

Other urls found in this thread:


>What anime character is this supposed to be

i don't know


thank you

>Ofc you can do something, you just haven't found it yet. Do you have any hobbies?

oh. sure. i just can't do anything i want to do right now.











what is going on here

i don't know



god damnit I wanted to see if OP could make it to 100 images by himself


>god damnit I wanted to see if OP could make it to 100 images by himself

it's all right




i love you user



>i love you user














wheres 75
interest immediately gone


>wheres 75
>interest immediately gone

there is no 75
y-you too...






Sup Forums passes were a mistake


>Sup Forums passes were a mistake

i don't use Sup Forums passes but thank you


I'm sorry I missed it today.. ~N.
Are you feeling okay?





>I'm sorry I missed it today.. ~N.
>Are you feeling okay?

no worries. nothing to miss.
i'm all right.




sorry for making you worry about me.

i just didn't want to get everyone over-exited if i wasn't going to deliver.

or have something else go wrong without everything be ready.

i want to post. but i can't.

so i'm sorry...




