Ask an eagle scout anything

Ask an eagle scout anything.
>I'm over 18

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Do you realize that the Boy Scouts were taken over by the Mormon church and essentially works to indoctrinate you?


I'm an atheist, I keep it quiet though.

How many times did your scout leader molest you?

0. Sometimes I wish he did though.

Well this is going great

any stories of molestation or other creepiness?

>Ask an eagle scout anything.

Way to go.


Fellow eagle here, you planning on eventually enlisting into the military?

Is it true that a eagle scout can kill a man with thier bare hands?


Sure am. I like being in uniform.


well you can't get life rank without doing that first, so...
why do you think it is called life?


Or order of the arrow for those good with crossbows.

O wow man scouts need nerf. Just too savagely op like like the Finish Ski Troopers.

You wouldn't believe how many of my uniforms the dry cleaner couldn't get blood out of

The Mormons are actually moving away from the boy scouts since their views on the gays don't meet up anymore. Take it from an ex-Mormon and Eagle Scout.

if you want to get the highest rank you need to completely dispose of a body by burning it.
usually takes all night

I had a few gay encounters in scouts. Shit was so cash

I'm working on this one next. I did the slaughter one involving a boar and a woman in a rack last night, had to burn my uniform afterwards

our troop took place at a catholic church but maybe 1/10 kids were actually religious and the rest of us were atheists who just liked to go camping and set shit on fire

I liked setting fire to shit and fucking dressed for duty from 2nd class up

Fellow Eagle here

What was your Eagle Scout Project? Mine was on a WW2 ship

Wow, mine wasn't anywhere near that cool. I would have cum in my pants.

We did a food drive for the homeless

That's a pretty cool achievement. That's all I got, don't let the naysayers hate get to you, that's a pretty big thing you accomplished.

that seriously counted?
that sounds like a total cop out, like when high school seniors just collect change at lunch and donate it to a charity for their senior project.
i totally used my eagle scout project as my senior project though.
fucking just walked into a teachers room, asked if he would sponsor me, gave him my binder, and he signed off on the whole thing.
for my eagle scout project i had to get tons of stone somewhere and get people to help do manual labor. a jagweed even called the cops on me. as i was leaving i saw some nature department vehicle drive to the sight but we just missed him.
i went back with some other people to show them before everything was finalized. that gigajew called them again and we, again, just missed them.

It seriously counted. I wish we could have done something amazing, but we didn't. Good on you though, your effort is epic. You're more worthy than I am.

Thanks, it's something I enjoy, so negative comments bounce off me.

I eventually want to get my son on this path but the scout troops here in Colorado springs are absolutely dead. i don't know shit about leading a troop epithet but have been thinking about joust doing it myself. He's 8, you think this is a real possibility or am I pipe dreaming? Im spent ten years in the military, 6 as an nco, I don't know how that would translate but that's my experience in leading.

posted from phone, excuse grammar/ mispellings.

if you were a scout you are definitely fine.
if not, you are probably still ok.
you just need to find the right balance of letting them do things themselves and doing logistics for them.
if your kid is 8 then he would still be cub scout age. look around for dens. if you cant find any, be a total creeper and visit elementary schools in the area. they, i think, sponsor dens sometimes.
i should have probably led with this, but you will want to at least see another group in action before you start yourself.
in my troop, we had different types of adult leadership over the years.
you don't want to be scarily strict. remember that it is really about fun.
you cant hold their hands and help/go easy on requirements or else your troop will have no discipline or integrity.
also, dont be a weirdo who brings religion into it. BSA only includes religion because the Mormons give them a lot of money.

If you passed as an Eagle, it should be easy for you to get your red stripes and trained badge.

Not religious at all. That's exactly what I wanted to do, go see some other troops and how it all works. The local one for his elementary school is non existent. There was a meeting for it only for the guy to day this scout troop downy exist anymore and we need someone to take over. No help, no examples, nothing.

I did boy scouts up until weeblo but I was super young and only remember stock car racing and other little fun events we did, I don't remember shit else beside meeting at a friend's house who's dad was the leader.

I'm legit gonna make some calls, see if i can tag along at a few meetings to see how they run and get this ball rolling.

Good luck. Show off to me in your leader uniform.

you get that sick knife?

Lol I honestly will. You have a throw away account? ill send it when it happens.

yeah, you were in cub scouts.
it is pretty fun, gives some preparation for boy scouts, and hooks you up with some friends.
I think you should, and i dont know your situation so it might be pointless, check out what schools your kid will be going into. try to join a den (or is it pack? it's pack right?) that will funnel kids into that school. well, you can ship your kid off to a pack from a different school, but you will want him to eventually go to school with those kids.
yeah, avoid groups that are basically normalizers for special kids. they are a pointless experience for normies
here is a picture of a half horse- half centaur, just for fun.

did you see the cane?
fucking pimp af.

>second class

a lot of minorities join troops, get scout on day one, get tenderfoot in a couple months, then second class after like a year, then drop out.
second class for life

Hang your dick out of it and all. I will cheer for you, user.

[email protected]

Feel free to show off in your other uniforms too ;)

I'll email you my kik username too if you hit me up.

Scout scout

>eagle scout

Think that is bad? We had one person take care of a field at the church where the meeting were held. They basically cut the grass and now is totally grown back. And the last one was playing Smash and raising money to buy toys for a hospital.

I have played smash with other eagles
>Smash the prostate in

I'm 35, is it to late for me to be a scout? Bushcraft is getting boring alone.

Seriously, I'm serious.

Yeah, sadly.

They need adult scouting. I'd go camping with you.

You're not supposed to talk about that, and you know it !!
STFU, user.
God DAMMIT !!!

Come on, stop making a scene. It's not an official meeting and he's user

I'm serious too user. We need to start ranked scouting for adults. What would we base our rank on?

They have meet ups in my area for campers bUT they all cost 50 to 100 a trip. I camp for free In undeveloped land. It's illegal, but you gotta get caught first.

Yeah, but do those campers get to wear kick ass uniforms and set shit on fire? I think not

Uniforms make you a target user, your training should have taught you this.

They do, yes, but I still enjoy wearing them.

I have a "uniform"

5.11 pants, brown
Woodland camouflage button up long sleeve shirt
Camouflage wide brim hat
Ontario sp53 blade

Sometimes I bring along a leaf suit.

Well, that is cool. If I go camping I take my eagle scout uniform for the hell of it.

Weapon of choice?

A hunting knife

Haven't had to use it yet

How long did it take to earn Eagle?
>I made it to First Class before quitting - the other parents went psychotic and ruined the troop.

Just over 2 years from

Promoting to scout from cub

I can't get cider yeast, so I have to use beer yeast. What kind of beer yeast would work better? Cool fermentation yeast, or warm fermentation yeast?
