You've been sentenced to death by lethal injection. What would your last meal be?

You've been sentenced to death by lethal injection. What would your last meal be?

I want to eat a roasted mountain chicken for my last meal..

3 litres of bleach.
I go out on my terms mother fuckers.


"your mothers pussy"
to the person who asks me.

Thanksgiving meal, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravey, etc

>What would your last meal be?

Why bother?

Chipotle, so I can shit all over the floor and they'll have to clean it up

My mother's beef stew recipe, remind you of home

The antidote

all the donuts in the world

Cum from the highest decorated man in uniform in the building

by the nine

>2 single cheeseboigas and a large fry from this boiga place I like
>deep fried oreos and root beer from this other place I like
>some of those cinnabon delights from taco bell
>a rack of baby back ribs
>a bottle of blueberry pop
>a bacon wrapped filet mignon steak,
>some kind of grapefruit cake I got from disneyland once that was really good
>a terrys chocolate orange
doubt I could even eat a quarter of it

A dodo egg and Tasmanian tiger steaks.

Get on it, pigs!

Id eat a piece of that sweet ass

This guy has the right idea. You don't eat the best stuff you can think of, you get broccoli, bean, cauliflower, fish, whatever gives you the most rancid, gassy shits. That way, when you die and your bowels go, you'll fucking nuke the place.

All you can eat buffet, live forever

mom's cheese filled pepers


chile rellenos and chicken enchilada. fried chicken and sauteed onions with brussels sprouts and a strawberry cheesecake with whole milk.

mums shepards pie covered in tomato sauce or dads tacos and a giant glass of coca cola, id flip for it if dad wasnt deceased


Spaghetti bolognese, filled with cyanide

A 432,907 course Chinese banquet.

A 13 year old ;^)

None as I live in California. We don't use the needle

The McRib sandwich and a McShamrock milkshake
(try finding them both at

The judge's face.

- Hannibal

all you can eat buffet, where the meal never ends.

you are going to shit yourself when you die regardless of rather you had chipotle or not.

neckbeard alert. only a fool would eat fast food garbage.

Bottomless fries. Can't kill me until I say I'm done

Human meat
>no niggers pls

Summer Brielle Taylor

The antidote.

Checkmate atheists.

two big melons, 3 liters of milk, tuna steak and condensed milk

Grilled pong pong tree seeds, with a lye cleaned castor bean reduction sauce, garnished with uncooked blowfish gonados and livers.

Good luck with the needle yall

Handful of MAOI inhibitors, half gallon of grapefruit juice fresh squeezed, and half a dozen peyote buttons.

Actually you do.... All states do. You are just a fucking moron. KYS

Actually being dead drunk and been blacked out while they kill you is not bad.

Texasfag here

You bastards abused it so you don't get to choose your last meal anymore. You gets what we gives you. Prolly a burrito and a Dr Pepper. No hot sauce.

That sounds sad for sure

a glass of water

My granny's huitlacoche quesadillas' and a pack of cigs

my own heart

mothers london broil, well done (inb4 steak related whining)
mashed potato
cyanide laced water just for a laugh.

In September 2011, the state of Texas abolished all special last-meal requests after condemned prisoner Lawrence Russell Brewer requested a huge last meal and did not eat any of it, saying he was not hungry. His last-meal request was for a plate of two chicken-fried steaks with gravy and sliced onions, a triple-patty bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelet with ground beef, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, jalapeños, a bowl of fried okra with ketchup, a pound of barbecued meat with half of a loaf of white bread, a portion of three fajitas, a meat-lover's pizza (topped with pepperoni, ham, beef, bacon, and sausage), a pint of Blue Bell, a serving of ice cream, a slab of peanut-butter fudge with crushed peanuts, and a serving equivalent to three root beers.

A steaming plate of Andy's creamy logs


Should be nothing. If you deserve to die you should have whatever the prison gives you daily.

To you dipshits that don't know any better that say you would shit all over the place, they stuff your ass full of cotton before execution specifically to prevent that from happening. Do some research morons.

a potassium cyanide capsule

To be breast fed by the wardens daughter

The flesh of my executioner

Source? I've never once heard about that

>2 shredded beef enchiladas
>roll of sushi
>McDonald's fries
>plate of brisket
>cream soda
>slice of key lime pie

Any decent steak.
Nothing special.

McRib and a shamrock shake

Findus fiskgratäng

Don't you mean cum?

Nej :(

A Jawbreaker. And I´m gonna eat it really slow.

Anti poison pills many of em not sure what they're called but if I knew I'd say

Or something that can put me in shock stopping my breath and my pulse for a while I'm not going out by injection

Does lethal injection hurt. Also I know this is random but what does everyone think of the illuminati. Jay-Z kind kg flaunts it


An apple so I can go back to see the fall of man and rise of evil and be enlightened right before the stars heaven and sky's fall down and I become enlightened forever and infinitely and unlimitlessly

Human flesh