Who here has done DMT? I'm curious about it so I'm doing some research, but it's soooo romanticized online...

Who here has done DMT? I'm curious about it so I'm doing some research, but it's soooo romanticized online. Is it as life-altering as they claim?

>asking here
you deserve the brain damage that comes with it

>stick with acid and shrooms

Definitely as life altering as you've read about. It's not worth it if you don't break through though

I've never tripped on anything before, actually. I've done various drugs (weed, coke, etc) but no psychedelics

>satanic trips on this post

I keep hearing that too, it would be really disappointing to see some light visuals as opposed to seeing another dimension

i was too mind blown to have any life changing wisdom.
i broke through and pretty much you just get snapped out of reality for a while MUCH stronger than lsd like everything changes.
would do again

>I've never tripped on anything before
lol fgt

lv.1 - Strong sativa (weed)

lv.2 - Small dose of lsd or shrooms OR 2cb

lv..3 - Lsd or Shrooms

lv. 4 - Deliriants and DMT

Highest i've trpiied was 300ug lsd and a lot of weed
Am i ready for Dmt?

who am I to say?

There's no such thing as ready for dmt your first time

What like datura? A guy from school fucked up with that and ended up cutting his lips off after raping a friend of his

A person's first hard trip is usually that life altering thing. Right now, for a variety of reasons, DMT is cheap and widely available, but years ago it was shrooms or mescaline, and before that it was acid.

I've done it a few times.
Not life altering really, but it's a shitload of fun. Go try it, one of the best highs you can enjoy imo.

So long as you follow the Terence McKenna method ( the three hit method) and hold for dear life you're more than likely to break through

its romanticized for a reason its the real deal. only hallucinogen worth doing imo.

lmao i done other deliriants and had shit tonnes of fun
>I'd love to try datura at some point

Its awesome journey each time you break through you learn something new its amazing shit best drug ever imo

Bro weed is a pychedelic.

>Brain damage
>Something that is found in almost every life form
>Body thinks DMT is Serotonin because of similar structure
>Body pretty much let's it into your system
>Suggests semi-synthetic LSD that lodges itself into your serotonin receptors and stimulates your brain for 8 hours and has a prolonged effect up to a month depending on how much you do
>Thinks that is a better alternative

OP, DMT has varying experiences that can be explained as simple as "levels", the higher you go on your dosage, the higher your visual intensity and its bodily affects. It can go from having a clear mind with slight breathing textures to a full blown unconscious experience seeing whatever it is your consciousness wants you to see.


I love the shit. I do a breakthrough at least 3-4 times a week.

Also your only main concern with DMT is if the person didn't extract it right and it has some leftover residue that can cause damage to your lungs / nervous system, but only a retard would fuck that up.

that's why you only consume spice you extracted yourself

We're talking about Sup Forums here, people don't have that kind of knowledge, especially first timers. Their attempts at extraction would be as successful as making crystals out of home ingredients.

Fuck it, Drug thread.
I'm gonna try a new drug.
Any tips for LSD? Is it true about the flashback shit?

>Any tips
Flashback is utter bullshit
tips: Be in a comfortable setting, do your research, test your shit.

Would I have to buy a testing kit or?

>not literally faggot

I did a bit, i don't think i smoked it right. At first it felt like really stron weed then i saw some sparkling (hard to explain) then a few fractals on the surfaces where light hit. I think i didn't soke it right bc it wasn't much better than LSD, but that might just be how DMT is.

