What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch

No u

yes, he will be tried for treason by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. When he is found guilty, he will be hanged by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on his soul. Then Barack Obama will probably be installed as President since he has the most recent experience.

You're watching too much fox news.
It's time for a reality check.
Also, nice Democrat funded photoshops of Trump.
Nice try commies.

'bout time

Seems to be true.
But why now. What exactly did they find? I know the investigation lead to SOMETHING, but we deserve answers.

(((Same fagging))) so hard

Shit b&

Both side have done nothing but over reactions and moral posturing. There is nothing in public knowledge that justifies impeachment and furthermore it is a loooong drawn out event that most of the people in our government are trying to avoid. It would make more sense for the democrats to prepare for 2020 instead of impeachment of trump. Dont get me wrong i am not making absolutes he may be impeached though i find it unlikely and a huge waste of time. To the government 4 years is a relatively small amount of time.

That's a cool picture
How did you get it?

i´d throw a party if that happens.
and i´m not even american.
and i´ll throw a party next weekend no matter what.

You know, you've been complaining about Trump winning for almost 3/4 of a year. You're a sad, sad faggot, OP.


drumpf is finish guys

definitely not this week, he needs to piss off a lot more GOP before they finally realise he's going to cost them dearly in the next elections.


He's going to cost them. LOL.

>winning for almost 3/4 of a year

actually believing this is the saddest thing i read today, sorry to hear about your brain damage

I don't understand the trump.hate.

1) 401k are surging and it's helping everyday Americans

2) there's a jobs surplus, everyone who wants to work is working

3) making good on all of his promises in a timely manner. I don't care if "he hasn't actually done that" the real blame is congress, and he's telling everyone which senators stand in the way of his promises. I don't even agree with them all BUT he is keeping them, that's more than any president I've ever lived through

4)the Harvey crisis is being handled 100 times better than Katrina. This.vs were organized and placed adequately. Huston flooded, and he got female up and running. It took Obama 4 weeks to get female running smooth.

This isn't "make America great again" it's not " make America white again" it's " America the great made better"


>making good on all of his promises. I don't care if he actually hasn't, saying he has keeps me from shitting myself in frustration

sure kid

sure kid. any day now. any day.

sure kid

still mad about that election, huh kid?

sad. notice how this user needs to act like a child in order to cope with her losing.

Trump will not run...
Trump will not get the delegates he needs...
Pussygate will end Trump...
Trump cannot defeat Cunton...
Delegate rebellion will stop Trump from being sworn in...
Muh Russians...
Demotards wuz robbed n shiet...
>>>> You are here


LibTurds.. KEK

sad, bitter loser detected.

lol, still mad Hillary lost huh? :^)

>CNN told me so......the post

Unfortunately, he needs to do something actually and blatantly illegal with bulletproof evidence before that will ever happen. For now, though, he's just guilty of being a disgusting meme of a person and congress doesn't care about that.

Shut up, nigger.



>anti-Trump vermin still this asshurt 9 months on

Gonna be a tough 8 years lol

September 17th.


heard this all before.


No, he isn't. Now please kill yourself.

Yes impeach Trump and let Pence become president. That's a brilliant fucking idea.


>Thinking Trump will get a second term.
You're fucking delusional mate.

Trump isn't going to be impeached, sweetie. Nothing you can do but change to the right side of history.

no evidence other than the testimony of her opponent.
meanwhile the evidence against trump, though not conclusive, is real


sure kid

>asshurt anti-Trump vermin detected


God tier bait

I voted for Trump you retarded delusional moron. He's still not going to get a second term.

>things CNN viewers believe are true.

oh the sweet, sweet tears

>asshurt anti-Trump vermin confirmed



Vote for him again and he'll win

Buttdoctor diagnosis: fractured ass

No he's not. With a natural disaster going on in Texas, and NK poppin shots; it would be insane to do that shit now.

>implying the alt left isnt insane

>He's still not going to get a second term.
Says increasingly nervous man for the seventh time

>trumpanzees think the opposite for some reason

>cocksucking liberal retards are sane

why you no say trumpette?

The right put up with O for eight long years of a downward spiral while he committed many impeachable offenses and nothing happened to him.

>doing fuck all is now winning

why do you care?


>screaming the "impeachment" meme because CNN told you it was the cool thing this week


way to twelve kid.

>2 comments in to ignoring the substance of my response
who's 12?

pure sid

>making good on all of his promises in a timely manner.

good one!

Let's go the instant replay........ pic related

why you no greentext?

thinkimg his statement had substance.
you need to leave kid. adult discussions are too complex for you.

Doubtful, but soon enough he will be, best part is there can be no pardon if he doesn't resign.

your opinion kid


grade A denial

You're way too calm and rational to be posting in this shit hole.

so I'm taking it you loved Obama when the stock market surged and your 401k was worth more

you loved Obama when he created millions of jobs and had a 4% unemployment rate

you loved Obama when he made good on his big campaign promises

you loved Obama when he saved New Jersey from the floods

Right user?

sure kid

your opinion kid

>401k are surging

>must commit a crime to be impeached

Confirmed for wishful thinking libtard with no general understanding of politics.

>jobs surplus,

sad, does his cock taste like chocolate?

These autistic assholes still believe that Hillary will magically become queen if Trump were to be impeached.



opinion doesn't mean what you think it means. Oh wait, you're just gaslighting again Roger Stone.

>I have nothing to discredit what you say, so I'll just call him a kid
Good one

get fucked loser.

Keep sipping what his administration reported.

your opinion kid

try posting like an adult kid

I get plenty of females up and running mate..and I guarantee Obama didnt need 4 weeks to get your female running smoothly either.

>Thinks not being a liberal retard is an impeachable offense.

Points 1 and 2 have basically nothing to do with trump.


laughable retard is retarded.

Actually, Pence would be bad but he would be within the band of sanity and normalcy. Trump is neither.