Hey Sup Forums, any idea what these are? I know they're handcuffs, but what could they be used for...

Hey Sup Forums, any idea what these are? I know they're handcuffs, but what could they be used for? They look too small to fit someone's wrists in.

those are thumbcuffs. Same function, but go around thumbs, not wrists.

They are for the thumbs

>What are these
>I know they're handcuffs

Pls kill yourself, child

They are dickcuffs so you and your friend can cuff yor dicks.

Somewhere in the world someone is reading this and IM'ing a retard friend and/or buttbuddy to do this.

I fucking hope so.


It's a bottle opener

You know what they meant

Those are obviously ballcuffs. Its a form of contraception.


perfect for the big toes, espace is impossible.

want more?


Those are part of a rare finger box.

Keep going.

you use it for the thumb you dingdong

I kept my ex like this for 9 hours, she was going insane when I started to feed her/give her water so she could stay longer

handcuffs designed for a certain tiny-handed someone

I always thought using it on only the thumbs is a little bit boring

Why though and did she consent to this?

that's how I used to let her sleep. one time I used diapers and kept her from friday afternoon until monday morning. this was her fantasy, half the way in she wanted out but I fulfilled her wish.

she was my sub, so yes. but nevertheless I think this exact punishment she hated a lot. It get's kind of boring I think, haha. Made me hot to change rooms and just "forget" her

Huh, how some things are sexy to people is beyond me, but if everyone involved consents I'm not against it.

They're for your balls.


very painful and cruel
