U mad white boi??

u mad white boi??
Another white womb making a strong black baby
Why dont u accept ur defeat?

weak coffee baby, you fucking GOOBACK

not mad at all I've already embraced my role as a sissy for black men only



Dios mio, salsa por favor



This is such a boring ass meme by now, OP kill yourself you cuck and make room for better content.

this shit is so dumb, breeding with white women will dilute the black gene, you can see how huge of a change just from the first child, just think after a few generations if blacks keep breeding with white men and women its the black gene that will disappear not the white

u mad whiteboi?

umad white boi?

U mad black nog
Eventually your black will be white washed to the point of only keeping your strongest genes. No one will consider ur decenduntz black a cause they won't be noticeable. Cause ur weak. With your inferior cocks. Silly lynch cadet.

Lol fuckboi

u mad white boi?

lmao nignogs gonna have a hard time recovering from this

U mad white boi?

u mad white boi??

u mad white boi?

U mad white boi

I hope every nigger mixed baby has faces like this

What i shoot cum you shoot bullets?, sheeeit

u rape, I shoot rapists
we're a team

Me 2

Thats not how it works. Put effort in these b8 threads please

N-no s-s-sir

Haha! Nignogs? What the fuck is nignogs? Was your mother raised under power lines?

Is that a zombie apocalypse vehicle?

>What the fuck is nignogs

u not is good engrish boi?


Fo show

Is this better?

nothing special here, just an average couple in europe 2020

OMG are you from the future?

Are you enjoying your summer spook

LOL 12% of this country is nigger 78% is white... by all means bread your nigger asses out of existance

after making 5 brown babies he will divorce and find another blonde girl to breed

really trying this hard?

1. By breedin white you are creating a mocha/ halfling
2. White Men fucking nigresses does more damage to your race then any yall niggers.
3. White is pure & washes away the darkness


No its not. Melantonin and dark haurs and eyes are more potent in nature and mixed babies have always dark eyes and hair. We breed u out white bois!! And by breedinf u out we breed out racism. Time for reparation is now

>implying white girls are superior
>nb4 they aren't you can have them the'yre nasty.

Yeee give us coal for burn our spareribs

Learn to read then do a little research none of what you said is right

lol as if he will get married, far more likely to be gone before the baby even pops out

Your response to seeing OPs pic should be "lol incoming single mother" as niggers continue their quest to destroy the family unit

The average african woman has 5 babies. Dont worry about us we wont extinct!! Average european woman 1.5 babies, and half of them breed with blacks or arabs. Good bye white bois

That's a pretty sweet bathroom, not gonna lie.

So the average african woman makes 5 boys which have all just one aim: Come to europe and get that blonnde pussy!! Meanwhile white woman are denying whitr bois mire and more because of small cocks and because they want to make career. But they stop making career only for one thing: Having an affaire wirh her black boss and get pregnant .


I take it your government phone doesn't have auto correct

>black baby

You mean race mixed mulatto that looks different then people from Nigeria Zimbabwe Congo etc..?

Thank you for the gold user

>strong black baby
>child is getting progressively whiter the more you people fuck white people
really makes you think

Its what whites who are afraid to say nigger say.

A mixed baby will still have african features in the 3. generation! So if the grandfather was black and his kid fucked a wife, the child will still have blavk hair and brown skin. And then it needs just one mire african man to be completly black again. So 3 generations of whites are genetically blacked by just one generation blacks

u got that sauce?

takes just 1 generation (child of half black half white + white)

middle is half black half white, right is daughter, left is granddaughter

half black half white man

left's (Gabrielle Reece) father is half black half white from Trinidad

half black half white mother



half black half white father


I could go on and on and on. The kids come out looking mixed only if the half black half white parent has dominant black features or just happens to still have dominant black genes (not often the case).

fucking kek

Is the one on the right a black woman?

and even when it's case (dominant black features), pic related happens when the black genes still aren't dominant

That's a beautiful fucking family.

kek saved

Mad? No.
Disgusted? Yes.

i went to whole foods today after amazon cut the prices in half and all i saw were minorities and white parents with niglet children and it made me kind of sad and grossed out


Just got my gf into black men and are talking about a breeding fantasy in the future

Nice try troll, found op.Its not ok or cool, its aids. There aint no coming back from that shit.


Mad? before this thread 404s you will be in jail for something. Why don't you accept your defeat?


Your defeat



>before this thread 404s you will be in jail for something
lmao you have to be 18+ to post here

im fine with dumb white girl genes being bred out.
i could care less abut low tier women

Jokes on you because if you win you also lose because if we can breed white children then eventually there will only be black girls and no one wants to fuck them

>he crazy
but he getting money though

>dumb white girl genes
>could care less abut


kek, cant beat those facts

Long as she accepts her role as a single parent.


Tell me again how im supposed to support myself with $250 a week asshole.


God.. always the same Bullshit.

Get over it u poor creatures that always have to start those bullshit threads..

And it was the last time she saw Tyrone

Yep some salty unemployed nigga.. throwing out this low energy bait.

sorry if you dont have enough brain power to input a fucking "o" into the word "about"

i date educated women thanks, but no thanks

Let me break it down for you Monkeys:
Whites have always been superior to you. Always have been and always will. We are never intimidated because some low quality trailer trash girl with a darkness complex decides to fall from grace to swim in your cesspool. We hear it from you all the time: "We wuz kangs!" If that's true, then Whites were the gods you worshiped. Enjoy the sloppy seconds. Consider it a token of good faith that you STILL allow us to rule over you.

this whole antifa thing is gunna get people killed. and if the left thinks they have some kind of power when it come to violence they are going to have a rude awaking


stop posting the same thread every fucking day. I shouldn't even be replying to this. Fuck

Not that poster, but I did search myself and was able to find this. Still can't find the source though....

And yet your reaction meme is half black

About 7% of white Women are in a interracial relationship. This includes girls in relationship with Asian, Arabic, Latino and Native American partners as well as lesbians.
The Number of girls getting pregnant by black guys is therefore so small that it is of little importance.