What happened here

what happened here

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Chair probably gave out and the pole went up the persons ass.

The hydraulic of that chair exploded. Happens once in about 10 mil chairs.

hole on chair and blood stains are quite self explaining.
So i'd say Surprise Buttsecs

there's shitstains on the chair

One bag of Doritos to many

I shat myself laughing

Funfact: The dude even died cause of too much blood loss

the chair was having troubles to give birth and the doc did a cesarean. This explains the blood and the fact it's cut in half

there's no blood on the hole

the pneumatic spring exploded, was a chinese make without safety controls

true, that why i'm quite sure he didn't enjoyed that much and instantly ran away


Woman had an explosive period.

and shat a little bit on the chair

Chair swivel in pooper

Well, judging from the blood, I'd assume somebody attacked the person in the chair and the person in the chair tried to escape, which likely resulted in the chair breaking because they'd've bent backwards out of fear.

TL;DR: Someone probably got attacked/injured.

nothing good

what about the hole

clearly some-one shat a desk-chair. Looks like it hurt to.

This is the pic from the Chinese guy that had his chair explode on him, killing him. Look it up.

What hole? The one in the chair? Could've happened from something unrelated. Could've been a side effect of the attack.

chair broke and the guy spilled his bowl of spaghetti sauce come on op

jesus fuck how do you know this

Different chair, so no.

It was all over the news?


Cheap pneumatic chairs have done this for decades. I didnt know it wasnt common knowledge until Sup Forums started posting pictures and people were blown away.

There is a reason you dont buy cheap chinese shit

I thought it was a girl, but when I googled "china chair gas cylinder explosion" i got several different incidents.


65 years old man was injured by the office chair explosion in China. Parts of the chair were being shot into his stomach through his anus.

I don't really wanna sit on this chair anymore.

I remember my middle school in the late 80s took all of the office chairs out of the library and offices because one of them blew the cylinder during the night and launched it into the ceiling tiles. I never bought a cheap chair in my life after that

you can say it's a pain in the ass

it's hilarious but painful

Take a wild guess?

hard to believe, if that were the case there would also be spaghetti on the floor since it would fall out of his pocket

its why you put a metal plate between the hydraulics and the person's ass

a thick metal plate

Nothing, everything is alright

Clearly not a Six Sigma company with a failure rate that high.