What in the fuck is "Twospirit"? Help me out Sup Forums

What in the fuck is "Twospirit"? Help me out Sup Forums

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>tfw my area code

fuck this country

seems like it may be a buff for normies to attach something like this to a resume

My God

If you're serious, it's some (mostly) new thing that genderqueer people have decided to adopt to further enable them to be bwathurt that you aren't addressing them correctly. Two-spirit is something they claim was coined by native-americans before the white man's conquest. Basically that you can have a male-female, male-male, female-female soul in your body that allows you to identify as [GENDER OF YOUR CHOICE HERE] and since the indigenous people of this country were so with-it that you're ignoring the height of open-mindedness if you deny some analog-gender person to be referred to by their spirit-gender.

In other words, it's one more way that people who wish to avoid labels are labeling themselves, since having a small village worth of theoretical genders makes you a super special unique individual (DNA, Mental state, comeliness, wealth, societal position, family, interests, hobbies, hair/skin color, accomplishments, and charisma notwithstanding)

gaytive americans

don't judge them you ableist shitlord

Two-Spirit or Twin Spirit is a term Native Americans used to describe men (or women) born with a gender, but identified as the other gender. They would let them hang out with the girls and do the girl stuff. After puberty they got to make a choice officially if they wanted to become the gender of their choice. These people were called "two-spirit" because they had the spirits of both male and female with in them.

Some tribes allowed Masculine warriors to marry a two-spirit as an extra woman in his household.

retard detected

So how does this translate to the modern use of the word?

Yes, and also fuck you. Just because your Facebook friends post some meme about native Americans using the term doesn't make it real.

ur nádleeh

chikin sandwich

It's just a synonym for mentally ill. If anyone ever were to tell me they're "two spirited" or whatever, I automatically assume that they are retarded.
Also, what is that acronym? It looks like someone spazzed out on a keyboard.

No Bully
People should be nicer around here

Check out /bant/

Holy shit this is hilarious

Where did we go so wrong where we stopped using the words "sexual orientation" and confused gender with sex

It's called cultural appropriation.

Don't have facebook, don't call me names, and don't be a jerk.

I'm like 1/23rd Native American, so I really know what I'm talking about buddy.

no u

We fell away from God. Best guess I can muster.

I'm not a leaf but are elementary teachers, teachers who teach 1st-4th grade (6-10)? These are mere children, how can they figure out something as complicated as what gender they want to fuck with when they don't even know what fucking is?

Well, they know what gender they want to be starting at like 2/3.

Yeah. Our school grade ages are the same as yours. And, I don't know, ask the morons pushing this agenda.

>want to be
bitch they will swap genders because its fun, you think i want to be a dog cause i acted as one in happy families?

no, their parents tell them what gender they want to be, you arnt born gay or lesbian or a different gender, you are born male or female, your parents nowadays convince their children otherwise and in most cases are having fuck sessions with their children, and kids who think they are a tranny or gay/lesbian when they are in their teens are just mentally ill and simple sessions with a brain doctor would fix it. you are just a fag enabler

A person who has two spirits, but technically indentifies as the person he is now.

Example a white person who is spiritually Native American. Black female who spiritually is bird. White person who spiritually is black, Unemployed young slob who spiritually is 85 yo WW2 veteran. Indian male who spiritually is caucasian female.

Sorry, christian science major that is not correct.

yes it is
