Can someone tell me what the best radar detector is right now? Im tired of getting speeding tickets

Can someone tell me what the best radar detector is right now? Im tired of getting speeding tickets.

Maybe don't put everyone's lives in danger and don't speed, how 'bout that? Or are you too alpha?

>buy radar detector
>cops use radar detector detector
>get two tickets or worse
ayy lmao

If you're getting a lot of speeding tickets, you are speeding too much or going about it like a retard in general.

>Hey guys I want you to red pill me on radar detection so I can continue driving like a shitbag.

Coming from someone who is 3 points away from a driving ban as a result of speeding: suck it up, learn to drive like a pedestrian. Or have fun getting the bus.

Shut up bitch. Dont reply to my thread with a smart ass comment like that. It's hard not to speed when you have a super car.

Show us your car with a timestamp.

Spoken like a true douchebag.

A lot of virgin toyoya prius drivers on this board tonight.

No it really isn't. Go to the country and do it there like a smart person would. Instead of driving like an Arab with oil money drive like a regular dumbass until you get into territory where no one patrols because no one cares.
>muh dirt roads are dangerous and bad for the car
That's the point retard. That's why you speed on them. It's fun. Your little supercar should be able to handle them.

heard good things about the valentine but can't vouch for it personally.

>overcompensates with car and bad driving habits
>calls others virgins

Most radar detectors have shut-off systems or radar blockers (with 2-3 checks). I mean, the same companies that make radars make radar detectors/blockers, so they try to keep both law enforcement and private customers happy and try to match features. And radar detectors aren't illegal everywhere.

Well since we're peasants, can your show us your "super car" with a timestamp?

Don't speed, better than any radar.

Can vouch for. Expensive, but very good.

He's probably asian too kek.

Big mistake coming to Sup Forums asking a bunch of basement dwellers who rate each others dicks all day and look at anime porn some car advice. Silly me

> driving a dirt road in a nismo gt-r

are you out of your fucking mind?

Can you just show us your super car with a timestamp?

Show us how far below you we are.

Your fucking eyes.

> (You)
>Can you just show us your super car with a timestamp?
>Show us how far below you we are.
The car I drive is the picture I posted.

>It's hard not to speed when you have a super car.

Super car?

It's supercar, dumbass!

Come back and try again once you actually get your learner's permit.

More police are using lasers these days. Radar detectors won't do shit for them.

>Your fucking eyes.

seriously this, and keeping track of where they usually take radar. they're fairly predictable.

>1998 honda civic
>Sports Car

waze is best


Can we have it with a timestamp, for proof that you're not just bullshitting us?

No. You want to speed and not get tickets you make some sacrifices. If you have enough to afford the car you can maintain the damages you do being a dumbass with it. Or just find a racetrack.

>The car I drive is the picture I posted.

Oh you drive the car show announcement auto?

Fuck off.

Guys, do a reverse image search on OPs picture.

fuck off kid

You're probably some wigger with a '96 civic.

Shut up bitch, it's called having self control clearly you have none like the bitch you are.

Are you down syndrome? Me saying what I said was to say what car I drive, not literally the car in the damn pic retard.

>The car I drive is the picture I posted.
Didn't fucking sound like it.
Why not post a picture of YOUR car with a timestamp?

>109k-170k car
>comes to /b to whine about tickets and get detector advice
>can't post any actual proof of ownership

Yeah, the whole thread totally believes you...

Until pic w/timestamp, OP is a faggot

Why so you can jack off to it? Knowing youll never own a $230k, must suck to be you.

A radar detector won't help you since cops have figured out that they can just turn it on after it is pointed at you. Use waze, or better yet, quit driving like a dick. If you can afford a "supercar" you can afford to race it at an appropriate place.

>>Sup Forums

The GTR is not a supercar literally my neighbour drives a civic that is faster then that fucking thing.

Escort Max 360. I've been using it for 7 months, almost literally never drive at or below the limit unless the weather is poor (usually 20-30 over), and I haven't gotten a single ticket using it. It can pick up Ka band from sometimes over a mile away if the area is clear enough. Different settings to limit or extend sensitivity, auto lockout of false alerts, manual lockout & mute functions, I really have no gripes with it.

It's not cheap but you get what you pay for.

No, because I want proof that you're not trolling us, the more you stall on the picture, the less we trust you.

And yes, I'll never have a nice car, but unlike you, I don't pretend I do just to be a cunt.

