I'm feeling anxious over the fact that I enjoy this type of porn way too much...

I'm feeling anxious over the fact that I enjoy this type of porn way too much. And in combination with sissy hypno videos I might have turned myself into a huge faggot at some point.

I feel like I can go back before this porn obsession hit me, but I don't think I can forgive myself or accept the fact that this was possible. The possibilty that if u watch enough perverted porn, it can basically turn you into a faggot over time.

Anyone that feels/felt the same? Did you find a solution that made you feel better?

I feel as if I can't take myself seriously and can't feel manly after all this perversion.

It's just classic conditioning homie. You got it in you that nigger dick gets you off and the pleasure center of your brain is now correlating nigger dick with pleasure.

To avoid aids, go with slight changes to stop focusing on it. Maybe for example, have sex with women.

Or whatever, become a fag and get aids Idc.

After a while I started to think about being a trap and getting fucked. Is it hot? Yes, to me. Is it realistic that I'll ever look like that or even want to look like that in general? Fuck no.

Bottom line if you like something as long as you aren't hurting anybody else nonconsensually fucking DO IT.

watching and making is totally different

btw, i like your picture

actually i like the cum video very much

better with glasses

same thing here. used to love bblowbbang/gangbang videos.

Then i kinda realized that I wouldnt actually do that in real life so idk why i like it.....

>It's just classic conditioning homie. You got it in you that nigger dick gets you off and the pleasure center of your brain is now correlating nigger dick with pleasure.
You're right. However I can't seem to live with myself having this. Now I know I can fix it. But it won't change the fact that at some point in my life nigger dick got me off. I can't bear it. I can't look people in the eyes without feeling ashamed.

I wish I didn't like it anymore. And better yet. I wish I never EVER liked this. I can't take myself seriously.
When I was smoking weed the other night, I saw a black guy walking in the street. I was high as fuck and I can get horny as fuck as well. It didn't trigger anything for me, but then I came up with the thought: "Let's experiment something, I'm going to focus on that guy and think of this bbc/sissy porn while I'm doing that. And it got me very horny for a few seconds. But it wasn't like it came naturally. I was very calculated but it still made me feel the way it made me feel. Because I was high it and safe in my private room it felt like "watching". But I can't let this moment go and shrug it off. It feels as if I crossed a line right there.

Your opinions?

Do you not feel bad about the fact you liked it and fantasized over it? Cause that's what I'm having right now. I feel anxiety over it. I have OCD so I can get easily anxiety over stuff and I know that. However, if I can't solve these issues in my head I can't live without anxiety.

I used to watch sissy stuff because I like chicks with dicks. I found it hot to fuck a sissy but not to be one, I'm not a fag. Now I just don't watch it anymore really and I don't wank anymore either and just feel better. Although I think that wanking everyday since the age of 12 did affect my fetishes, It didn't turn me into a fag even though I watched a lot of tranny porn, but always imaging I'm the dom.


In all complete fucking honesty I'd stop watching porn cold turkey if I were you guys.

In the beginning I just had a foot fetish from birth, now I'm certain I would swing both ways given the chance, and I've become too submissive and docile irl to my liking, not to mention I'd let someone else piss and shit in my mouth by this point.

Idc if liking traps makes me a fag of not I just like them if they're feminine enough so that's why I consider myself straight

It's just a fetish. It's just a fantasy. It's hot because it has nothing to do with reality. There is a separation.

Do you ever watch an action/horror movie and say, "if I were there..." and you follow that with how you'd do it better. Then you concede maybe that you would possibly be scared shitless if it were real?

I had a fantasy of incest for the longest time. I'd go online and pretend I fucked my family, I'd watch all the incest videos

Then one day I actually found naked pictures of my sister on her camera's card. I needed eye bleach. It wasn't that she was ugly, but that something real kicked in. Years later, I can't even jerk off to the memory, yet I still look for that porn

You're the exception bro, I'd turn any of my depraved fetishes and fantasies to reality any day.

It's starts out slow, but after sometime you change, whether dom slave shit, tranny stuff or watching twinks tongue punch each other's fart boxes, you'll want to amp it up, and the depraved becomes normal, just like how you were vs the first time you came on Sup Forums vs now,

Not watching it was one thing but never being turned on by it is another. If I go too long without looking at interracial/cuck/sissy stuff, it just puts me back in that same spot where I'm extremely turned on by it.

Reluctance makes it worse.


