
How do you call these
In Standard Albanian is "sharpener" and in gheg is "thinnerer" edition

Other urls found in this thread:

trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 12-m&q=incest porn

why do the balkans have islamic-looking bodies

If Dylan was violent on pencils instead on students he would have used this.

shit edition
shit thread

Shit reply

how to masturbate?

>tfw u get sweaty even on your boxer briefs and it feels wet like you've shat yourself


>"""""""""Shqipja""""""" T*ronse

we call that swamp ass

What do islamic bodies look like?

What is this sorcery


it's the shit weather
warm outside
cold inside

>t's the shit weather
>warm outside
>cold inside

fucking this i woke up and was freezing so i put on shitton of clothes and 5 min later outside i was sweating like fucking swine, had to carry my hoodie/jacket in my hands like faggot

Who hyped for capekino Defenders this summer

>too stubborn to remove hoodie and hold it
>Go home wet BC of sweat

how to пacoш

Start calling em Пacпopтъ

/shqip/ when

marry me

How was your day, balk? Did you make mr. Noseberg proud?

Yes, cashed in couple k eur bonus today, thank you mr. Noseberg, thank you for the whores it will be spend on.

I am saving for a citroen c5. It's the only thing that keeps me going.

Werent you NEET?

I get neety from time to time.

Кoбpaтa cpeщy Джoшya aмa гpaм нe гo виждaм, дpaги cъфopyмци.

Mнoгo яcнo. Кoвpaтa ce биe caмo c пeнcии, кoитo дo cyтpинтa ca били пo клyбoвe.

Kobrata e nomer 1, baluci

t. andrea

R8 me balk


>Thracian nose and mouth structure
>SL*v(e)-sterotypical clothes


check flag. bulgaria is a slavic country therefore people dressing as your stereotypical slav is pretty common

>why is the thracian bugarin dressed like a slav
I dunno, seems pretty normal to me

burnt from the explosion


>lives in shitfia

I feel sad for you.


Our boy strikes again. Will the macedonians ever recover?

We can all agree that Bulgarians are the masterrace of the Balkans, we were living in castles when your ancestors hunted mamooths to eat and make clothes.

A edin obraten shamar prez ustata?

lads how do i deepen my voice

>shitfian talks trash

we all know you are only big on words, but when it comes to action, you are the biggest cucks


albos are subhuman terrosritsts


>at 00:34 you can see a guy with balaklava herding the people out
>sdsm and the shqips made a theater play, where no one died, but they still looked like victims
>now JU ES EI supports them

also, the girl is qt

Lajesh kurvo

New flag of Gayreece

Any of you want Swedish citizenship literally no questions asked, now is the time.

I'm retarded. It is confirmed and real though.

Fuck off nigger no one cares

lost 500 leva on poker today

>got my prescription glasses
>got a haircut
>will now get confused for a second when I see my self in a mirror
so this is how dumb animals feel...

LOL this is the first picture where Bulgaria has pavements


lose some weight fat fuck

step off the banica bakery nigger


ha ha, because hungarians love to have sex with horses. It's funny, because it's true

>come home after hard day at job I hate
>open door
>everything smells like piss and shit
>grandpa has lost it again
>clean shit up change sheets send him shower
>light cig after done work and look inside from the balcony
>cat is puking everywhere

Is this what they call life?

This map shows how easily white Europeans associate black faces with negative ideas.

>Tfw the only uncucked Ex Yu


Stfu faggot you only had to do like 5 minutes of work

Serbs like niggers because they are niggers

Just kill them all, no people/cats no problem.





trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 12-m&q=incest porn
>Serbs are nr 1

usa rednecks only 6th place wew

Cuck, incest...why are serbs so full of complexes? Honest question desu, with such inhabitants no successful country can ever survive.

Come over then and show me how to do it in 5 min asshole

imam mnogu (mnogu!)
kucki fala bogu (bogu!)
imam mnogu (mnogu!)
droga fala bogu (bogu!)
imam mnogu (mnogu!)
sinki fala bogu (bogu!)
imam mnogu pari (pari!)
pari fala bogu!

imam mnogu surovina
imam mnogu medovina
imam mnogu prazni vina
imam vo dushata vina
imam malku reperi
imam mnogu hejteri
imam malku sranja veteni
ima mnogu fake fakeri

I clean the piss and shit of my autistic brother in less than 5 min. You are lucky you have to take care of an old man.

Combine this and the cuck stat and make a pol thread, also writing something in the line of "and people wonder why peasants with rifles beat them in Bosnia and Kosovo". Then post link here for bump and amusement.

Maybe if he shits only in his pants, surely not if shit is also elsewhere. Or, you are doing a lazy cleaning job

GREAT idea
Not in PC desu.
Pls someone help

cuckold stats are fake tho. i just checked it and serbia is not in top 5. t*rkey is 2nd tho kek

Who cares its about the triggering. Someone do

Who cares?

i do

are you racist?
>I m just racist towards sand niggers and gypsies

ne diraj Milutina, on je baziran

Make the thread my boi

Give edited pic and I make thred

Kakvi sa vi hobitata?
Az: Kolim, besim i ebem

teritaja - sharpener, from "teritama" to sharpen, from "tera" - blade

or, the longer form: pliiatsiteritaja - pencil's sharpener

"pliiats" might be a loan from Swedish "blyerts". Probably influenced by "plii" - lead, which is a loan from Middle Low German "bli", "blig"

Yes. I am more racist by the definiton of believing that one race is superior to the other though. I didn't even know this shit was seen as racist I don't want to go and slaughter niggers I just believe that whites are better in every aspect compared to the other races.

Why is turbofok so good?

taq bih i dal da mi sere v ustata

whoops, noticed this is /balk/

Im on mobile

That's like saying you are racist towards redditors.
Gypsy trash and sand nigger subhumans are not of a different race.

They are however of a different ethnos,religion,culture.


Did i forget to add anyone to the list?

pojavio se primitivac

piem peem pushim 3v1

No, not really. Gypsies got fucked big time after the fall of communism. They lost their jobs, which were the shittiest back then, but they still had something. Nothing is black and white.


Cus you are are subhuman trash?

t. robot

gypsies had jobs, you are lying