Nobody wants to jack off to your fantasy of owning an expensive ricer. Either you post a timestamp or you're just another idiot with a Civic hatchback and fantasies about rice rockets.


Mad that no one was responding on /o/?

I forgot to turn off my detector one time. Was driving around town. Suddenly my detector goes batshit with crazy tones, Fucking unmarked cop pulls out of a driveway. I snatch detector off of window and throw under seat. Cop pulls me. walks up to window. "Where is your detector". I'm like "huh". "I know that you have it. Its not illegal to have just to operate". He takes the serial numbers from on the detector, gives me a ticket and oinks away.


Not true at all, not in my part of the USA at least. 90% of my driving is on the highways of the NY metropolitan area and I've only been hit with laser twice in my entire life. The first time I wasn't speeding beyond the flow of traffic so it didn't really matter, the second time he was on the other side of the road and I was able to get off at the nearest exit before he got anywhere near me.

Worst case scenario, it lets you know you've been hit and then you can pull over preemptively and hope for leniency or floor and hope to get away.

Huh, took long enough.
Until further evidence proves this as fake, I take back what I said, nice car.

I hope it gets destroyed in an accident you caused because of speeding.

again, how mad are you that your thread on /o/ got ignored?

Bread on hood or eff off mate

why the fuck are you on Sup Forums and not an enthusiast board specifically for this car?

What are you poor? Just give your tickets to a traffic lawyer. They'll get you off on some technicality.

its all fun and games until your brain pieces are all over the expressway. Do you even browse Sup Forums ?

Pop radar is not a common practice. Wherever I see cops, even when they're not working a speed trap, they always have their radar on.

I feel your pain. Valentine One is my go to. Michael Valentine designed the original Escort radar detector but left Cincinnati Microwave when they got bought out. I've owned three of them and they all work great. It's getting more difficult with all the cars with collision avoidance radar flooding the airwaves. In the US there's not a lot of laser yet due to cost and since it has to be precisely aimed. Don't drive a flashy car keep a sharp lookout and get a lawyer. In the US state of Indiana you can get a diversion. That's when you pay a double fine, do a online class and don't get caught again for 6 months the points don't go on your record. If you get popped again in the 6 month period the points go on your record with no refund.

Well done. You can make a lot of Corvette fangirls shit themselves if you post on /o/.

Damn! Your dad sure drives a nice car.

What communist shithole do you live in that it's illegal to operate a radar detector? Virginia?


What next... you guys wanna see my name on the registration? Smh

Any/all of them are good, just pay attention to it instead of being a retard and you'll be alright.

Actually, this might me nice, include your face and timestamp this time.

If you can provide proof, you better fucking provide proof.

just slow down. speeding to/from work saves you like 5 minutes tops.

you will have no tickets. and more importantly no stress from feeling like you have to fucking beat everyone to your destination in some imaginary race that you can never win.

If that is you car, congrats of have THEE fuck boi car of the century.

You WRX people aren't far being.

And it doesn't even matter what you drive, if you like drifting and/or have cambered wheels on your car.

Stop wanting to be an Asian nigger OP

The great communistwealth.

Where's the fun in that?

>not buying a military counter measure system to fire flares when locked on by radar/laser tracking

Get your fucking life together, OP


What's he supposed to do? Launch a nuclear missile at the cops who want to stop his fun?

drive fast enough to get away
or just accept your not actually accomplishing anything by speeding other than stressing yourself out and spending more money

They have to put the mobile speed camera locations in the local newspaper. People flash their lights to warn you anyway. You have to be retarded to get caught speeding.

OP, if you can afford a $150k car, why can't you buy a radar jammer?



In the USA you can't transmit radar without an FCC (Federal Communications Commission) license so most jammers are illegal. Detectors are OK since they just receive a signal. (Except in Communist states like Virginia.)

I've worked on highway planning and roads are designed and rated well above the posted speed limit. The limit is quite literally for retards who unfortunately can legally drive. A competent individual can speed in some situations rather safely simply because the limit is for idiots.

OP I would suggest the Valentine One

Buy direct, not from amazon or retailer

Because im not a faggot ill give you some real help ive reviewed 5 high end detectors for my channel i have an audi s4 and like you i have iron foot. If you do go with a detector buy it direct and most high end will cover a ticket if you get one while using it. If you dont live in bumfuck nowhere use an app called Waze. Work better then an dector for me. (I live in medium to large city)

So which detector did you like the most


lol What a dickless faggot you are. Try growing up the world isn't an anime with you as the main character. You fucking cunt.