Whats in your top 10?

Whats in your top 10?

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boy, you done pretty good there

Best i can do on mobile is top 6

Endless Legend is the most woefully underrated 4X game. I wish my pc wasn't shit so I could play it more.



Damn what were you playin on gmod? I only liked the rp servers. I haven't been able to find a good one in years though.

Used to play all the time mostly Deathrun and Jailbreak. Found a really good community and would play with friends, had 500 hours on one server




Sadly i cant fit all on my laptop screen.

>460 hours on wallpaper engine
You know it doesn't have to be open in order to run right lol

ik i just keep it open so it would track my hours

nice dude. makes me miss my old servers feels bad.

4.5k on chivalry holy shit dude.



I know. Mordhau soon, then I can finally stop playing this game

dunno why it put games that need updated at the top


holy fuck wtf were you playing on gmod?

nice meme

holy fuck my sides, you win this thread


Damn I miss the CS:S community

probably darkrp, i lost so many hours to that gamemode.

really..... idling is a thing. We aren't impressed.

that was my favorite mode. What servers were you on?

Jealous of my devotion

either way the madman idled these games for 3 months lmao

Not that user but I have about 3,200 hours on Gmod. 95% of which was on DarkRP servers. Haven't played in years though, I'm pretty sure it's not as lively as it used to be.

tf2 was the only game i played for a solid 3 years

you are like a little baby

I used to love darkrp but all of the servers are either, dead, pay to win, unbalanced classes, or run by dickwad mods. I want to turn my current pc into a gmod server when I get my new build.

Rate me... Judge me... spit on me and tell me how scum I am.

Over 4000 hours on CS:GO
90% of it was [spoiler]dust 2[/spoiler]

Too lazy to screencap it and Im not proud of it anyway

Have more hours on Skyrim, but that was a pirated version.

Something tells me I'm gonna get a lot of shit.


wtf are you doing in fallout 4 for 1000 hours? mods?

Just curious, what compelled you to put 53 hours into No Man's Sky?

Friday the 13th is a trash game, I just play it from time to time to get my monies worth.

No man's sky really....... You just took ol' bucktooth murray's word for it didn't you.


Only gta 5? That's seems rather depressing.

Rest is under 100 hours

I really liked the art of it. I would get baked, put on Pandora, and just cruise world to world.

Fuck day z and there zombie hit boxes

I play LSPD:FR a lot... Depressing is a good description.

Is payday worth playing or it's one of those games where it's better to play with friends?

here we go

Yeah, I expected more from Bohemia I guess. Lesson learned. (Proceeds to put money into star citizen when my pc can't even run it.)


be gentle

It's okay first person who mugged me on that game was black with a hoe

Fuck yeah, Arma 3 is the shit. I wish my rig could run it at more that 10fps.

I didn't follow the game dev like everyone else. I had no idea what it was supposed to be besides exploring and space flight. Do I think it's worth $60? No. But I also wasn't as let down as others cause I didn't have the hype.

is it really worth shelling out all the money for the complete game? (Payday 2)

Has space engineers netcode gotten any better? That game is on point just needs polishing.

lol, I would always eat people when that feature was added. I would get kuru and giggle like a maniac fun times.

Ignorance is bliss................


I think 1/3 of those hours were spent building settlements. I really love building big cities, and mods just expand the things I can build. This is what I'm working on right now

As someone who has played the game on and off for years putting a few hundred hours in Id say its worth it. Its the most fun if you have friends to play it with tho

dude nice


You had better be pro at dota or you're an idiot.

still shit at cs

Netcode has definitely improved.
I've been experimenting with a dedicated server.
I made a mod (not uploaded yet) to improve the sync with the phys calcs and such but nothing too fantastic.

cyka blyat.

R8 my hours


Mining an unstable pixel currency thats fucking up the market for GPU's everywhere? No thanks m8.

stopped playing warframe a year ago

Payday 2 is worth the money, and The Big Bank Heist is worth the money. The rest is money pit.

It's pretty fun with friends, but i enjoy playing solo too. Having a really high skill ceiling, you can really sink a bunch of hours into it. I played it for a while because i didn't have good enough internet to play Overwatch. After that, I kinda stopped playing and didn't go back. Give me a week to get used to it again, and i'll be all over it.

My point is: measure your options. If you have 1-3 friends willing to play with you, then wait for it to go on sale and get it. Otherwise, if you really enjoy the type of gameplay it offers, get it anyway.

Rookie numbers.

If you dont have 1000+ in a game let alone total youre a filthy casual




I know. I probably have closer to 1000 hrs in fsx. I just recently upgraded and bought the steam version. Was running boxed until about 3 months ago.

Them dota hours.

>4700 hrs in Dota 2
Hmm, must be russian

Memes aside, how is HoI4?

how did you know cyкa блять


Я вceгдa знaю тoвapищa

ive played most of these games before they were on steam tho


2K hours on star trek online. Why though?????


why not?


>81 hours in no mans sky

isn't it a shit top down mobile game? like watered down eve?

stoner noman's high player found. Christ the fact that you guys exist pisses me off.

Well tbh a lot of that was idle (a fucking LOT - I think there was a reason I left it on while I was away at work but I forget), but I really did have a lot of fun with STO.

looking for a new game to buy. Any recommendations? Something cheap, because poorfag.

1487 hours dota 2 idk rest no steam app on this phone