She dindu Nuffin

She dindu Nuffin

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it's the police state republican cowards want for all of us

But she didn't. You need a warrant to get blood drawn and they had none

I think that's what op is saying. She literally and legally dindu nuffin. Officer Pete will be fired. Body cams for all!

Sorry correction if the person is unable to consent you need a warrant. In this case the person was unconscious therefore they can't consent. She was protecting her patient and doing her job.

Fuck that bitch! She's a fuckin' whore. You have any idea how many cocks she had in that mouth? Hint: A lot!

Ok usually when that meme is used it means it's a nigger nigging so I thought he meant she was doing something wrong

Resist the Police State

Why wouldn't you give a blood test? Like why withold if you're innocent?

They were unconscious

I remember when I was 14 too

good times user will grow up one day

You're confused

Maybe the guy that she didn't do the blood draw on will get back on the street and be drunk. Then hopefully he will run into her and her kids killing her kids in the car wreck because she didn't want to do a blood draw. If the draw is illegal then a lawyer will get it tossed out.

>If the draw is illegal then a lawyer will get it tossed out.
You forgot the part where the lawyer would then sue and the hospital has to pay out for taking the blood without consent and shes fired

God I hope you don't breed

oh am I? Which party is defending the cops unconditionally?

he trolls on Sup Forums, I think the chances of procreation or incredibly limited if existing at all.

Not to mention charges for battery

the fact that this is a bigger story than the nigger serial killer who murdered five whites for being white says everything about American journalism

you forgot the part where the car crash victim had nothing to do with the police chase and was in fact just a victim of the fleeing suspect hitting his car

this was just police fishing for an excuse to victim blame since they clearly fucked up by not being able to control the suspect and getting a civilian almost killed

Both depending on whether or not they're overreaching in a way benefits / harms them.

Before i didn't care so much about cops being asholes against punks or niggers, i mean what do you expect if you behave like a fruitcake. But this is the first incident that just shows how much is wrong.

> arrest = violent arrest and handcuffs
what is this shit, if this guy would have seriously told her that she was arrested, she would have complied, he went total batshat in a instant.

> Police chase = bystanders hurt, dead guy, loads of damage
Why take such risk, just let another team wait for them at the next town or such, track them with a helicopter, or just let them escape. that would be a smaller risk as what they are causing by chasing them in carmageddon.

>predetermine to arrest the nurse if she doesnt comply
>arrest a nurse for doing her job
>trying to check if the innocent victem has drugs or alcohol in blood
>crazy guy on phone
>lots of trash on the backseat

Nice try OP, but facts hit hard

Neither party, you tool. Historically democrats were the boot lickers. Now they both do it becausevery it's a corporate oligarchy.

the funniest part of the whole thing is that as part of his treatment, they drew his blood anyway. All they needed was his blood within the first hour of the accident. So the police let her go and are just going to come back for that sample instead. If someone just told the boot jack this, none of this would have happened.

wrong. Its the police that get sued not the hospital. Stupid liberal fucks like you make to many assumptions and don't know shit.

wrong, it's only the Republicans. false equivalence is the domain of morons, don't be a moron

Ya don't draw blood because they were out like a light and did not consent to medical hep so you must wait for them to wake up to say help me.

What happened here is this: The individual the Detective was attempting to get the blood drawn from was a VICTIM of the accident. He was the truck driver struck by the fleeing suspect and unconcious due to the extensive burns he received when his vehicle became an inferno, he was not a suspect, he was not under arrest, in custody nor suspected of doing anything wrong HOWEVER the detective is even heard on the video saying he just wants the blood draw to "prove he was sober during the accident" which is cop talk for i wanna fuck this guys life up for no reason.

The nurse was fully within her legal rights to deny the requests and called the Hospital Legal Team to explain to the situation and confirm with them her assumption that taking the blood from the unconcious accident victim would indeed not only violate her oath but also open her up to losing her license to practice and open the hospital to lawsuit. The power tripping detective however took it too far and most likely knew he was never going to get a warrant for the blood draw and instead chose to attempt to coerce the hospital staff into doing it.

The only logical punishment is multiple felony charges for Mr.Lawman and a nice settlement for the Nurse paid by you guessed it, we the tax payers.


Basically if you watch the video you can see the officer just gets upset about the fact that he's been told no, not even by her but by whoever was on the phone (gonna assume it was a lawyer acting on behalf of the hospital), so he throws his rattle out and arrests the woman for nothing.

