So guys I've been thinking

So guys I've been thinking.
What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
Isn't it going to be dark all day and we will only have a bit of moonlight at night?

That's literally billions of years from now, but yes, the sun is a finite resource.

pretty much this, yeah. Just hope it never happens and just to make sure: Never use umbrellas again during rain, so you don't risk reflecting any water on the sun.

It's not lava stupid.It's plasma.

>Lava on the sun...
>Sun is dark, moon shines light...

are you high?

This. You have to be stupid to think the moon makes it's own light. I can understand thinking the sun is lava but the moon is just a giant floating rock. Why would it create light?

you mean to tell me, it isn't made of this weird glowy plastic shit, that saves light during the day, to keep glowing in the night?


lava is molten rock you tard.

If you seriously think this you're a fucking moron

>inb4 its bait moron

I'm like 90% sure this is bait but I'm gonna bite

The sun is not an infinite resource so it'll eventually turn to red and become giant and burn our planet

The moon only reflects light it doesn't give it off at all

In fact everything reflects light (except thingslike light bulbs and shit)
Like look at your hand right now
You're seeing the light reflected off it
So your hand is actually reflecting light from whatever the light source around you is

so you mean to tell me, my hand is the moon? that doesn't make no sense.

Underrated post.

>this thread

Quality shitposting anons.

great. hurt my neck, when your post made me cringe to hard. Thanks, dick.

ITT: Bait, and scientific illiteracy.


let's not have the magma discussion again.

1. It's plasma, not lava, and it's literally powered by nuclear fusion, so it's not going to stop soon.
2. Moonlight is sunlight reflected off of the moon, hence the phases of the moon.

>traditionel lava-made sun

Get some new copy pasta you dick, this shit is older than gods dog

I hope you're baiting

I wouldn't know, I'm just here for the cummies.

The sun consists of helium and nitrogen. Lava is mostly silicon.

Holy fuck how long have you been here

>this thread
I just hate when Lava turns hard again.
