/r/ is useless, anyone know who this is?

/r/ is useless, anyone know who this is?

I could be wrong but from my knowledge it looks like a woman with her tits showing.

here's the only other picture i can find of her


who. not what, you fucking homunculus

Move on OP. There's millions of women in the world. Hotter ones too!

Nice dubs op

ill move on when my dick has

>could be wrong but from my knowledge

I think you mean mongoloid you fucking mongoloid.

I know what said hermione

That was easy.
You owe me one OP!

The watermark seems to say 'bhabhidesi'. Bhabhi = sister in law and desi = Indian. Good luck, OP.

why the fuck do you care? she's fucking ugly.

Here's a much hotter girl.

You get like 5 pages of results for reverse image search, seems like you are just too lazy to work them threw...

Not your personal army, bub.

you clearly seem to have been brainwashed or stupified into believing this means something it does not.

girls have vagenes, they were born with it.
boys have benis n balls, they were born with them
being born with whichever sexual reproductive organs, are what dictates your gender, as your genitalia decides who in your society can be a potential and viable mate, having seperate cultural norms for each specific gender, is the very foundation which communities and societies are built upon.

It's definitely Nowshin Nahrin Mou probably from around 2012 maybe earlier.

Such a fucking unfunny post. I really hope that's some shitty copypasta you got off /r/4chanmemes and not something you actually just wasted your time writing up.

Fucking white people...

May have been a waste of time to ACTUALLY find the model but fuck it I'm fine.
I still got it

tsst shitposter. telling someone they're retarded doesn't always have to be funny. it can be as moronic as calling the male genitalia (the most masculine thin in the world) feminine.

but you don't see shillfag shitheads like yourself attempting to stop faggot shillfags from spreading their propaganda, do you? almost as if there's some sort of conspiracy to feminize Sup Forums men, with relentless shillfag shitposting of trans faggotry