands out. I bet there's self help sites too

you are just an attention seeking faggot that thinks that he is special