Hey Sup Forumsros, just want to say i love you fags. Your fags been here for me during the highs and the fucking lows

hey Sup Forumsros, just want to say i love you fags. Your fags been here for me during the highs and the fucking lows.
I think i am crashing into a new low. Learn from my mistakes fags.
>be me 28 and work shit warehouse job
>abuse caffeine for over 3 years to make production levels and be on my A-game
>i needed that job so bad since i am the only one paying the bills due to life being a bitch
>consistently take caffeine and my tolerance slowly builds up
>3 years later i am so reliant on that shit that without it i am nothing and cant do anything
>took a few days off of it and fell into severe depression and needed to take some caffeine
>now i take 100 mg 2 times a day and i dont even feel anything. soon i will need to bump the dose up to feel the effects
>feel like crying and realized i deserve this because i am a fucking loser
i just love you Sup Forumsros so much. dont be a fuck up like me ok?

Sounds shit, dude
You tried replacing it with something else but at a lower dosage?
Like having a bit of sugar or something?
Maybe something that tastes fucking awful; something like some random herbs in your kitchen

ive been up to 1400 mg a day, dont talk to me about tolerance.

OP here. i can take 300 mg and still yawn. 600 is like ok starting to feel something now

Start smoking Pot and calm down faggot

>yea and get fired? looks like you really know about keeping down a job

This sounds like me but replace caffeine with weed and cigarettes
They're called bad habits for a reason they're bad Mane, start exercising properly and get a healthier diet that will help with energy levels and depression also maybe look for a better job after all that and that will be the icing on the cake

i feel you Sup Forumsro. thanks

Have you tried sleeping faggot? All that caffeine is fucking up your heart, and you'll end up in the hospital. I to drink a lot of caffeinated drinks and coffee, and ended up in the hospital for a week, getting an ablation to correct atrial flutter.

your life is fine you are just addicted to caffeine. you're not a fuck up. talk to your HR about your need to take a month or two off work for medical reasons. get your doctors help with this. worst case scenario get another job later. but get help with the drugs and your life will be just as shitty as the rest of ours

that's what i want. i want to be shitty like the rest of you guys, not worse

You say depression from caffeine is your problem but what else is going on in your life, you happy with everything? You're on Sup Forums are you sure caffeine is your only problem that's making you depressed

Have you tried sleeping faggot? All that caffeine is fucking up your heart, and you'll end up in the hospital. I used to drink a lot of caffeinated drinks and coffee, and ended up in the hospital for a week, getting an ablation to correct atrial flutter.

Switch it to yerba mate mate ;)

this is why your my Sup Forumsro. My life is shit pretty much. Work a shit warehouse job and constantly live in fear of making production numbers on a weekly basis. I save some money up by going home each day all used up physically just to it again really fucking sucks. Weekends i just lay around on Sup Forums recovering.

Don't be such a pussy. Everyone hates their fucking job. That's why it's called work. If you don't like what you are doing, find another job and quit being a bitch.

I take 25mg modafinil + 200mg caffeine + 200mg l-theanine upon waking, 25mg modafinil + 25mg Ephedrine (Bronkaid) about 2 hours later, then 25mg Ephedrine + 200mg caffeine every 2 hours til about 4 hours before I go to sleep. Feels good man... I feel like a god most of the day and have unlimited energy. School + gym + work + socializing about 17/24 hrs a day 7 days a week, never tired always ready for the next task or challenge. Only problem is that I have to drink approximately 2-3 gallons of isotonic water a day to stay hydrated, and sometimes if i don't really force myself to get meals in i can lose 3-5lbs in a week if I'm not paying attention and I'm trying to make gains

You won't live long, fag

sounds like you need to use something else as alternative, might wanna pick up on vaping or anything to put your attention somewhere else.
try to decrease your usage slightly by the weeks.hope you will be okay soon.

What skills have you got, like be real with yourself what could you honest do at 28 it sounds like a dead end at first but just keep thinking about it and say you find you have no skills to go anywhere...where can you get skills forget uni, uni after 28 is for single mums what you need is a career change see what other manual jobs you can find or maybe warehouse manager jobs just find a step somewhere and go towards it you sound like you have no end game you must have no drive at all no wonder you need all that caffeine man it's tiring going nowhere and everywhere

Why do you say that? My resting heart rate is 46 and never really gets higher than 50-80 when active, 130ish if I'm doing extreme anaerobic maximum effort cardio. Blood pressure is fine, BMI of 23.5. Where is the hate coming from?

>took a few days off of it and fell into a severe depression and needed to take the caffeine

you might have relapsed too early. longer times needed to reset your tolerances to something more normal?

Also, whats wrong with tea and coffee? I understand pills are faster/more convenient but think of your health. People been drinking that shit for thousands of years, you KNOW its safe and won't lead you down some fucked up rabbit hole like pills will.

Also, don't fucking worry about your fucking shitty ass job so much. God damn, performance enhancers for a shit warehouse gig? C'mon, jobs like that are everywhere, they are not worth your sacrifice.

Last part of my essay - watch out for alcohol anons. Dependence can be a slow thing you don't see coming, like faggot OP said about his caffeine - 3 years.

There's no hate, just a warning. It's not a matter of IF it will catch up to you, but WHEN. Hope you have a hospital nearby. Good luck.

Alcohol is dangerous man, I tried drinking to get off weed then when I stopped alcohol I had serious stomach aches everything in moderation life's always try kill a motherfucker

SO i am gonna be the sperglord and just point out that some people really like what they do for a living. K bye.


Most people hate their jobs. That's why there are so many whiny bitches on Sup Forums

Idk man. I'm 22 and I work a shitty retail job despite having a degree and all. It's $16 an hour but at least I'm able to support myself and yes, I do work over night. 10pm-6am. 40-56 hours a week. I'm starting to use caffeine more often and I'm putting a stop to it. I actually feel better after about a week.

The body works on a 24 hour cycle and is most efficient during the day. However when you allow your body to adjust its circadian rhythm to your daily habits, it's doable. When you get home, shower and sleep. Don't do vidya or go out.

You can sort of cheat by taking sleeping pills but avoid DPH because tolerance builds very quickly.

And don't do cigs like that user said. Fucking dumb move there.
Almost $6 a pack for a stupid habit that's killing you.

Start taking Saint John's Wort. You'll notice a difference after a week.

>implying Sup Forums autists work
I have some bad news for you, son