Help a brother out

Help a brother out

Gonna go with you like it when a guy takes charge? since not getting any responses. Will post reply if anyone is interested

Solid response, lets see it

Since you're watching

If you need help instead of having "show me your tits" I suggest giving some backstory of what you guys already talked about and who this chick is.

im interested op

Some chick I matched with total on bumble. Talked to her for like 15 minutes. I walk to talk to her to get her to show tits/ hook up

Help a brother out can't think of a solid response that'll lead somewhere.

You're fucked mate.

"Yeah I agree with you. So why did you download bumble? "
Decided to go with that and see where it goes.

She's baiting you.

You respond with something like

"well, you just give me a passive hint on how you want this conversation to go, and I'll take control on it getting there."

too much faggotry

"well lucky for you I like taking control"

Then I'd like to hear how you'd respond.

It's easy to criticize, but rather than critiquing, give a better example

"lol thats perfect, i was just about to ask you out anyway"

I would destroy dat ass like a Palestinian Village. Lemme get a pic of your bootyhole bby.



Nice trips

this is not real

If this is OP, no.

Take control of the conversation. Don't ask her questions she'll be bored with. She's already bored, which is why she's on here.

Give her something that'll hook her.

Well see what she responds. I asked her why she's on bumble. Sent message about 5 mins ago and no response. It's about 120am here so she may have passed out

That was a retarded thing to do.
She's on bumble to get dick, you both know that, she asked you to take control and you shat the bed hard enough for it to crack our of your rectum with a sonic boom and drill through the mattress, you fuckin beta

Bitches don't just pass out like that

You literally blew it with that, she didae pass out, she wanted an alpha alpha and you just proved you arent.

It's a learning experience nigga I'll get the next one

she handed you the opportunity and you spaghetti'd it like the fuckin beta you are op.

Keep being a fag.


Is this a 'how to bottle a conv' thread