Seems like the worst crime you can commit in America is "disrespecting" a police officer and not licking their boots, glad i'll never be going to America because i'd end up getting shot for talking back to them. It's not even like she was being disrespectful along with it. (which is irrelevant in other countries)

Summers over kiddo

what did she do? she obeyed the law, the cop broke the law. the cop ordered her to break the law, she didn't. where does it say that a cop is allowed to force a civilian to break the law?

Ya people like you need the democrats to tell you what to think, believe and do because they know you are too retarded to do anything on your own.

Drawing blood to help an injured person and drawing blood to aid in an investigation the person had no part in are two totally different things.

It's against HIPPA and a Patient Rights violation.

that's not what dindu nuffin means, fucknut. dindu nuffin is sarcastic, meaning that the person broke the law, usually in a severe manner, and then pretends to be innocent.

Ya people like you need the republicans to tell you what to think, believe and do because they know you are too retarded to do anything on your own.

first i've heard of it.
if the roles were reversed we wouldn't know anything about harvey.

This officer was trained to take the blood himself. after the incident this was also the only thing he couldnt do anymore during this investigation

Nurses have rules dipshit. You lose your license for doing shit like that.

As the video shows, police cannot order blood drawn unless the patient consents, or id they have reasonable doubt the subject was drunk/high, or if a judge issues a warrant. Zero of these conditions were met.

The patient was not suspected of a crime. His 18 wheeler was hit head on when a criminal being chased at high speed crossed over a divider and struck his truck (criminal died instantly). The patient was severely burned in the accident and was in a coma in the hospital when the viseo starts. His injuries are directly caused by the high speed police pursuit, which is why they want his blood to (hopefully) find reason to deny his ability to sue the living fuck out of them.

Bonus - patient is a reserve police officer in Idaho, and his police chief put out a public statement commending the nurse for bravely defending her patient's rights.

Cop is totally fecking fecked.

Ya but people like you need the lizard people to tell you what to think, believe and do because they know you are too retarded to do anything on your own.

This is drawing blood as evidence and to hand off to a third party. It's not lifesaving medical treatment. Two very different things.

Fact is, the cop didn't get blind compliance and chimped out. This is the irony of all this. The cop mentality is very similar to the dindu's mentality in that they have short tempers and react aggressively when challenged. With the cops it's because that how they recruit and train.

So when a cop shoots a nignog every other day it's really for the same reason nogs kill each other every day: they encounter each other, and display primitive, aggressive traits instead of civilized interaction.

This is one of the many reasons I smile when cops die.

Uh, not the 4th-amendment defendkng conservatives if that's what you think.

Ya people like you need the gestappo to tell you what to think, believe and do because they know you are too retarded to do anything on your own.

>defends personal freedom and thwarts government overreach of basic rights

>fucking libcucks destroying our freedoms and not assuming guilty until proven innocent

America 2017

Do you even work in the medical field? There's a lot of Resident Rights and HIPPA laws you can't violate

ohhh but we need to chase the criminals at 100mph+ down busy streets. What if they stole from Walmart, the horror!!!!

>they drew his blood anyway
for the hospital, the police would still need a warrant...the guy couldn't give his consent and as a victim, there was no reason for him to be under arrest

like the white supremacists, white cops were empowered by Trump

Ya but people like you need Soros to tell you what to think, believe and do because he knows you are too retarded to do anything on your own.


so why would you talk about charging batteries now? don't derail the thread

>implying they wouldn't sue both the hospital and the police

It's really refreshing to see someone who doesn't take the maximum liberal stance but still understands police brutality. You should talk more. I think that stormfags might learn something from you.

Cop here.
Don't know the the local laws, but in this situation they don't matter. It's not life or death and there's nothing to be gained and a lot to lose from slapping the cuffs on a nurse.

Things should never have escalated to an arrest, and the cop it 100% to blame.
Cops, fireman, and hospital staff have to work closely together all the time and trust is paramount. That trust has been damaged by this incident. IThe optics on this are so bad. This is a front page story on CNN and Foxnews. Holy shit what a fuck up.
Now the cop may very well have been 100% correct in his right to draw the blood, but he handled that situation like a dumbass.

what did the original dead guy even do that resulted in this chase?

dont know who she is, don't know the story. any link?

lawyer fag here (chicago) and this man wins the good medal

exactly correct

Google "nurse arrested" and it should be one of the first stories. Basically, this cop ordered a nurse to draw blood from a patient. However, the pt was unconscious and couldn't consent, so because there was no warrant or probable cause, the nurse refused because it was a violation of patient rights. The cop went apeshit and arrested her violently.