There are a lot of misconceptions about acid.
It will not cause flashbacks.
Will it cause HPPD? Debatable, everybody is different. When I had tried acid I noticed any time I would do concentrate THC dabs, I'd get noticeable texture shifts. Acid definitely leaves your body within 24 hours, however I'd argue that the half life inside of your brain is much longer.
Acid is a very emotional drug, and people do not realize this. Set and setting is important, but so is your emotional state at the time. Do not go into it with any anxiety or doubts, as it will intensify that feeling. Think of acid as something that heightens your senses and emotions with visual stimulation. If you do it, don't go into it with an expectant mindset, continue your daily life and let it do its thing.
Reserve 2 days for yourself depending on your experience, as recovery time is nice / settling after the experience and reflecting on your experience. DO NOT MIX INDICA STRAINS WITH LSD. Sativa is a little more okay, but you are still susceptible to thought loops. If you smoke an Indica based strain, you will be sent into a spiraling psychosis with thought loops. Which brings me to my next point, thought loops are an occurrence during experiences. Find something that you like, a valued item of yours that makes you comfortable, keep it around. This is how I found out how to control thought loops, being comfortable helps you escape that. Music is intensified! Listen to your favorite music, don't let it be overstimulating however as it can become too much at times.
Play with your visual stimulation and look at how everything comes to life.
Finally, test your product.

If it has taste then it's cut with amphetamines and you got ripped off. Under the tounge is the best place to put it. Idk what flashback shit you're talking about.

First time i did LSD i was on an open field on a night without clouds or moon, i felt fucking connected to the universe. I could like "see" the space between each star and me.

Nobody is going to waste their time cutting it with amphetamines when it's cheaper to manufacture analogues like nbomes.

The term is: if it's bitter, it's a spitter.

There are cheap as fuck amphetamines

How do I test my product? where would I get a testing kit?
And I will be doing LSD alone, I'm a heavy cannabis smoker, preferably sativa guy so I am debating if using weed and LSD would be a good thing. would it? At least for a first time?

Do them separately first.

Most counterfeit acid are psychedelic RCS

What about the testing the product?

I swallow pills strangers give me, i don't know shit about testing.

A 300ug trip really isn't that crazy

Ive done 750ug and I had a stutter for like 2 weeks after

I'm smoking my last bud of the season.

Marquis and Ehrlich testing kits are what many people use, but it's not illegal to order online. Just make sure it tests for various substances, tell tale signs of fake acid is having a bitter taste to it, it's probably a RCS / nbome, which can be dangerous. Go with something that is highly reviewed and reliable.

As this is your first time, I would suggest doing the acid by itself and experiencing it for what it is. You can always try weed with it another time, it does intensify your experience, and never smoke if you're having anxiety with it, as it won't help. It will teach you a lot of self-control, because you realize that your experience is based on your emotional state of mind.

Protip: If you ever get scared to the point where you're about to call an ambulance, don't. Just realize it's a drug that alters your state of mind and it will leave your system. Your brain and body is very capable of handling these things. As I would never recommend trying to escape from your issues, you can always pop a benzo to knock out or Melatonin preferably as it helps kick your brain into its sleep cycle, so if you're ever feeling drained, just pop a Melatonin after your experience.

And I heard about the music portion, I jizz when I hear music while stoned, how is LSD compared to Marijuana? Yeah I know the trip is way different, but do they have any similar qualities that would be good for my first time? Like how they both, I use sativa, alternate the mind.

>the trip is way different,
different user here, they are different, but at the beggining they are very very similar. By the time you really feel it you'll already be feeling pretty high.

if the DMT change your life it depends about what are you interests, but it's produces a deep feeling of irrealityness about THIS reality

No comparison, I like music while stoned too, but it's a journey with LSD. LSD can make you feel one with many things as well, music to go with that is something else. Finding that right song can make that experience something to remember. The similar qualities is enjoyment really. With LSD it feels like you're able to pick out certain sounds at will, you notice a lot more, your hearing is almost superhuman I'd want to say, you'll understand soon.

Also if you aren't already aware, tolerance breaks. Once you drop acid, you'll have to wait a good 2 - 4 weeks minimum to get some kind of visual affect again. The longer you wait, the better your experience will be again. I'd honestly say do it every 3 months so it doesn't lose its magic, enjoy the moment. There's also cross-tolerance build up, so other psychedelics won't have near the same effect.


I also always seem to forget, but as everybody is different, there might be a slight chance that marijuana after LSD will seem almost psychedelic in itself, or even seem notably stronger. It happens to certain people.