Fuzzy lewd people thread. Post straight lewd fuzzy people. If you post gay fuzzy people, you are THAT user...

Fuzzy lewd people thread. Post straight lewd fuzzy people. If you post gay fuzzy people, you are THAT user. Dont be THAT user. Or whatever, I don't judge and cant censor you.
















I wish people posted intersex more. I love seeing herms and cuntbois.







That's one of my favorites.



I've never seen this pic before.
strange, as it's the prequel to and helps understanding that second pic

cuntboys hurt my brain


is this autistic?


What do you think about this shit site?


>marking as gfur
It can just as easily be marked as sfur, Gerald.





i think watches are for fags and hipsters








would you fuck her right in the pussy?









so if this thread the one for all kinds of fur or the other one?
I don't know where to post bi/h stuff




This one. Bifur threads are superior.

Howdy, Graham.


pretty rare to see bears that are g/fur

Nice try FBI






what about Taurus?

That shit is gay as fug


stupid autocorrect


Did that MALE horse get stabbed in between the balls or something?

They're nice.



time to milk my cow






Its been ages sice I posted something

I noticed. Been alright?



Too much work, so little time

i want to have a sleep over with them

Work sucks.





Depends what work.
I dont complain about my job.




