Why don't you own a gun?

Why don't you own a gun?

Because I'm not an insecure faggot and I have never run into a situation where I would have needed one.

You're insecure enough to have to tell strangers on the internet you're not insecure.

You nay not need one after you run into a situation where you did need one, you may be dead

I do, target shooting is fun and hunting is a fun way to earn your meat without paying the big farming industries.

Stop having compensation issues, most people don't need guns and if they don't want one it isn't your fucking problem.

Because i prefer to spend my money in electric guitars and weed.

Because I'm scared I'll use it on myself.

I do own a gun. A Glock 9, not the useless dick compensator like OPs pic.

The inverse is true where you run into a situation where if you were a coward you would have lived but since you pulled out a gun, they were more skilled with theirs than you yours and you end up dead. You could have a thief who would have let you live if you didn't pull out a weapon.

Live in england

I lost them all in a tragic boating accident.

Because I'm in England and this country's super cucked, it's very expensive to own guns here and you can't carry one.

If I was in the US I'd own multiple.

you can still own a rifle!

Thats why you train, and you have to be smart if youre ever in that situation. Personally, I would rather have the option to use the gun than to not.

Then u need it more than Americans do

I own several guns, and I work with guns for a living... of a wide variety of calibers.

Hey liberalanons does this make me racist?

Bing bonggg

Generally if someone is using a gun to try and spook you for your money you give it to them anyway, because they place you in a position of threat and then deescalate from there. Drawing on someone you can easily survive by complying with them is the smart man's method, the gun is there when you have zero alternatives.

Now if Pablo points his gun at someone else and doesn't have you in his field of vision, or he intends to kill you or someone else regardless of compliance? Then you draw on the fucker, and you only fire if after you tell him to drop the weapon he does anything other than that.

Seriously it's like these "oh I have my gun I'll shoot all the criminals" cucks are just teenagers who never took any classes.


I mean I'm liberal and like guns, too. We're not all SJW fucks who think Demolition Man was about a time traveler ruining an idyllic utopia.

>living in a such 3rd world shithole that you need guns for daily errands

I do though

lol im not telling him shit, Pablo gets shot first


I am Australian and I own six firearms legally, what's your excuse for not owning a gun?

Kek.... be well user.

That's ok, I'm military and a combat veteran, so... automatic racist according to huffington post.

Yeah fuck guns, just another Jewish con like insurance, I've never been in a car accident, needed major surgery or had any damage done to my house.

I'm not surrounded by retards.

I own quite a few OP, that yours or just pic related?

Cos it's illegal in my state to own a gun and smoke mj

It's mine, 8 shot .357

very nice....... my GP-100

I love Ruger, a lot

I settled on the Taurus because it was cheap. Bought it from a redneck at work


But I do



Wanted it to be a true scout platform

cus im not a americuntfag!!

Realistically the only choice you have to maximize your chances of survival is to shoot to kill first chance you have, even if they were a decent distance away with a knife and you threatened him with your gun. All it takes is one small careless mistake from that point on and your life is in danger. Take a look at your phone to call the police? Maybe he quickly picks up his knife and throws it at you. Then if your safest option is to shoot to kill first chance you get, you also run the risk of going to jail for murder even though they broke into your home because I assume circumstances can dictate it's not ok to shoot if you "gained control" of the situation even though control could just as easily be lost by one small change in circumstances.

Nice, I just recently got an AB3 in .308, put a Nikon Prostaff on it

Had it shooting a quarter in four shots

Nice. I put a Vortex Crossfire on mine. Gotta get it to the range now to sight it in

I live inna woods, I just shoot into a pile of stumps in my backyard

>ruger 10/22 for varmints and plinking
>remington 870 12ga for birds and trap shootin'
>remington 700 .30-06 for large game
>Mauser K98 trophy gun given to me by my grandfather

Gotta get some handguns in there m8

pic related my newest purchase

>Muh guns
>Muh pride
>muh america

I live in EU and can't really own one. I have several bows and crossbows though.

175 pound crossbow with hunting arrowheads will fuck you up just as badly as a gun if not worse, the only difference is that you can only shoot it once.

The S&W single stacks catch shit but I love my shield

>Why don't you own a gun?

Because it's just way cheaper to kill with my bare hands.

>cus im not a americuntfag!!

Well, that means you qualify as an unarmedcuntfag. Congrats!

Because my country has gun control laws keeping them away from suicidal people who'd take other people with them.

I own that exact revolver in blue

Australian here, I own guns, you have no excuse.

Go join a club.

leftie cuck country - (guns kill, not people)
can't wait when they will ban assault trucks

I own a few

What's that second from the right


never needed a handgun. my rifles and shotgun are all i need

how many schools you gonna hit?


Yep. First gun I ever bought. I was 18, and Big 5 had them in barrels.

Paranoid, violent faggots like you are why I don't like conservatives. To be fair though, I hate liberals far more.

None. I'm a lawful gun owner and I would very much like to keep collecting them, and keep my rights intact.

>glock 9

You mean a glock chambered in 9mm?
List the model # or everyone will think you're a nigger.

Somebody get this faggot a gun ASAP

>He fell for .300 memeout


Nigger detected.

What's the parts list for the top one?

the one at the top...is that registered as an SBR?

if not, what's the rule on shouldering it with the "stabilizer"?

No .300 blackout, but a Sig MCX Rattler pistol? Yes. Absolutely in 300.

Wow, what a lonely existence. Most people are retards, you must live in a cave miles from the nearest nog or addict.

They made you trade in your rights for drugs user. Don't take that. Call your congressman.

Captcha: high close

KAK Shockwave stabilizer is just that per ATF letter.

I live in Canada

Cops are scared of me even if a i wear shades at night
people nowadays have the brightest headlights. Literally at midnight some cop flashed a light in my face "what's with the shades?"
Honestly i just think he's a racist because white douche bags walk around with shades on 24/7... or he's just a closet homo and the only way he could talk to me is by asking me questions like that, acting like I'm a suspicious person


Mein Kampf > Gun

Pt. 2

Sorry for the typo, my phone gets laggy when i type fast

i know what it is. i've heard rumors that shouldering it is a no no. got any documentation on that?

Yes, fucking use the internet you weeaboo fag.

pt. 2

Because I am British

Yeah man our Jamals explode

why use the internet when i have a secretary like you working for free? :)


>they were more skilled with theirs
kek shooting close range and skill? what do you think this is? wild wild west? point and shoot, very easy, its all about that if you are ok with killing someone not the "skill" this is not call of duty

Why should anyone care about the lives of burglars who have no business breaking into your house?

A large part of the skill IS your willingness to kill without hesitation and your level of fear in that situation. It's more likely than not most victims of a home invasion would be terrified whether they have a gun or not. For someone like that, they probably have better chances of survival not having a gun.