Also bump

Nice so you got a copypasta to go a long with the pictures so real am I right?

go to church and confess to the priest that you want or wanted bbc up your ass. The Lord will guide you.
also if you want to be 100% sure it'll work, videotape it and post it online

op do you have kik?
i might be able to help you a little, but I don't have the time to right now



>go to confess BBC sins to priest
>spill guts
>confessional divide opens
>pic related pops through

what do?

1: take pictures
2: go to court, claiming the priest sexually abused you, use pics as proof.
3: receive money

i think you know what that faggot would do

Is there even any going back at this point? I've never had any of my fetishes reversed, they've only grown and evolved over time.

I used to be disgusted by the idea of cuckolding and shit like that, never thought I'd ever be into watching my significant other fuck someone else, but now it turns me on.

You're fucked OP.

Welcome to the Republican Party.

You might be gay man. Maybe you just need to accept it

> is there even any going back at this point?
just go trough wit it. meet up with a negro. If the smell doesn't repulse you, you know something is wrong with you and you might as well kys

Sounds like you might be gay dude

Im cuck free. I never fap or have fapped to nigger dick.

Im breaking it to you as nice as i can OP.

Youre a massive cuck and a closeted gay too. Theres no going back at this point

Being a sissy is my new normal too. It's okay, it makes me happy. The worst trade-offs for this fetish are social in nature. You must ask yourself, mostly from having a hairless body. Makes for many awkward situations, like swimming, always wearing long sleeved clothing, etc. If you're fine with that, or being put under social pressure, then hey! No harm done. To me it's worth it. Nothing like getting dressed up then getting fucked until your Daddy fills your hole with warm, sticky cum.

>WTF of monthly giveaway is this?


y-yeah, go to the authorities surely...

right, he'd clean that cock and eat it's cum then post about how anxious it made him on Sup Forums

h-ha what a fag!

Wow some of you white guys are just plain crazy. Wtf.

This year was my first time I went on a holiday as a sissy. it was a blast. some guy even complimented my figure. you can say what you want, but i was the best time of my life. (pic related)

It is actually a condition known as Autogynophelia. Watching a lot of porn can cause men to identify with the female orgasm. With real sex you are an active participant and engaged with your own direct experience of sex. With pornography, very little of that is present. You are merely jerking off while you consume images focused on a woman moaning loudly, legs spread, rolling her eyes in the camera, etc. You passively orgasm while the mind is dominated by these images.

Is it any wonder that you start wanting to be the girl?

Jesus Christ, all of these fake fucking comments in this thread. Pathetic

that ass though

Did you get any daddies to fill up your boipucci?

no, I was to scared. But I really regret not doing it

I agree, if you watch enough perverted porn it can turn you into a faggot.

You wanna know my answer? Stop masturbating, stop watching porn. Stop looking at images of women. Stop it all together. Then hopefully you will turn back to normal. You'll find yourself getting an erection from simply seeing a hot chick walking past you. You won't need all of these extreme things like seeing a petite blonde woman being fucked by a huge black cock or imagining yourself being used by a bunch of black guys.

Same, going through that now with 5 days of no-fap, now my craving this type of porn is irressistable and almost came yesterday edging and fapping to it, fug, stuck in a cycle.

Like watching white girls take black cock?
That's cool, nothing wrong with that. It's pretty fucking hot!

Like sissy hypno and cum eating bullshit?
Go fucking kill yourself.

The 'sissy faggot' nonsense is not a prerequisite to enjoying interracial porn. It's just a way to become another annoying fuck who ruins good fap material.

Anyone gone full sissy here? As in doing everything you can do to be fem and trappy then getting fucked by BBC? Im in the same boat and part of me thinks I should just do it but based on the last time I tried experimenting with a guy it was awful and I hated it.....is it just a meme or is it actually an amazing sexual experience?

Maybe it's because you're a fucking retard who can't accept and live with his fetishes and shut the fuck up about it. You liked all that shit. You are the person who loved all of that porn. You can't run away from that. Maybe don't be a fucking pussy and accept what you are.

>nigger dick got me off. I can't bear it. I can't look people in the eyes without feeling ashamed
Kill yourself.

Just fucking kill yourself.

And not because you like big black Vick, but because you're too much of a sad little bitch to even accept that's who you are.

>consider myself straight
Have you put any thought into not thinking of yourself as straight but rather not giving a fuck who calls it what and liking what you like?

Too real.

plz I need answers

Go somewhere else. No one wants you here. Kill yourself.

