Who /onantidepressants/ here?

Who /onantidepressants/ here?
What you taking
Are they working
Is your dick still working

lexapro 20mg yes, yes

Sertraline 100mg. They work well. Doesn't effect my sex drive at all, but sometimes it can take longer to cum than when im not on them.

Yeah man, I think I've been on 6 or 7 so far. My dick didn't work for shit when on lexapro, and on Lamotrigine, what I'm on now, its kind of weird where my dick doesn't work if I don't take it. I don't know if it's psychosomatic or what, but it's alright.

50mg sertraline.
working for two years so far.
intercourse sometimes takes an hour, and fapping to the best material takes around 15 minutes.
but yeah, dick's fine as ever

150mg of Sertaline (Zoloft). Works super well, much better off than I was before.
Sex drive is lower than before (I had a really high one before though), but my dick still works. Doesn't get QUITE as hard, but still like 90%.

Just like said though, it can (usually does) take me longer to cum when I'm on them.

Oh, and Lamotrigine works pretty well, been feeling a lot less numb, and in more control of myself. Although I'm taking it as both an antidepressant, but also as a mood stabilizer for my bipolar. It helps somewhat with my HPPD too, which is interesting.

No one cares at all. Sage

My penor goes soft at times. I get too embarrassed and pretend I cum. Any tips to keep it up brehs?

is that bendydick cumbersnatch?

haters gonna hate

Zoloft/sertraline 200mg
Life is good
Sometimes it's pretty difficult to climax

Been considering trying Wellbutrin since it supposedly has no sexual side effects, anyone have any experience? Any anti depressants I've been on gave me delayed ejaculation.

How did everyone get prescribed? I called the suicide hotline but didn't know what to say or how to say it. I got a list of therapists from my insurance.

How do I go about starting the process?

honestly go fuck yourself mate. this is relevant

Any doctor can prescribe it, just go to your local clinic

Was on welbutrin for about six months. Found I was more sociable and got me out of bed. Couldn't ejaculate worth shit tho

Viibryd 40mg daily. Shit works so well. Dick still works too. First antidepressant I've ever been on that worked this well and left my dick alone.

Go get a recommendation for a psychiatrist from your regular doctor, and start going to therapy. Shit gets way better

Wellbutrin made me want to hulk out and punch everything. Dick worked fine though.

Bupropion counteracts these issues

Don't have a regular doctor.

How do I start the conversation? What do I say? I don't know how to talk about it.

I was taking fluoxetine and bupropion. Could get boner but couldn't cum when I was just on fluoxetine. Bupropion counteracts that

Desvenlafaxine, 100mg. Yeah it's helping, don't have a dick so I can't answer the last question but I think my vagina's doing fine.

taking Sertaline one fiddy
lower sex drive but it's okay, can cum just fine

SAy you've been struggling with derpression recently, list your symptoms, if youve been feeliing suicidal, tell them, If you have a plan, tell them, but you might have to go to the hospital for the next few days.

I took them for 10 years.
Stopped a year ago.
Best decision I ever made.
My dick stopped working for a few years but you'll get so used to abusing yourself violently that you'll become natural to it... THEN when you quit, you have premature ejaculation.
I'd quit if I was you... from personal experience based over 11 years.

Meds made me way fucking worse, way way way worse.
Coming off them made me feel alive again and now I don't want to die.

What do I have to say to avoid the hospital? I want help but I don't want it to ruin my current life. I'm an extremely busy person and I can't afford to take any time off.

Pretty much this. I don't have trouble getting it up. But sometimes after a while i just stop trying to finish cause i dont wanna waste an hour.

I'm going to talk to my doc about this. I'm kind of swimming in the pusy but my performance has really gone to shit

Literally went to a local doctor and hardly talked to them. I don't know if everyone gets prescribed that easily but yeah

I just got off antidepressants, sucked at first but I'm not looking back.

