In military strategy is it better to have shit soldiers in the front and better soldiers in the back : or is it better...

In military strategy is it better to have shit soldiers in the front and better soldiers in the back : or is it better to have better soldiers in the front and shit soldiers in the back?


Send shit soldiers to attack the enemy and use the better soldiers to flank the enemy

Fodder in front

Depends on the situation and armaments. Modern soldiers can easily deploy shit soldiers in the front since they compensate with their weaponry, for example.

Shit soldiers in front. Trigger traps and ambushes. Better soldiers now go in, aware of any enemy with little chance of surprise.

You always put your shit soldiers up front, the better ones behind. Make sure the front liners know that if they try to turn and run, their own people will shoot them.

It depends a lot of terrain, weapons and how long it is expected the battle to last

This is kind of true

You may also mix the good soldiers with the bad ones, and make the more experienced soldiers rule the units

Bad soldiers in what sense? unmotivated? aim?

This Thread won´t make sense unless you provide us more

None of that matters if you just drop a nuke.

Niggers go in first. Always.

non whites first

hello russian shitposter
enjoy your friendly fire, lo
l>You may also mix the good soldiers with the bad ones, and make the more experienced soldiers rule the units
only viable post ITT, when dealing with the shittiest of shit soldiers in the world (US army) they throw in rangers among other elite units to lead them, it provides a massive moral boost, and helps keep them from being subordenant

But if you put shit soldiers in the back and have the front with good soldiers then they can run down the other army.

Think about if you had a fight would you rather have a shit soldier beside you or a good solider beside you? A good soldier because they will know what they are doing/ kill more enemies

mah scorched earth
does not allow you to steal their gold/oil.
nukes are the dumbest weapons to use in basically any war outside of commiting genocide against those using scorched earth tactics when fighting

This is the only smart post.


Mix them.

Shit soldier used as bait.

Bad soliders in the sense they they are given a weapon and told to go fight

It's better to not have shit soldiers

you clearly don't know shit about tactics.

without shit soldiers you have no one to do the grunt work for you, or take the brunt of the damage which the good soldiers would've had to have been hit by

What happens though when you put the shit soliders and they get destroyed by the opposing army? Now you've lost your men.

Let's say for example you have 1k army and it was split, you are also fighting an army with 1k soldiers. You have 500 good soldiers and 500 bad soldiers and they also have the same. You put 500 shit soldiers forward and they get destroyed, while only bringing down 250 enemies. Now you've lost half you're army and you are surrounded by 750 enemies

>Have no soldiers.
>Inoculate your citizens annually.
>Airborne virus dispersion upon invasion.
>Carry on with your business while your enemy spreads to cover every corner of your land
>and reports stunning success up theirs chain of command
>and spreads the virus back to their bases up and down the chain of command
>a week later, entire enemy army falls to the ground and melts into puddles of corrupted genetic filth.
>continue about your business as their entire country, and then planet is turned into a wildlife park
>but with your island a technocratic non-hierarchical matrix organization of genetically engineered superscientists and superhot cyborgs whose bodies stop aging at 14.

I prefer 2 soldiers on each end of me.

Fatties to the front of the line.

21st century WWIII plz go.
This is a nostalgia thread.

For North Korea they want the shit soldiers up front to clear the mine fields

Who are you, Antarctica?

Total war for the last 12 years.
Shits up front elites in back
>shit soldiers up front
>elites have option to flank
> elites stop shit ones from running
>elites fill in gaps as they open making your army better as the enemy wears themselves down
>elites die less, thus saving cost and valuable people.

Is that what's down there?

Witches in the middle?

this is literally what happened the first time humans achieved genetic modification technology
they went around attempting to control everyone
everyone told them to fuck off
they then wiped everyone out and back to the caveman era of tech
waited a little while
indoctrinated them with religion to better control them
got BTFOd when they couldn't keep their own hierarchy in line and imploded.

now we're left with this mess of an earth as the aftermath

>if you're are shorter than the soldier in front of you, move to the front

>Then pull down your zipper and plow my waiting asshole.. breed it, set an example for the next guy