I'd love to pound your ass then make you suck my dick.

as I said, went full sissy on holiday. I didn't have sex, but def saw some guys checking me out. the fact I loved them looking at me, made me feel like a proper slut. And I loved it. I think my next move will be to go to a brothel and get fucked by a bbc.
I get so excited thinking about a big dick pounding my ass, but my only problem is that I'm afraid that he won't be attracted to me

You shouldn't just fuck some nigger. Find a dude who's going to make sure you have a good time and you'll have fun, the sex is really good.

fuck, that sounds so good. Jeez, my ass is already clenching and my mouth watering. I'm such a slut..

I remember when I used to fap to women.

Now it's all about that BIG. BLACK. COCK.


I fuck this cute little asian that dresses up all pretty for me, would love to have access to both you, make sure you get to take it from both ends.

What do you say about this?

I only like these threads because i'm black and it's easier to relate. I've only fucked one white girl and the best sex I ever had was with a black girl. So I think I'll stay there. But I will fuck a white girl in her ass one day. Personal reparations.

>might have turned myself into a huge faggot

there's no "might" about it

course you were always this way, you just fed the wrong wolf

What's it called if i, a white gentlemen fuck a black girl in the ass? Is she considered and ASSet?

I don't know if I cant take two cocks, but the thought of you and the asian spitroasting me, arouses me so much. I'd dress up as slutty as possible for you

Nah, it's just anal sex. I only want to because I know my ancestors were raped constantly by white people. Consensual anal with a white woman is the best I can do. I already put my dick in a white guy's ass. But I realized I wasn't too into that. Don't regret it though.

OP here.

I always associate hot women when I see a BBC. The dick itself doesn't turn me on. It's the image of a hottie next to it that does it. Makes her such a slut and that's what I like in porn. The bigger the slut the better.

I'm not a cuck. I don't fantasize about people I know getting fucked by niggers.

I have OCD. And people who are obsessive like me can get confused of their own thoughts some times. It's basically a mess in my head of ideas that put me down.

faggotry is learned

OP is proving it

So if we kill all the gay people, there'd be no more gay people ever?

Theres something about seeing a tight blonde slut getting fucked a black guy. Many white guys dream of fucking a girl like that but instead a black dude gets too.

your ability to leap is remarkable

faggotry is learned - watch enough straight porn and fixate on the dicks, and you, too, can learn to be a faggot (ofc youre probably a faggot already)

this is the best kind of porn. period. i don't care what anyone says.

You weren't to into that, not too.

Also, I only fuck black girls in the ass because it reminds me of when my ansestors were slave owners and would constantly rape their slaves.
It's weird how the past can be such a turn on.

Also I couldn't fuck a black dude in the ass because that's 100% hiv aids.

All of that's important and all but who's the bitch in the picture?

If you're honest, what do you think about my body? I've been taking hormones for a few years now...

Blacked just produces the best porn.

There's a difference between being in a relationship with another man and watching porn.

>I couldn't fuck a black dude in the ass...
If only your ancestors felt that way

>You are a cuck
>you don't have OCD
>you have schizophrenia, what you're experiencing is thought confusion and false associations, which is very common. Go back and see your doc asap

t. Psychologist in 3rd year

AIDS didn't exist back then lol


How can you apply thought confusion and false associations on anything I said about myself?

Just curious.


Feeling bad won't change anything. Can't waste your life worrying about the past.

Post sisters pics

Kill youself. You sound like trash anyway.

next blacked porn is coming...............soon.

I can relate to the sister thing. Mine had a run in with two homeless black men and they took her virginity. Was a weird situation but when I heard the details I started wanking to it

Turn back while you still can, I can only get off to BBC now and most of the time I'm not even focused on the girl.

I need to be publicly ruined as a man forever so I must live life as a bbc addicted sissy white slut. Would love to get into ir porn eventually. Get hormones, implants, the works

Do a nofap and then fap to non-degenerate stuff or get laid. It's all good yo.

suck his big cock dry untill he can't cum anymore

You need to learn how to compartmentalize

This thread

I struggle with porn addiction and i watch shit I'm not even into and I hate myself for it. I'm on day 4 NoFap but I keep looking at porn and touching my dick. I don't cum so I'm making progress

Maybe this is civilizations way of breeding out complete black people and than we enslave them again

Blacked porn is supposed to do that. The way the vid is filmed and the emphasis on the woman's pleasure all to imply that blacks are better at sex. Which is completely untrue anyone who posts "you mad white boi" pics are mixing porn with reality. Gotta quit cold turkey I know it's tough.

Im there with you, doing nofap atm. Drinking wine erryday helps kinda


Can't buy wine yet but I turn 19 in two weeks so I will then

Double dubs speaks the truth