Do you want to kill yourself and have a plan? Your job isn't really important if you're not alive. They are legally required to hospitalize you if you have means and intent.

20 mg celexa, dick stopped working for first 3 weeks, all better now

Depakote, Seroquel, so-so, yes

I don't have a crystal plan. I'd either hang myself or shoot myself. I do not own a gun or rope, although I could easily get the latter.

I realize that what I'm doing is irrelevant if I die, but I don't want to live if getting help ruins what I currently have.

I need assurances that I can live my life and get treatment. Can they give me that?

25mg of Hydroxyzine for anxiety and 20mg of Prozac. Sex drive is lower, but I haven't done live ammo testing yet to see if my climax is impeded.
I was on Wellbutrin for a short period of time. Sex drive and erections were the same as before. Gave me horrid night terrors, though.

Do everything he said, except the suicide plan. You can tell her/him you think about suicide but don't mention a plan.

The main thing you have to remember is, you need to explain how bad things are for you. Don't be afraid to say to much (except for the plan), they need to hear you're suffering in order to help you accordingly.

effexor, lamotragine, klonopin

feels great, best i have felt in years. getting a promotion at work probably this week.

used to take lexapro, but i was such an airhead and it was hard to use my dick.

I envy you

how do i get my friend to check out going on meds? hes clearly very depressed and fucked up, hes miserable, wants to die etc. uses weed and alcohol to medicate. ive told him a bunch of times, and he seems like he wants to but doesn't follow through.

ya its amazing for general anxiety. i wouldn't be able to function without it. you cant get a script?

Talk to him about the advantages of being under medical care for depression. If he's a student he'll be able to have scholarship and more time to do his exam. If he's a worker, he'll have excuses for days off, and he could even get his doctor to sign off on a burnout. No matter the reasons, you just need to get him to see a doctor, he'll get better afterwards. Just remember it's a long road, it may very well take years, but at least he'll try to get better

Let him be a miserable drunk. If he wanted to better himself he would atleast make an attempt.

Also mixing the meds and drinking will probably fuck him up even more desu

Best decision I ever made.
Dick works fine, sex drive is fine.
Actually one of the side effects for me was harder boners and increased stamina.

Go look at the indecent percentages before freaking out about side effects. Most people see little to no negatives.

I took Effexor XR for 3 years.

Probably the best 3 years of my life. I felt strong, confident, happy, really just lived in the moment. I stopped taking them because they numbed my dick. Like I felt very little sensation in my dick. It was kinda like having sex after about 6 - 8 alcohol beverages.

From time to time I think about getting back on it, but a funny thing happened last time I tried to get back on it. About 6 hours after taking it I noticed high anxiety, like panic, couldn't sleep that night. After that I was like fuck this.

Still think about going back on it though.

same, numb dick. I actually lost my virginity on Effexor XR. I fucked for almost an hour before I came. Crazy.

Something like 1 in every 6 Americans is on some sort of psychotropic medicine.

This shit revelevant man.

Cardio 3x a week.

The stronger your cardio system, the stronger your dick.

>I'd quit if I was you... from personal experience based over 11 years.
what the living fuck would you know about someone else's brain chemistry and what they need? it didn't help you, therefore it's not right for anyone? that's fucking nonsense.

why did you get off effexor? was it difficult?

do people ever wonder if society crumbles completely and there are no pharmacies or meds what would you do? i would def off myself , better than have to get off 3 meds cold turkey at the same time.

im not taking shit

found out i just have shitty friends and its been going on for years. playing me for a fool and everything. the only reason i hung out was because i feared missing out on everything. turns out they only invited me over as a jesture and never invited me when there was real parties or get togethers. shouldve cut contact with those fuckers a long long time ago. beyond that i spent most of my 20s in my room as i did in my teens. what a fucking waste. other family thinks im gay or something because i never had a gf or never seen with a girl but they dont know that my social game is shit for 19 years. and the mold proceeds me.