This is a good poast

She white. She did somethin'.

From what I understand...
They wanted her to draw blood.
She showed them the policy that their Police Dept. Agreed to.
Trucker was unconscious, wasn't under arrest and they didn't have a warrant.
They arrest her for obstruction of justice. What justice? Who knows.
Turns out the Trucker is also a reserved Cop. So possibly they wanted to get the blood drawn so if the cop WAS on anything it would be tossed out in court.
The cop that actually arrested her is also an EMT and said he is going to start taking shitty patients to their hospital and the good patients to other places.
All around douche bag and fuckery going on. Hope the nurse sues the cop as a civil suit, so the cop pays and not the Dept. That is just taxes and/or insurance.

There is no Police State Shekelstien. Cops were in the wrong. Nurse just won the nigger lottery with no deaths and she isn't a nigger. Can't beet it.

fuck your mother

Maybe your whore mother needs to fuck some more niggers for her crack money

ha ha, oh wow

full video for anyone that wants it

found, it thanks!

just another power tripping US cop it seems


>i have no idea what "random" means

Americans on this thread mostly thinking their country isn't Authoritarian, this story pops up.

No excuses anymore.

"but but but your country is too" is their reply.

Fucking Americans SSDD

>take it to Sup Forums fag
>doesn't belong here

goes back to countless cancerous furry, dubs, facebook fap, BBC threads he likes to wangle his 1 incher to.

Hypocrite kiddos


I like nurses who are whores. A nurse sucking my dick when I am in the hospital is not a bad thing.

You must be a faggot.

Annnd /thread

she didn't break the law tho

exactly. she didn't. are you faggots retarded? i'm trying to tell you that op's post is suggesting she did something wrong when she didn't.

by using "dindu nuffin" op is saying that she broke the law and deserved to be arrested. i'm not saying that, op is. or, he's retarded and doesn't know the memes he's trying to use.


>cop very well 100%

You're a cop and you don't know exigient circumstances? You must not be a good cop then

holy fuck, never though of cops like that

Your welcome

Still less than you have

In this case because the person they wanted blood from was unconscious

Actual cop here.
The nurse was lucky she didn't get shot for getting in the way of an Officer's duty. She, and others who saw this video, better have learned a lesson from this.
Don't be a dumbass stubborn fool. Do as an Officer tells you without question.

Only that's wrong you goddamn idiot.

>She dindu Nuffin
Except held her integrity.

Why is this trending so much?

both defend them unconditionally

Tell that to an armed Officer of the Law, son. You won't have the guts.

She was defending a murderer. I say fuck her.

patient privacy is of major concern for hospital staff, that includes blood alcohol levels/DNA/whatever the cop wanted the blood sample for. a cop can fairly easily get a warrant if it is needed, especially when someone dies in a suspected drunk driving accident, but that cop decided to try to strongarm his way through the process.

the hilariously ironic thing is that had he gotten the blood sample that way it would have been thrown out since it would have been a violation of the patients constitutional rights against illegal search. plus the nurse would have lost her job and the hospital could have been open to litigation. spending an hour getting a warrant from a judge would have been far simpler.

if true, you're a retarded cop who's likely tanked a large number of cases.

It's just another example of a cop who's in the business to be a bully. Doesn't know how to respond when he's shown he's in the wrong, so resorts to wielding power he thinks he has. Oops. There's a lot of house cleaning that needs to go on, but it's not even acknowledged in the ranks.

But they wouldn't have gotten it cause there was no reason for a warrent

She followed protocol, she even got her supervisor on the line and he even told the officer it couldn't be done.

just because Detective dumbshit didn't keep up on the law and his superior, lieutenant dumbfuck was a dumbfuck also, doesn't mean she was in the wrong at any time.

and had I been in her situation, I've have said and done the same damn thing.

Detective dumbshit should've just got a fucking warrant for the blood and it wouldn't have been a big fucking deal, but he decided to show his ego and is now suspended with a criminal investigation.

so yes, I would say it to an officer of the law same as any other person.

Google utah nurse, you limp wristed, slack jawed faggot

isn't the backstory that the truck driver was involved in a deadly car accident?