Is Sup Forums liberal or conservative?

Is Sup Forums liberal or conservative?

Neither really since the mods DGAF unless its CP

Sup Forums mostly is about chaos.

which ever side at the time is best for shit posting and "troll" fights

Anti-PC and censorship. Esp. those who came here right when the internet was becoming a thing back in 04-06.

Free discussion of ideas is insanly important to most posters. As a result, many are fans of Trump rather than the SJW pandering Hillary.

Well, It aint liberal, thats for sure!

As in anti-censorship.

I am.


Also this max file size BS.
Was going to post


used to be annoyingly liberal
obama drove up all the racist conspiracy theory roaches that newscorp has been harboring for years so now most "well know" anonymous boards are flooded with people that can't spout their stupid bullshit anywhere in public. hence Sup Forums now it's pretty well republican-ized.

Well fuck, forgot how to cross board post.

its a little bit of both, with a whole bunch of racism

>tfw Rush Limbaugh will never be your grandpa


>becoming a thing back in 04-06
try a decade earlier. just because your balls dropped in '0 whatever doesnt mean the rest of us are clueless noobs.

>mfw you post no face like that's how memes work

Whichever side is funnier at the time.

Did you see last years south park finale? Perfect metaphor.

ooh ooh wait i got a better one
>tfw your grandpa does a lot of pills and wears shirts with his signature on them around the house


I'd say it's more anarchy.

>image not related


As in that was it's apex, faggot. Sure some of us were on during the browser wars, but its a shitty comparison.

It's both. They love traps.They hate faggots.

The people that care about politics here are typically the type of Conservative that marched on Charlottesville.

If you aren't cool with that, then you can enjoy the Lulz, but the people here aren't liberals.

They're so repressed they pretend that fucking cross dressers isn't gay.

Sup Forums lacks morals and conservativefags are moralfags so I'd say liberal

>Is Sup Forums liberal or conservative?

Dumb shit pigeonholing and tribal thinking like that lead to fucking gridlock.

Im kekservative

Full of SJW cucks

>Is Sup Forums liberal or conservative?
It depends where on Sup Forums you go.

Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/, /r9k/, and /k/ have a decent overlap.


The internet by definition is liberal and everyone using it is therefore a liberal.

find out which of the two parties have the most homosexual supporters and go with that one

Sup Forums used to be almost totally apolitical. During the Bush years you'd occasionally see a thread talking about something stupid the president said "Is our children learning?" or some bullshit the administration was doing.

By 2008 Sup Forums had memed its way into the mainstream because faggots kept breaking rules 1 & 2. Enter Obama, and the 13-year-old edgelords (and some trolls) were shitposting "gas the (((kikes)))" memes. Politics got brought up more often but it was mostly "ha ha president nigger" shitposting.

Then came the Stormniggers, thinking the edgelord faggots and troll faggots were serious business, because Stormniggers are supreme fucktards. Which led the attempted containment of "muh (((kikes))) hacked the Gibson"... you can see how that turned out.

Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck

Would make a good movie trailer


we should have been quarantined after such a shit show....

>kept breaking rules 1 & 2.
To be fair, it wasn't just that.

also the LA one

While true, pedos did draw some attention, it really wasn't until the "Hackers on Steroids" story that nails started getting driven into the coffin. Suddenly a flood of 2edgy kids hit the boards because they were anonimoose with zmog 1337 h4x0r skillz, and they were telling EVERYBODY.

2007 = The dawn of Eternal Summer [Age of the Edgelords]

Yeah but even then the edgiest of people were whiteknights.


twas the best of times, it was the worst of times....

Different based on which board you're on.

On average it used to be pretty liberal but since gamergate it's gone more to the right.


Who gives a shit?

>inb4 I'm libertarian.

That's juxtaposed to authoritarian. You still register as either liberal or conservative.

Sup Forums at it's heart has always been either liberal or libertarian.
It's only been the past few years that a massive swarm of newfag alt right high school freshman have overtaken the site.

Sup Forums has the same political affiliation as a non-binary gendeess trap

meant to say genderless

i admit it hasnt always been conservative but i like the direction ive been seeing for the past few years. users questioning the frivilous nature of porn, condemning acts of degeneracy, speaking up about the failure of the experiment of inclusion in western democracy, a clearer voice of personal and political clarity. i see a youth that's ready to be adults, make hard decisions, and not be swayed by the foibles of sensationalist, often fabricated news.

tldr: the old Sup Forums is dead because this new one is stronger.


It's all over the political spectrum


Other than /pol and Reddit there is no direction.
As it should be.

someone give this faggot an extra hitler youth knife. in the asshole preferably.

you keep thinking your obsession with contrarianism and authoritarian rule is going to put extra tendies on your plate. you're just wet flesh to be thrown under the bus by the strongmen you worship whenever the chips are down.

go ahead and be a little foot soldier, im sure your master will throw you a bone right after "rope day" happens.

whichever one is against communism

for those here who actually have a well formed opinion id say libertarian. personally im a jeffersonian liberal

a liberal by any other name will still smell like shit

Radical Centre

u mad, oldfag?


slightly, only because I can't tell if you're trolling or not.

the term liberal has been polluted by leftists my friend. if you define liberal by belief in liberty and freedom that does not harm others conservatives are the modern day liberals. i wont even ge into rep vs dem. they can both go fuck themselves

i would say they're a jackass

>gen z will be the herald of muh conservative white nationalism
>forgetting gen z has the highest ratio of traps and faggots

its the opposite of whoever's easiest to anger. this place cheap shots whoever the biggest attention whores are or whatever is the most prevailing logic at any given moment. we're here to get a thrill out of making other people miserable without facing any consequences. this is an internet superhighway overpass and we're neglected kids with pockets full of rocks.

nailed it

nice metaphor

a man of the party!!!

Mostly conservative but the trump meme got old and the alt right gets more butthurt than the smelly hippies they call snowflakes so a lot of people are trolling them now. Its just a weird kind of bandwagoning where the people praising trump aren't genuinely conservative just looking to fuck with people and then theres people who dont give a fuck either way that troll them. Most liberals hang out on fb and twitter circlejerkingg their hyperbolic agendas and the alt right hang out in /pol telling each other how bad jews are like anyone there is going to object. /b likes dick more than politics, only a fool would take anything posted here to be true