Sup Forums, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Sup Forums, what the fuck is wrong with me?

>be me, 19 y/o
>have gf, 8/10, sweet and caring
>been having sex for the past 9 months, dating for a year
>we both started off with pretty high sex drives, usually fuck about 3 times a day
>we see eachother 2-3 times a week
>now, we have sex, we cum, and i dont want to have sex again for pretty much the rest of the day
>she wants it more
>i dont want to look like a bitch, so i man up and get a boner going, fuck her emotionlessly for 10 minutes, lose boner
>we both end up in a shit mood
>i get pissed off when she tries to initiate foreplay when im not in the mood

Wtf is wrong with me? I love her and everything, but after having sex for the first time of the day, i just dont feel like it again, and she (not on purpose) makes me feel guilty about it. What can i do?
>pic unrelated

Use viagra or let her fuck you with a strap-on

Just started happening in my relatio ship 2 years deep sex feels emotionless.

I'm guessing it just happens sometimes. Happened to me so you're not alone. Just go to the pharmacy or Walmart or whatever and find some male enhancement pills / boner pills. They work like a charm. I have two girlfriends that I live with so I have to take the pills on a daily basis now. Expensive af but they're worth it.

it sucks bro. but for me, the first time of the day is just fine, feels amazing and shit, its just everything after that.

ill try, thank you

Spice that shit up my dude. Everytime my gf and I feel this way (granted we're good with once a day sex) we just spice things up. Or if one of us isn't feeling it, they can just give oral to the other. Is that not an option? She wants sex, not oral?

i get oral like once a month if im lucky, i give it to her probably once a week. idk man, she says theres no better feeling than real sex

I could see that. Yeah man, I'm telling you. You gotta find something about sex that you find fun. Try tying her up and having your way with her. That might get you more into it. I'm willing to bet you guys haven't gotten too kinky, and sex gets really stale without kink after a while.

use your fingers dumbass

For example, my gf tongue punches my fart box pretty frequently, and I tie her up and spank the shit out of her. Sometimes we do more than that, sometimes we do less, but there's nothing like making her moan as loud as possible while holding her down and telling her that her body is mine.

maybe we should try some new stuff out, id say we can be pretty kinky but only when we're really horny, but ill try to get this stuff out there

Get your testosterone levels up, dude. Work out, eat right. Realize that a girl willing to have sex with you is a godsend and if you screw up you will die a virgin. Like, your boner odometer rolls back to zero and then you die.

For sure. Instead of only doing it when you're really horny, you'd be surprised how horny it can make you when you go for it during foreplay.

>and if you screw up you will die a virgin
>Die a virgin
He said that hes had sex with her before. Are you illiterate?

i work out 3-4 times a week, 15% bodyfat and i even get called buff and all that almost daily by co workers. and im already not a virgin

What i find to work would be to explore into kinks that both of you have and try to establish them into your sex life. Try some new stuff. Show her that you are trying and not just ignoring her. She will think you are a cheating asshole, trust me on that part.

You need to exercise and get that blood flowing. Dp yoga too. Increases libido.

Yoga works.
Can Agree.

>Like, your boner odometer rolls back to zero and then you die.

Do you ever read a comment to completion? Do you laugh along with studio audience while watching Big Bang Theory?
Do you know what a punchline is, you Hillary-voter?

Ask her if she ever tried messing around with girls.

how would that help tho

Fantasize about her with another girl to get your peener tingling. Acceptable level of cuckold too.