What is it called when you believe in a God/Creator but not organized religion?

What is it called when you believe in a God/Creator but not organized religion?





Underage. Ban

interesting question IMHO

personally I'd call it silly - because you are making a step backwards



Organised religion and banking are literally the two main causes of how fucked civilisation is.


The usual cop-out term is "spirituality".

The idea that there exists a hands-off creator that does not interfere with its creation is called deism.

I think the correct term would be Deism.


>believes in karma but not god
Basic white bitch syndrome


Whats it called when you believe in both?

copy this image ,post on Twitter etc

Belief in a god makes you: theist.
As you can imagine it's the opposite of atheist.

100% white, brother!

Sieg 100!

OP here thanks this seems like it.

Idk why people believe this stance is stupid. I simply think the beauty and incredible formation of the world as we know it was brought by something greater. That includes evolution being a beautiful process made for life itself and all the tiniest perfections that seemingly make life the perfect mistake

Also organized religion I think is a cancer. Whatever made us IMO had either stopped caring or just leaves us to do our own thing. There are no instructions or right way to live.


Mental retardation? If someone isn't feeding you lies, how would you know about said lies

pussy motherfuckaz talking shit behind a screen for fun, I prefer jui jitsu you da pussy boy dat need a gun


> I simply think the beauty and incredible formation of the world as we know it was brought by something greater.
>Idk why people believe this stance is stupid.
Deism is less stupid than organized religion.

I believe there is a god but I don't support him or the decisions he's made like
Giving little kids cancer
Pretty much suffering in general

And the way the reasoning behind some of it like women feel pain during child labor because some stupid bitch thousands of years did something she wasn't supposed to so literally every woman after her must suffer?

Shit makes no fucking sense

I forgot to ask if there's a name for this way thinking
I acknowledge and believe there is a god but I don't actually BELIEVE in him does that just make me not a true believer I guess or.......?

Misotheism: you believe in a god but hate it.



Autistic deism

Still an idiot

A monotheistic creator is self-evident. OP is just "normal". Faith is what he needs to go further in his spiritual journey that every man travels.


I guess that's the closest I can get to a definition but I don't necessarily hate god I'd just like an explanation for the things he's done I guess it's just not fair IMO why create something and make it suffer with the promise of one day going to a paradise that's free from all the negative things on Earth when we could of just went to paradise to begin with or just simply not have been created in the first place

>A monotheistic creator is self-evident.
No, it isn't.
Faith is a demonstrably unreliable path to truth.
>his spiritual journey that every man travels.
Many men don't believe in spirits and never start.

something to give us theist and antitheist to laugh at

If you don't believe in the one and only Allah, then you are an infidel.

religious but unchurched... but i think the unchurched thing isnt even worth mentioning. in central europe the majority of people only visits the church when there is a funeral or a marriage... and the marriage thing is on the decline.

>denies the self-evident nature of God
You say that from a state of creation. Ironic.
Is the only thing that will save you from death
>many men
many jews


>You say that from a state of creation.
Prove it.
>Is the only thing that will save you from death
Everyone dies, faith or no faith.
>many jews
ayy lmao

>Organised religion and banking are literally the two main causes of civilisation

He's saying only if you have faith and believe that when you die will you continue to live in another way like going to heaven you fool


What does FIFY stand for

>implying I didn't get it
Fun fact: there is no good reason to believe that anyone continues to live after death.

Mental illness

No shit that's why it's called faith

>prove it
What, that you exist? and yet should not, but do?
>everyone dies
I won't, life everlasting here thanks to my faith in Christ like this guy says
>i'm not a jew
Yes. Yes, you are.

Not on single stand of rationality

And faith is demonstrably unreliable. gg.
>What, that you exist?
That I was created by a god.
>and yet should not, but do?
Go for it.
>I won't, life everlasting here thanks to my faith in Christ
Nope. No reason to believe that's true and faith is nonsense.
>Yes. Yes, you are.
Jews literally believe in the same God as Christians.

Do you ever think about how convenient life on Earth is?
If we were slightly closer to the sun we'd burn if we were slightly further we'd freeze it's just too perfect to simply be a coincidence

>Do you ever think about how convenient life on Earth is?
It isn't. We can only survive on a relatively small portion of it.
>If we were slightly closer to the sun we'd burn if we were slightly further we'd freeze it's just too perfect to simply be a coincidence
Earth could be almost out to Mars and still support life.

The universe is a vast large place with lots of shit in it for being mostly empty, not too far fetched life happened

a millennial female raised by religious parents, trying to rebel from them but not too far.

>it's just too SOMETHING to simply exist

Construction that clearly shows that you are talking to someone who would believe any bullshit you tell him

And something I've never been able to wrap my head around is
Everything in existence had a starting point right? Like there HAD to be the first of everything
Like the big bang theory it says that abunch of atoms and of shit like carbon and other gases got together and made an explosion but where did the first of these gases come from ? Where did all start?

