One of my best friends said that she "gets it now" and "you like to mansplain."

One of my best friends said that she "gets it now" and "you like to mansplain."

I'm not a Sup Forums nut job, but I'm a senior in college, I'm a biology major (neuro minor), and I love to learn. I know a lot about a lot of things, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge. I don't think I force things down people's throats. I only speak like a normal human being in conversations.

Am I distancing myself from the average person the more I learn? Makes me sick to my stomach. I feel like I want to off myself

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no, others are fucking retarded and are reading the latest blogs from buzzfeed and other shit that are filling their brains with "progressive" bullshit. next time someone tells you something like that, tell them to fuck themselves with their womens studies degree since thats the only thing it could possibly be used for.

Intelligence is never a weakness. Distance from the unintelligent can only be seen as a boon; surrounding yourself with intelligent people gives you a much easier time in life. You get better conversations, better advice, and you learn even more than you already are. If some faggy little plebs are trying to look down on you because you've got the decency to educate yourself and they don't, find new friends. Lmfao


You perception of "normal human being" is different for both of you.

You're not distancing yourself from the average person. You're just figuring out who's staying in your life and who's not.
It's a natural process and you don't have to feel bad for it.

You have to understand, these people have been taught this in school ever since they could remember. It is so ingrained that they don't even know it was taught to them, it's just something they know at this point. The same thing that is happening in North Korea - brainwashing.


Yes. Most people are stupid as hell and find others knowing things they don't not a source of interest, but a threat.

People who think like this will never be your friends.

this will get you lots of friends

people that legitimately say you're "mansplaining" and mean it are not worth being friends with.

your friend is medically brain-dead. You should understand this being a neuro minor (maybe they havent gotten to that section yet) The term "Mansplaining" first came about when the brain disease of "feminism" escalates to the fourth stage, resulting in indefinite brain death and gases escaping the esophagus forming variations of the sound "mansplain"

Thank you for this reply.

Anytime babe~
Personal experience taught me that shit; I've ditched a lot of stupid people in my time and I regret very little.


I've been drifting away from my friends gradually over the past couple of years, but damn. It's not easy. Especially since they're not done with me, and because of how close I've been with them. This one in particular burns really hot.

You remind me of what my parents say. Thanks for reinforcing it.

Just make sure you do listen, and understand that, when discussing things with women, they ARE NOT convinced by facts or logic. It genuinely doesn't matter that you are factually correct to them in the same way it would to you.

how do you expect me to read all that shit


I definitely listen. I have very good conversational skills (partly from canvassing for a year).

Sad part is, the thing that set it off was me merely observing that many songs take like two months to go mainstream (she was complaining about how the new Taylor Swift song hasn't been getting a lot of airtime).

There's nothing wrong with wanting to stay close to friends, especially old friends. But when they start to expect you to dumb yourself down, you've gotta know when it's time to tell them to fuck off or just fuck off yourself. The rights sorts of friends will either listen to what you have to say and try to learn as you do, or will accept what you say regardless, not belittling you, and continue being whatever sort of friend they are. Some of my best friends are drastically less intelligent than I am, and I'm not trying to be a cock by saying it, haha. But we're still great friends because instead of having intelligence in common, we share similar interests or they have aspects of intelligence that I lack.

They realize I'm smart, they listen when I say smart shit, and usually they say "Damn, you're smart." and we continue hiking or fishing or whatever the fuck it is we like to do. That being said, if ever they thought to drag me through the mud for saying something profound, I'd drop them in an instant if I felt the need, and they get that~

tl;dr Smart friends are ideal, dumb friends are nice provided they don't expect you to be dumb, make and reinforce good friendships through shared interests/activities.

guy, I think women act with way to much entitlement and childish sensibility, but whoever wrote this tirade is a serious elevators level autist

"Mansplain" is cunt language for "I want you to listen and sympathize with me even if I'm wrong"

>I'm not a Sup Forums nut job
well that explains why you're are so clueless then doesn't it not?

>you're are
>doesn't it not

maybe she's joking and wants to have sex with you

Oh I've been redpilled, and I'm well aware of a lot of things going on. I do spend time on Sup Forums. That being said, I'm not aggressive, and it doesn't invade my life. Nobody knows my political standings.
That's what I meant by not being a nut job... Not that Sup Forums isn't right about most things.

Her follow up: "laugh all you want but it's true."

The sex part is likely.

Joking? Doubt it.


That is the exact type of conversation women hate.

if somebody asks a question then give them an answer. if you have something to contribute to a conversation then contribute. but if you're just randomly spewing your knowledge all the time then that shit gets annoying. i know because I did the same thing. there would be a lull in the conversation and I'd just start talking about some shit I had learned at college. it was interesting to me, but to me friends it looked like I was trying to show them how smart I was. i had to lose a couple of good friends to realize how douchey I appeared.

be aware stupid people are all around you. Don't explain shit unless they ask. nod and smile. you are a human among zombies.

Thanks for this perspective. I'll definitely keep it in mind. I appreciate it.

this OP, this is what you need.
Also fuck stupid friends

This is also very true. There's a huge difference between being smart and acting smart. It's always okay to be smart, it's not always okay to act smart~ Don't unnecessarily alienate people just to stroke your mindcock ;D

I really don't throw my knowledge around, though. I'm a pretty quiet guy most times, and silence doesn't bother me.

Whether or not facts will help a conversation is something I will certainly be calculating in the future.

Smart people usually are by nature quieter; dumb people seem to be scared by the vacuum of words. They never seem to appreciate the joy of a comfortable silence, because they can't be comfortable with what little happens in their heads, lmao.