If you crush up a xan and put it in water and soak toothpicks in that will you get the same effect or what i need...

If you crush up a xan and put it in water and soak toothpicks in that will you get the same effect or what i need advice please

Hahaha a fucking what dude?

Just, just eat them man. That's how they work. Lmao gtfo

I want to carry them around in a little toothpick holder in my school
(Im 18)

>soak toothpicks in that
fucking wat?
also most benzo have a slow release that makes snorting them only slowly drip into you which only fucks your nose up.

Probably not. In general pils have polimers to protect the drug from being absorbed in the wrong ph ( Stomach ) so they have polimers that desove in intestinal ph. And they have other things to keep them together ( Tabletase etc.. ) These do not disolve well ( Hydrophobic ) so in general. NO! do not shoot up pills!

The process isn't quite equitable to say cinnamon toothpicks.

The fuck is wrong you.

If you going to be retarded at least go crush pill in water bottle

alprazolam is not water soluble

if u put them up ur ass it is more of an effect

Jesus Christmas you're fucked up man.

Just carry them in an Alford container. If you're gonna do drugs, fucking do drugs. Don't try to be cute about it.

Also, what happens when a cutie asks you for a toothpick? You gonna say "sorry, you can't have one, they're laced with Xanax" ?

Fucking idiot

here's what you do.
crush it up.
fill a bathtub with water.
put the crushed up pill in the water.
put your head in the water and snort it up until you get high enough.


The coating makes it "time release" once it's crushed it is no longer time release and if you snort it, it's the same as snorting a regular white bar.

bad thread user, you made a big mistake, try again next time

i was in the xanax thread too.

Anyone have tips for getting LSD or shrooms?

I got a plug on family L

check out acidmath and find people from your area. Jist be sure to test it, dont wanna fuck with nbome

>doing xanax to get high
the fuck

Oh shit, I tried nbome earlier this year, low visuals and good vibes that was about it, was it just an extrememly low acid dose?

No its nbome. Can be great at low doses. You go overboard and it can turn your world upside down. My friend wont even touch acid anymore because he got fucked over by it.

Who knows what you had though. Acid at low dose is minimal visual (wavy/warp) and good vibes. Take it up a notch and you start seeing fractals/geometry.

From my personal experience, lucy is only as strong as the first dose you take (for that specific trip.) So, if i start with one tab, and 4 hours later i take 2 more, i will only trip as hard as i did from my first initial dose that day. But if i start with 3, and 4 hours later i take 1, ill be as high as i was when i started with 3.

Thanks bro! From what I hear a good dosage of shrooms is 20$ per person, been thinkin about gettin some friends together

Any time. Honestly it depends on the mushroom. I live in the PNW and we have a lot of different kinds of funguys here. Some are way more potent than others. Day tripping is my favorite. I usually head into the forest with some tunes. If you dont have great scenery, get some good tunes and trip toys. Have fun!