Speak proper english you barbarian.
>i just exist
You are now speaking from the state of existence, from a created state, in a garden of Eden. Sad to think there are people like you.
>life everlasting
I agree you will never, your impiety pride and hubris will earn you eternal damnation.
>i'm not a jew
yes you are. You deny Christ ipso facto you are a jew.

It's called ietsism or deism. Depends on views.
But it maybe something else. You can be christian, but disagree with organized christianity. Many of liberation theists, that I know, do it.
But you should know for a fact that all this shit is plainly retarded.

dosnt prove god


>Where did all start?
just don't start with this "God made them" bullshit. Because then it is obvious "where did God come from" and some religious fuckhead will say "Yeah, God is the beginning of everything"

and if you believe that something is such a superbeing that it is a beginning itself, then why can't goddamn carbon and other shit be a beginning

it amazes me just as strong as i was amazed first time i realized that - whole fuckin planet, full of people who believe in something just as real as unicorns

shut up with your harry potter fan fics

>Everything in existence had a starting point right?
That seems to be the case.
>Like there HAD to be the first of everything
Not necessarily, but that is what the evidence suggests.
>Like the big bang theory it says that abunch of atoms and of shit like carbon and other gases got together and made an explosion
Wrong. That is not what the big bang theory is.
>Where did all start?
We don't know. As far as I'm aware, the current leading hypothesis is that it was a quantum fluctuation.

Both of you are fuck tards and completely missed my point that question had nothing to do with god it was simply a question

>You are now speaking from the state of existence
> from a created state
Prove it.
>in a garden of Eden
Evidently not.
>I agree you will never, your impiety pride and hubris will earn you eternal damnation
Prove it.
>You deny Christ ipso facto you are a jew.


your question was fuckin pointless man, deal with that

Its like he dont know we aint drank the funny kool aid or some thing

How is it pointless because you can't answer it?

read spinoza for deism

faggotry or protestantism (same thing)

no one said the big bang theory was the religion of atheist actually its the farthest thing from that because people who arnt dumb ass's dont believe in it religiously and its just a theory which I bet will be forgotten by atheist and scientist in time

It's not though. What is this idea that earth isnt unique though? Its a weird anti-Science claim.
Yet there is zero evidence that another genesis event occured anywhere.
What like we aren't special when clearly we are?Nothing would prove God to you. Even him revealing himself. the next day atheists like you would have another reason to disbelieve. It's a moving goalpost
Enjoy hell
I think you have a one track mind and by your responses are unworthy of (You)'s so i'll not reply to your 1 word debate answers

Give me a short dumb version of the big bang theory please

and these zero evidence of god

get learnt

Because it has no actual value. You aren't trying to find an answer, you are simply mumbling words. You asked it, but you have no actual thrive to get any knowledge, because you must be intelligent enough to know that it will remain unknown for a long time.

Your words has just as much intellectual value as some bimbo chick flashing her tits from a limo while yelling

Difference is, bimbo flashing tits is at least entertaining. You are just some high school wanna be philosophy student.

You are like people who say "I love science, it is so interesting, so many mysteries!" when in reality it all just comes down to "Sometimes I like looking at stars".

No value.

>Irrigation and sewage


It's called IAmANeckbeardWhoBelievesInGodButIWantToBeSpecial
Pretty long name huh?

Don't think "he" makes us suffer. Shit just happens and we have to learn to deal with it. I guess it's the price for existing in this plane

Can you even speak in full sentences you braindead child? No more you's

>It's not though.
What's not?
>What is this idea that earth isnt unique though?
I never said it wasn't. I just said that it isn't convenient or in some perfect position.
>I think you have a one track mind
From you that's pretty funny.
>i'll not reply to your 1 word debate answers
Does this even qualify as a debate? All you've done is make assertions. I ask you to prove them, and you refuse.

How about you fucking educate me instead of telling me the whole "get gud" shit I'm like 90 percent sure the big bang theory was an huge explosion that resulted in the birth of a bunch of plantes

Hes right you know.
Your question is pointless.

> big bang theory it says that abunch of atoms and of shit like carbon and other gases got together and made an explosion
Being this retarded you should be asking for a textbooks on physics and chemistry.
You are too far from understanding what morden quantum physics have to say about the beggining of everything.
Bet you faggot can't even write correct electron configuration for oxygen.

Start with the basics and leave difficult questions for smart boys for now.

cant even spell but knows what the word know means

watch the discovery channel for a weed talk explanation

I HATE YOU DAD: The Thread

It's deism. It's the best thing if you want to believe in any god. But not the right one. Because there is no god.

something like agnostic

Are you a nigger? Serious question.


A lack of commitment and pseudointellectualism.


Short dumb version: There was a singularity that then "exploded", eventually resulting in the formation of matter.

By that logic why are you even posting in this thread? It's about god something you are me will never have an actual answer to go fuck your self

naw nibba i just know to have more substance to things I know then the bibble said so