ITT: traps, CDs, femboys, sissies, and mental ilness. Continuation from >>743575058

ITT: traps, CDs, femboys, sissies, and mental ilness. Continuation from

Other urls found in this thread:


small dick sissies are the best sissies

Dude, that is the old one.


>and mental illness

Dysphoria (from Greek: δύσφορος (dysphoros), δυσ-, difficult, and φέρειν, to bear) is a profound state of unease or dissatisfaction. In a psychiatric context, dysphoria may accompany depression, anxiety, or agitation. It can also refer to a state of not being comfortable in one's current body, particularly in cases of gender dysphoria. Common reactions to dysphoria include emotional distress, in some cases, even physical distress is seen. The opposite state of mind is known as euphoria.

In psychiatry

Intense states of distress and unease increase the risk of suicide, as well as being unpleasant in themselves. Relieving dysphoria is therefore a priority of psychiatric treatment. One may treat underlying causes such as depression or bipolar disorder as well as the dysphoric symptoms themselves.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) categorizes specific dysphoria in the obsessive–compulsive spectrum.

Gender dysphoria
Main article: Gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is discomfort, unhappiness, or distress due to one's gender or physical sex. The current edition (DSM-5) of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders uses the term "gender dysphoria" in preference to "gender identity disorder".

Femenine penis











this thread is a fucking joke
not even a clinically retard gay would find this attractive

you look like carrottop


finally, someone who doesnt look like a FUCKING MAN [ >>743596372]


Please tell me this is not a trap...



Have you tried looking at actual feminoids

it's a trap. Sebastian Elvira.

Bad news buddy, his/sometimes her name is Sebastian Elvira

Yes lol hi



What do you think about this shit site?

disgusting,take thi shit elsewhere

hi nikki :)


willow hart in the left :) nice one


Thanks, been wondering what her name is. Cute af

you're welcome, very cute indeed. the other girl idk






Has Ko been around lately?

is that the basss player


i don't see her lately

She deleted everything on Reddit too

the dick chopping surgery must have been botched
rip in peace, delusion

I don't think she got it yet she kept saying September

yeah i know

phat ass traps, best traps




yet another GAY thread outside /lgbt/

Moar plz

its called trolling

yep the sewers are leaking

): wtffff

satanic trips




heard she was regretting getting fake tits


lol I think you made that up she's never said that



Who the f is??

get in here to see traps and share your hot stuff please! Discord/VyAAum

mentally ill people should be allowed to own or operate firearms

what, pumping your body full of chemicals, physically altering it with surgery, and alienating a majority friends/family and strangers alike doesn't seem like a good way to treat depression? shocking.

Hotter than most girls I've fucked fuck this gay earth.

nah dude she want to be a girl

Honestly teenagers are confused enough as it is, planting the seed that "There's nothing wrong with you, you're probably another gender and that's why you feel weird and that's okay" is making them a disservice. My girlfriend's brother got the idea that he was trans. Started getting girls clothes, make up, started going to meetings to investigate if he was eligible for a sex change and now he is like "you know what it was probably just a phase lol".

I can promise you she's happy with her surgery and has the support of her whole family and the friends she had before transition

Cutest trap ever, what's her name?


Kinda looks like a young Brittney Spears

trips of satan maybe are lying






i want to be he without the crazy


I just transferred so much trap porn from my phone to my computer


Yall gay lol

What the fuck do you expect user, they're men.

no gay man wants to fuck something that looks like a woman

thats not how it works



nicole charming yeah
>when she has dick


ehh sauce on this one?